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Students earn awards at science fair

After a nine-hour day of continually presenting their research to experts in the field, the young scientists from Odessa High School's Advanced STEM Research Laboratory exhibited their academic prowess in science and engineering at the Mid-Columbia Regional Science and Engineering Fair in Kennewick Thursday, March 12, 2015. Nearly 100 high school student researchers, representing the finest scientific minds, vied for top prizes in STEM-related categories.

Odessa senior Thorsen Wehr and sophomores Brad Johnston, Cole Kissler, Chance Messer and Elizabeth Larson represented Odessa High School via the ASR Laboratory and were awarded the following honors and recognition:

Thorsen Wehr – "The Design and Analysis of a Quaternary Data Storage System."

n Receiving second place overall in the senior division, Wehr was awarded a certificate, ribbon, pin and cash prize.

n He also received the Systems Professional Society Award for Outstanding Project in Systems Design and Analysis and was awarded a certificate and cash prize.

n As an Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Division Winner, he also received a certificate and cash prize.

n The Sigma Xi Award for Outstanding Scientific Method, also gave him a certificate and cash prize.

n The Mid-Columbia Regional Science & Engineering Fair Award for Distinction in Creativity provided another certificate and ribbon.

Bradley Johnston – "Improving the Rear End of a FIA Touring Car by Reducing Drag while Increasing Down Force."

n In third place overall in the Senior Division, he received a certificate, ribbon, pin and cash prize.

n From the United States Air Force, the award for Outstanding Science & Engineering Research gave Johnston a certificate and computer backpack.

n From the United States Department of Energy, the Outstanding Science in the Field of Energy Award was a certificate.

n The Mid-Columbia Regional Science & Engineering Fair Award for Distinction in Experimental Design resulted in a certificate and ribbon.

Cole Kissler – "Engineering an Aluminum Cone-Studded Solar Panel to Increase Output Efficiency."

n Honorable Mention Overall in the Senior Division gave Kissler a certificate, ribbon and pin.

n The Genius Olympiad Award for Outstanding Research in the Field of Energy and the Environment led to an invitation to participate in the 2015 GENIUS Olympiad at the State University of New York in Oswego.

n The United States Department of Energy Award for Outstanding Science in the Field of Energy resulted in a certificate.

n The Mid-Columbia Regional Science & Engineering Fair Award for Distinction in Scientific Thought produced a certificate and ribbon.

Chance Messer – "Engineering Recycled Plastic / Sawdust Composite Lumber."

n Honorable Mention Overall in the Senior Division gave Messer a certificate, ribbon and pin.

n The Mid-Columbia Regional Science & Engineering Fair Award for Distinction in Engineering produced a certificate and ribbon.

Elizabeth Larson – "The Effect of Sunglasses on Ocular Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation."

n The Dr. Harlan and Patricia Halma Medical Award for Outstanding Research in Medicine & Health gave Larson a certificate and cash prize.

n The Mid-Columbia Regional Science & Engineering Fair Award for Distinction in Data Collection and Evidence produced a certificate and ribbon.

As top Awardees, Wehr and Johnston were in line for the trip to the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), sponsored in part by Intel and held this year in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The honor at this level is for observer status only. Since Wehr has been a finalist the previous two years, he is not eligible for the award, and it moves to a different top awardee from the fair. If that student declines the honor or is unable to attend, the award would move to Brad Johnston.

All of the Odessa researchers are now preparing for the State Science Fair to be held in Bremerton March 27-28, 2015. The research conducted at the OHS Advanced STEM Research Laboratory is aligned with the Washington State Science Standards, the Next Generation Science Standards and the Common Core Standards. Anyone wishing to see what the students are doing each week can visit the student-driven website at or follow their student-driven account on Twitter: @ohsASR.


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