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The Chicks with Sticks golf league wrapped up its 2015 nine-week season Monday evening with nine of the 11 teams playing a nine-hole, shotgun-start scramble.
The overall league winners were the Wedge Wackers team consisting of Lanae Carper, Cathy Strohmaier, Maria Schuh and JoEllen Wollman. In second place was Driving under the Influence, the team of Suzie Deife, Carmen Weishaar, Danielle Hardung and Cory Carstensen. In last place were the Hole in Nones, the team of Mo Sheldon, Jax Allen, Janie Steward and Chris Crossley.
Scramble play had many side games: “Closest to the Line on #9” was won by Carmen Weishaar who was awarded a Tight Lies golf club; best team name went to Dude Where’s My Par consisting of Terri King, Amy Hunt, Kelly Weber and Lynnie Schafer; winning with the fewest putts were the CraCra Crones, also known as Judy Scrupps, Joyce Kuest, Myrna Wolsborn and Apryl Wraspir.
The league has nine weeks of play, during which members form teams and decide when to come together to play each week (with the exception of one or two scrambles scheduled for all of the teams together). The teams drop their score cards in an envelope at the clubhouse by Sunday of each week, and winners for side games are announced on Facebook and in the clubhouse.
This setup works well for Odessa golf league members with busy schedules, as evidenced by the large number of participants each year. A scramble can also draw first-time players, because all team members hit the ball even though the team counts only the best shot from all four hits. Each year more and more Odessa women have been signing up to play.
Monday evening’s play ended with a meal provided by the golf course.
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