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The Post Office is broke? Think again, says writer.

To the Editor:

In 1833, Joseph Story made this observation about the United States Post Office: “The post-office establishment has already become one of the most beneficent and useful establishments under the national government.”

In 2015, the post office remains a major benefit to the American people and businesses. And this is despite the Republican effort since 2006 to undermine the U.S. Constitution in the attempt to privatize the post office.

In 2006, the Republicans in Congress manufactured a crisis by claiming that the U.S. Post Office was going broke. To help it become “accountable,” Congress required the Postal Service to make payments no other public or private business must make – it must fully PRE-fund future retiree health benefits 75 years in advance over a 10-year period!

If not for this Congressional provision in the 2006 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, the Postal Service would have had an astounding financial record.

In the first quarter of the fiscal year 2015, the Post Office would have had a surplus of $1.1 billion;

In fiscal year 2014, a $1.4 billion surplus;

In fiscal year 2013, a $600 million surplus.

However, as a result of the 2006 act, the Post Office pays approximately $5.5 billion dollars a year into this retirement fund for employees not even born or hired yet! All the money going into this retirement fund comes from citizens who buy stamps and mail packages through the U. S. Post office. No taxpayer money is given to the Post Office.

The United States Post Office belongs to the American people. Let’s make sure it is here for our great-grandchildren.

Demand today that your members of Congress allow the United States Post Office to function as the Founding Fathers intended.

Duane Pitts

Moses Lake


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