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This Week in Odessa History

Volleyball team took first at State B in 1989

75 years ago

From the Odessa Record

November 16, 1939

Meetings were held in all the towns in Lincoln county to discuss the farm program for 1940. The importance of going into the program was explained: At the present time the world supply of wheat is two billion bushels more than at the beginning of the world war in 1914 and that after harvest in 1939 the Liverpool price was lower than it had been in the last 400 years. If there is no farm program in this country, it is the Liverpool price which must rule our west coast markets.

Miss Dorothy Schafer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schafer, and Hugo Zagelow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zagelow, now of Spokane, were united in Marriage at the home of the bride’s parents. The bride was attended by Viola Fink and the groom was attended by his brother, Lt. Leanard Zagelow.

The world wheat supply in 1939 was the largest in history, coming in at 5.3 billion bu. In 1914, it was 3.5 billion bu.

50 years ago

From the Odessa Record

October 29, 1964

The Odessa Tigers ended their football season by defeating Wilbur in the homecoming game. Scoring for Odessa were Tom Wolsborn, Rick Walter, Paul Horak, Bill Hayes, Forrey Walter and Mike Schaurman. Homecoming queen was Marlene Schorzman (now Kramer).Following the game was a dance in honor of the 1964 homecoming queen.

The Lions club completed a street signing program for the town. The club made an outlay of about $1,000 for the project with 173 man hours involved in the installation. The club also announced they will make house numbers available and install them for those who want them.

The Department of Conservation announced that a 720 square mile area lying generall southwest of Odessa and occupying parts of Lincoln, Adams and Grant counties is the site of a quantitative study of ground water to be made by the Washington State Division of Water Resources and the U.S. Geological Survey.

The need for the study was brought about because of the unusually large number of large yield wells recently constructed and placed in use or which are planned for immediate development. Also, there is an indication that some existing wells in the area have experienced water level declines which may indicate that the safe sustaining yield of some of the aquifers is being approached.

Within the area of study there are in existence, or planned for immediate development, approximately 110 irrigation wells from which will be pumped an everage of 750 to 1,000 gallons of water per minute per well. Some wells produce as much as 2,000 gallons per minute or more. Of the 110, about 70 wells are in existence and 40 planned.

In a 48-sqiare-mile area lying southwest of Odessa based on water rights and applications for water rights on file there is presently a theoretical demand of 17.000 gallons of water per minute, 22,00 acre-feet annually. The state is concerned that the heavy demands in restricted areas may exceed the safe sustaining yield of the water producing formations which could resuly in actually “mining” a part of the water. A number of wells within the area have been selected and placed on an observaion net from which regular periodic water level measurements will be made.

25 years ago

From the Odessa Record

November 16, 1989

Odessa high school’s volleyball team won the 1989 State B Championship. Coached by Ken Scherr were team members: Melinda Dammel, Brandi Deife, team captain Carrie Zagelow, Kaylene Plinski, Amy Scrupps, Jody Kolterman, Michelle Praetorius, Juli Carlson, Katie Herdrick, Julie Zagelow, Chelsey Walter and Toni Weishaar.

The blood drive at the Vet’s Club drew 60 successful donors, about the same as last year.

10 years ago

From the Odessa Record

November 11, 2004

Odessa cub scouts begain their annual community food bankdrive for the holidays by distributing plastic bags on doorsteps. The food was collected on Saturday and given to the Odessa Food Bank.

The Inland Northwest Blood Center, for the first time in Odessa, will test bone marrow at the time of the community blood drive.

Plans are underway for the 23rd Christmas Fest. Forty-eight tables have been sold including seven new crafters. The kids painting classes by Becky Paul, of Connell, will be back this year Youngsters can pick a wooden craft and paint it that night, making a special Christmas gift.

A new feature this year will be the FFA potato bar. One can purchase a baked potato and top it with all the “goodies.”


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