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The Odessa Town Council met Monday evening in the public library.
Council member Lois Harp had submitted a letter of resignation from the council due to illness. It was accepted with regret by the other council members. Since it is too late for the position to appear on the ballot for the general election, the council will have to appoint someone to fill the position. Mayor Doug Plinski said that citizens are encouraged to send letters of interest (in the position) to the town clerk’s office.
Cass Gebbers and Will Wolfe appealed to the council to review the wastewater charges to the plant of the Livestock Producers Cooperative Association in the Odessa Industrial Park.
National Night Out, sponsored by local and county law enforcement, the fire department and the emergency medical service volunteers will take place August 4 at Reiman Park. The event is free to the public, and the EMS group will barbecue the hot dogs and burgers. Members of the public may furnish potluck side dishes if they wish.
Public works director Rod Webster reported on repairs and a motor replacement required at the pool. Recent power outages have led to some equipment problems, he said. He also reminded the council that expansion of the Odessa Cemetery must be discussed soon, as space is running out.
The mayor reported that Jake Thomas of the Inlander (magazine) spent the day in Odessa recently to gather information for a feature story on the town that will be printed sometime in early August.
The town is also accepting general information from engineering firms with which it will contract for engineering of transportation, sewer, water and other public works issues.
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