Jeff and Sharri Proulx of Etched Dreams in Odessa provided the football season cheer squad with T-shirts and sweatshirts emblazoned with a special one-of-a-kind logo to offer to the public for sale. The clothing was for sale at the Sausage Bowl, the football game held during Fest weekend. This fundraising opportunity was a gift from Etched Dreams, and the cheerleaders can use the funds raised at their discretion.
Etched Dreams was very busy in the run-up to Deutschesfest, putting special artwork on mugs for the biergarten, making up T-shirts to sell during Fest and, of course, supporting Odessa with its presence.
After next week’s Chamber of Commerce meeting on Tuesday, The Record will carry a full report on Fest, since by that time most revenue will be accounted for and most bills will have been paid. By most accounts, the crowd was average or maybe somewhat below average in size, but hungry. Most food venues appeared to do very well. More next week.
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