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A letter to NBC/MSNBC,
I watch a lot of MSNBC, but I am beginning to wonder it if is worth my time.
For example, the recent “comments” by newscasters about Hillary Clinton’s server consistently mislead the public by stating that Clinton received classified emails on her private server and then leaves it at that.
The problem is that this comment presented as fact has been debunked. Only after she left office as Secretary of State was the information classified as ‘secret.” The issue is one between governmental agencies on how and when to classify documents. It has absolutely nothing to do with Hillary Clinton or her server.
However, NBC/MCNBC newscasters, among others to be sure, keep repeating the debunked information as fact and keep repeating the GOP wording, phrasing, ideas that Clinton is not trustworthy, is a liar, is dishonest. Really? Is this what news reporting has become today -- the reporting of rumor and lies as truth?
Is propagandizing for the conservatives the mission of NBC/MSNBC?
Is NBC/MSNBC an arm of the GOP?
Is NBC/MSNBC arm of FOX News?
I can no longer tell the difference.
When did news reporting change to propaganda?
I thought I could rely on NBC/MSNBC to be upfront and honest in its reporting. I guess I am naive. I am also disgruntled that a national news outlet would result to scandalizing Hillary Clinton on the basis of a lie.
Call yourselves “Yellow Journalism” and get on with it. At least that would be upfront with the public.
As it stands right now, I quote Joe Wilson to you: “You Lie!”
Duane Pitts
Moses Lake
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