Last Saturday, July 18, a small car show was held in the parking lot across from the former Rolling Thunder Saloon and current Green Goat Gathering Art Gallery building. The purpose of the car show was to promote the coming car wash to downtown Odessa at some point in the future.
Organizer Nate Lathrop said he had a great time organizing his first car show. Odessa has not had a car show in several years. He called it a “small but nice showing.”
The People’s Choice winner was local resident Jim Zimprich with his 1936 GMC T-14 truck. Second was Dale Jacobson of Odessa with his 1928 Model A Ford and third was Bryan Hagglund of Monroe with his 1968 Camaro.
Lots of prizes were awarded in the raffle that was also held. Hagglund won the grand prize in the raffle, the remote-control Harley Davidson V-Rod.
Local kids and others helped Lathrop put on the event. Next year he said he hopes to expand and continue to bring old cars and bikes to downtown Odessa.
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