The annual kickoff event for the Lincoln County Relay for Life will be held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25, at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners’ Chambers. The kickoff is an opportunity for relay teams to register early for $75 instead of the regular $100 fee.
As a commencement to Relay for Life, during which teams from all over Lincoln County will meet at the Davenport track on June 12 and 13 in honor of those who are fighting or have survived cancer and their caregivers, the kickoff is also an opportunity for those affected by cancer to fellowship with one another and to gear-up for Relay.
This year’s Relay for Life is being led by Davenport High School junior Gina Halme. Halme chose Relay for Life as her senior project because of her own personal connection to cancer.
“I chose Relay for Life for my senior project because I am interested in the health of my community and my own life was impacted by cancer when my grandpa passed away a few years ago. I believe Relay for Life is a great way to spread awareness throughout our community,” Halme said. The event is also a great way to rally support for those who have survived or are still fighting cancer and to remember those we’ve lost.
In addition to the usual kick-off activities, there will be an opportunity for cancer survivors to share their stories on camera.
“Each person battling cancer has a unique story, and they can be so inspiring and encouraging to others,” said Carey Guhlke-Falk, Community and Public Relations lead for the Relay for Life planning committee. Guhlke-Falk will be at the kick-off event to make video recordings of survivor testimonials. The stories will be shared through the Lincoln County Relay for Life Facebook page as well as local media.
For more information about starting a team for Relay for Life please contact Gina Halme at 509-370-9608 or John Edmundson at 509-242-8286. The Lincoln County Relay for Life can also be found online at
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