Troy Eldridge and Ty Trexler have been friends for several years. Both are chiropractors by profession. Both are family men and enjoy life in eastern Washington. As these things sometimes happen in life, their career trajectories came together at the right time for both men.
Trexler, with offices in Coulee City and Wilbur, wanted to expand his business further. With a solid administrative crew in place, he wanted to offer his services to a wider geographical area. Eldridge, on the other hand, although he loves being a chiropractor and relishes being able to help people return to health, was tired of the many hours that had to be expended on the administrative end of his business.
So the two men came to a meeting of the minds and Trexler bought the practice of Eldridge in Odessa. In fact, the Eldridge Chiropractic sign came down this past week. The two doctors will share the Odessa clinic until mid-August when the transition is complete. After that, Eldridge will see patients only in the Davenport clinic on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Trexler will continue to see patients in Odessa, as well as in the Wilbur and Coulee City clinics. Trexler said he also plans to bring in another doctor at some time in the near future.
Ty Trexler
Ty Trexler was born in Brewster, Wash. and grew up in Coulee City. He is 44 years old, currently lives in Moses Lake and has a six-year-old son. He commutes to his Coulee City and Wilbur offices. In fact, he bought the office building in Wilbur from Eldridge in 2006. He graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa.
He grew up in a farming family and spent much of his non-school time working on the farm and at grain elevators. He is also an avid hunter and fisherman.
Troy Eldridge
When asked what he was going to do with all of his spare time now, Eldridge told The Record he wasn’t sure. For starters, though, he and his father and brother took time off for a fishing trip to Kenai, Alaska. In fact, he called The Record from there to let us know that the story we had only heard rumors about was true.
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