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The Bureau of Land Management Spokane District is seeking nominations for several positionsbeing vacated on its 15-member Eastern Washington Resource Advisory Council (EWRAC) which advises the BLM on public land issues. As published in a notice in the Federal Register, the BLM will consider nominations through June 22, 2015.
The advisory councils, composed of citizens chosen for their expertise in natural resource issues, help the Bureau carry out its stewardship of 245 million acres of public lands. The Bureau, which manages more land than any other federal agency, has 31 advisory councils across the West, where most BLM-managed land is located. The diverse membership of each council helps ensure that BLM land managers get the varying perspectives they need to achieve their mission, which is to manage the public lands for multiple uses.
The council for eastern Washington has positions open in the following categories:
Category two (three vacancies): Representatives of nationally or regionally recognized environmental organizations, dispersed recreation activities and wild horse and burro organizations.
Category three (four vacancies): Representatives of state, county, or local elected office; representatives and employees of a state agency responsible for the management of natural resources; representatives of Indian tribes; and the public-at-large.
All nominations must be accompanied by letters of reference from any represented interests or organizations, a completed Resource Advisory Council application and any other information that speaks to the nominee’s qualifications. Applications are available online at:
Individuals may nominate themselves or others to serve on an advisory council. Nominees, who must be residents of the state of Washington where the RAC has jurisdiction, will be evaluated on the basis of their training, education, and knowledge of the council’s geographical area. Nominees should also demonstrate a commitment to consensus building and collaborative decision making.
For more information, please contact the coordinator at (208) 769-5004. Applications must be received by June 22 and can be sent via mail to: BLM Spokane District Office, attn: Robert St. Clair, 1103 N. Fancher Rd., Spokane, WA 99212.
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