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Local FFA trapshooting team takes first in opening meet

Odessa's trapshooting teams placed first and fourth at the first FFA trapshoot in the state of Washington on October 3, 2015. Shooters on the Odessa 1 team were Max Greenwalt, Caleb Singer, Lane Lobe and Jakob Starkel. Shooters on the Odessa 2 team were Theron Schlomer, Danielle Tebow, Rochelle Schuh and Kiegan Wehr.

MVPs of the shoot were Max Greenwalt as the second-best shooter overall, Rochelle Schuh as the best female shooter and Lane Lobe as the winner of the Bushwhacker game.

Nine teams from St. John, Reardan, Warden and Odessa made up the competition hosted by the Odessa Gun Club and th...


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