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At its regularly scheduled meeting September 23, 2015, the Odessa School Board met in the high school library to learn the good news from principal Jamie Nelson that new students have continued to enroll since the start of school, bringing the current head count to 229 students.
After several years of declining enrollment, this was welcome news to the school and community.
Superintendent Dan Read, Principal Jamie Nelson, board chair Ed Deife, and board members Heather Valverde, Marcus Horak and Roland Singer held a workshop in the district office at 6:30 p.m. to review board policies #2410 on high school graduation requirements and #4130 on Title I parent involvement.
Besides those mentioned above, school district business manager Juli Weishaar was also present, along with incoming board member Chris Crossley, parent Carmen Weishaar and Terrie Schmidt-Crosby from The Odessa Record.
There was no staff or public input, and the consent agenda was approved unanimously, including the prior meeting minutes, bills and payroll.
Under personnel matters, the board approved the hiring of Lindsy Starkel as the freshman class advisor, Kevin Schaefer as the maintenance/transportation assistant, LaRee Kuchenbuch as an interim paraeducator for the 2015-2016 school year, Landon Lobe as an FFA trapshoot volunteer advisor and Kelli Tanke as a volunteer cross country coach. For Jamie Nelson, a COLA salary adjustment rider was approved for 2015-2016.
Nelson told board members she would be contacting Pastor Hayashi regarding scheduling of an open house on Wednesday, October 7, since no other open date could be found even though school events on a Wednesday often conflict with church youth activities.
Nelson said the 6th-graders are currently attending Camp Wooten along with 6th-graders from many other area schools. Sophomores will be taking the PSAT and ASVAB tests in October. Revenues from Deutschesfest were down approximately $1,000 from last year. FBLA students are preparing for their fall conference. FFA students will be attending a Blue and Gold tour in Quincy, and two seniors, Caleb Singer and Max Greenwalt will be attending the FFA National Conference in Louisville, Kentucky next month. Their trip is sponsored by FFA Alumni.
Read reported on how the legislature’s reaction to the Supreme Court’s ruling in the McCleary case could possibly impact education in the future. Read told the board that possible legislative actions to comply with McCleary could include placing a limit on local levy funds, lowering the levy lid, eliminating levy equalization, increasing the state school property tax rate, statewide salary negotiations, uniform state health insurance coverage and regional salary differentials.
Athletic director Bruce Todd’s written report was read by Read in Todd’s absence.
No board members are available to attend the WSSDA Annual Conference in November.
With facilities supervisor Justin Parr away on an EMT call, there was no report, although board members Deife and Valverde commented positively on the new ADA ramp installed at the grandstand. Board member Horak noted the newly hired employee in the maintenance/transportation department seems to be working out well.
Read presented the ASB balance sheet for August and financial activity reports for the general fund for August showing revenue at $282,798 and expenditures at $316,667 for an ending balance of $656,690.
The next regular budget hearing/board meeting will be October 28, 2015, at 7 p.m. in the high school library with a workshop preceeding at 6:30 p.m.
The board unanimously approved Resolution #1-2015-2016 as presented by Superintendent Read which said, in part: “WHEREAS our State Constitution mandates “it is the paramount duty of the State to make ample provision for the education of all children residing within its borders”,…WHEREAS the Supreme Court unanimously ruled our State is violating that Constitutional right;…ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of Odessa School District No. 105-157-166J, Lincoln County, Washington, at a regular open public meeting thereof, [of which due notice was given as required by law,] held this 23rd day of September, 2015, the following Directors being present and voting in favor of this Resolution.”
Deife explained the district policy on donations of $1,000 or more made to district requiring board approval. The Stumpjumers organization donated $1,000 toward the FBLA community service project of preparing meals for firefighters based at the Mt. Tolman Fire Center. The board granted unanimous approval.
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