Sheriff's Report
Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.
Monday, Oct. 19: A Seven Bays caller shared his concern about a door-to-door salesman claiming to be from a Spokane appliance retailer who announced he would deliver a free ham the next day.
A Grand Coulee caller reported the theft of four jam bottles from an outdoor refrigerator at a residence on Stagecoach Lane.
A caller shared concern about a man in a vehicle he observed yelling at a 3-year-old child outside the school at Sixth and Washington streets in Davenport.
A caller observed a man riding a bicycle on Morgan Street in Davenport, wearing nothing but his underwear.
Deputies investigated a report from the Edwall area that a man began arguing with a woman who was taking a walk and pulled a gun.
Two women were observed yelling at each other inside a residence in the 1000 block of Thirteenth Street in Davenport.
A caller requested a deputy’s assistance with what he described as trespassing hunters on property near Zagelow and Schmierer roads in the Odessa area.
Stopping him in Davenport, deputies arrested a man after a vehicle struck a guardrail while traveling west from Reardan on U.S. 2.
Odessa Police learned why a student hadn’t been to school in 11 days: The family was mad at the school. An officer suggested a meeting be arranged between the two parties.
Odessa Police investigated a theft report from a residence on East 2nd Avenue.
Reardan Police investigated the theft of a nail gun and other equipment from a residence in the 400 block of North Lake Street and their subsequent pawning in Spokane. All items were recovered.
Tuesday, Oct. 20: Harrington-based Fire District 6 reported its burn ban has been lifted.
A mailbox on Hart Road north of Davenport was vandalized.
A deputy assisted a Davenport resident with an unwanted individual.
A break-in was reported at a vacant residence on Main Street Road near Davenport. Damage to a door was estimated at $100.
A Davenport woman told dispatchers that her daughter was attacked by a dog while walking home from school on Tenth Street.
A 3-year-old Davenport boy reported missing by his mother was found curled up in the car seat in her van.
A caller told dispatchers that a couple of hunters made threats against him after he had shot at a deer on state land in the vicinity of Holderby Road north of Davenport.
A Wilbur resident reported a Jeep drove through a yard in the 400 block of NW Dellah.
Odessa Police responded after learning of a sign that wasn’t complimentary toward a local resident had been set up in a yard in the 300 block of West 2nd, possibly violating a local ordinance.
Wednesday, Oct. 21: A man reported the theft of 29 pills from his vehicle parked in the Safeway parking lot in Davenport.
A Child Protective Services worker phoned in a report from Harrington that she was yelled at by a resident involved in a routine planned monitored visit.
Deputies arrested a Davenport woman after a domestic assault was reported from the 1000 block of Thirteenth Street.
Someone drove a vehicle around and on the Almira school football field.
Deputies investigated a possible child abuse incident in the Davenport area.
Thursday, Oct. 22: A scheduled power outage took place affecting Avista Utilities customers in the Wilbur area between 10 p.m. and 1 a.m. Friday morning.
A county jail inmate received new clothing and bedding after corrections deputies confirmed her suspicion that she had head lice. She was given lice killer shampoo and was quarantined for a time.
A caller reported he went to a Spokane hospital after being bitten by a dog while working in the vicinity of Stone Ridge Trail in the Ford area.
A caller reported an ultralight plane buzzed deer and his vehicle in the vicinity of Duck Lake and Coffee Pot roads.
Deputies investigated a report of an assault involving two men at a residence on Miles Road north of Davenport. One claimed the other kicked him and possibly broke his toe.
Friday, Oct. 23: Creston ambulance personnel were asked to assist an 87-year-old woman who had trouble getting up after a fall. Later, they helped a girl suffering an uncontrollable bloody nose at a residence on Skyvista Lane.
Deputies checked out a report of a school bus traveling 40 mph in a 25 zone in the vicinity of School House and Govan roads and 70 mph on U.S. 2.
Harrington emergency personnel responded to a report of a vehicle collision at Bluestem and Mecklenburg roads that left a man in his mid-20s with head pain and another in his mid-30s with lower back pain.
A deputy asked residents of the 1100 block of Jefferson Street in Davenport to extinguish an illegal burn in a backyard fireplace.
Saturday, Oct. 24: Emergency personnel responded to a report of a 57-year-old man having trouble breathing at a residence in the 700 block of Fifth Street in Davenport.
A caller reported observing a man shoot from a pickup truck off of SR 21 just north of Odessa.
A caller shared concern about two men cutting trees on property in the vicinity of Underwood Canyon and Welch Creek roads.
A 65-year-old Seattle man collapsed and died after working hard to pull a boat up on the Keller Ferry marina launch. A MedStar aerial ambulance was sent to the scene.
Sunday, Oct. 25: A woman told dispatchers of a large drone and some small ones flying in the vicinity of the 1100 block of Adams Street in Davenport. She said one of them gave her a “robot dirty look.”
A storage unit at a facility on Stagecoach Lane was reported to have been broken into and items stolen.
Wilbur Police investigated a report that a man had hit a woman in the face.
From Oct. 19 to 26, 20 inmates from outside Lincoln County were held in the county jail under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
Oct. 19: Randolph J. Evans, 60, Davenport, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) for driving under the influence.
Oct. 20: Stanial R. Ferraro, 20, Davenport, confined two days to serve a Montana court sentence.
Lisa A. Louie, 40, Elmer City, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.
Oct. 21: Lola J. Wilson, 60, Davenport, arrested by LCSO for fourth-degree assault.
Oct. 22: Michael R. Cencich, 28, Spokane Valley, serving a 90-day confinement under contract with City of Cheney.
Gregory L. Walker, 43, Fruitland, confined by the court for driving under the influence.
Victor D. Castillo, 22, Cheney, serving a 67-day confinement under contract with City of Cheney.
Tyson K. Cole, 36, Warden, Wash., arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for disorderly conduct.
Jordan T. Cross, 22, Spokane, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for fourth-degree assault.
Oct. 24: Darryl A. Rupp, 24, Spokane, arrested by LCSO for driving while license suspended.
Oct. 25: Douglas D. Caye, 22, Wapato, Wash., arrested by LCSO for driving while license suspended.
Oct. 26: Justin R. Jordan, 33, Spokane, arrested by LCSO for theft of a firearm.
Court Report
John F. Strohmaier, Judge
Criminal Sentencing
Melissa Ann McKinney, 34, pleaded guilty Oct. 22 to second-degree taking a motor vehicle without the owner’s permission. A charge of second-degree burglary was withdrawn as a result of plea negotiations. She must serve two months electronic home monitoring and a drug/alcohol evaluation and treatment program, and pay $600 court costs and restitution to be determined. The defense has sought suppression of her Dec. 17, 2014, statements to a Stevens County Sheriff’s sergeant, claiming she hadn’t waived her right to have an attorney present during questioning. The charges are in connection with a Dec. 7, 2014, incident involving a residence and private shop building on Crescent Road North, Reardan, during which a 2003 Dodge Ram pickup truck was taken and eventually recovered in Stevens County.
New Criminal Cases
Thomas Andrew Harris, 30, Odessa, is charged with three counts of delivery of marijuana within 1,000 feet of school property in connection with incidents on Sept. 19 and 25, and Oct. 15, when he was arrested by sheriff’s deputies in Odessa.
Corey Lynn West, 26, of Airway Heights, Spokane and/or Yakima, is charged with second-degree burglary, first-degree theft and first-degree malicious mischief in connection with about $33,880 worth of damage done to an American Tower building and cell tower on Macabee Road in Sprague between March 1 and May 8, and the taking of copper conduit, wire and other materials.
New Civil Cases
Sherie L. Husak Becker, of Ford and Wilbur, seeks a domestic violence protection order against William C. Becker. A hearing is scheduled on Nov. 3.
Aaron W. Blackburn, a volunteer firefighter who resides in the Yakima area, seeks unspecified damages against Gabriel J. Marroquin, Brian Proctor, their spouses, Spokane County Fire District 10, Spokane County and the Cheney Fire Department, along with up to 10 other unnamed parties, in connection with injuries he suffered during training in Cheney on Oct. 27, 2012. He claims negligence and inadequate training on the part of the respondents, who all were supervisors of the training session.
Discover Bank, of Delaware, seeks payment from Christine Anderson Kueter of $3,552.55 in credit debt plus costs and other relief granted by the court.
Will only of Duane Eugene Brown, of Douglas County, originally written in 2008.
Editor’s note: These reports are based on forms filled out by the presiding judge during court sessions and subsequently reviewed by the newspaper.
Dan B. Johnson, Judge
Anna Maria Bennington, Davenport, probation violation (second-degree criminal trespass), 10 days jail (3 credited as served).
Adalia A. Hille, Judge Pro-Tempore
Jason Samuel Miller, Wilbur, probation violation (driving under the influence), 5 days jail or 50 hours community service.
David B. Anderson, Davenport, probation violation (driving under the influence), 30 days jail.
Edward William Seyler, Omak, Wash., driving while license suspended, $768 court assessments.
Andrew James Theis, Davenport, third-degree malicious mischief, 2 days jail converted to 20 hours community service, $493 court assessments.
Annie F. Walker, Spokane, driving while license suspended, $543 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.
Lisa A. Louie, Grand Coulee, driving while license suspended, $543 court assessments.
Lincoln County Clerk’s Office
New filings – Oct. 20: Edward L. Swinson, of Geronimo, Okla., and Deborah Lynn Swinson, of Spokane Valley, both recent Lincoln County residents, married June 11, 1994, in North Bend, Ore., separated Aug. 24, 2014, two dependent children of the marriage. Oct. 22: Kristy A. Koch and Kevin J. Koch, of Reardan, married June 12, 2004, in Sprague, separated Oct. 14, two dependent children of the marriage. Also, 43 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Petitions for legal separation: 2 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Property Transactions
Lincoln County Treasurer’s Office
Thomas G. Brown and Delores I. Brown, Wenatchee, to Robert E. Olson and Nancy L. Olson, Quincy, Wash., Lot A1-2, Blue Water Views Short Plat, $52,000.
Ryan D. Janke and Shannon R. Janke (formerly Klein), Davenport, to Matthew D. Johnson, Davenport, north half of Lots 6 and 7, Blk. 8, Timmon’s Addition to Town (now City) of Davenport, subject to easements, $129,000.
Lorraine M. McKenna, Wilbur, to Marcelline M. Best (trustee, Lorraine M. McKenna Irrevocable Trust), Wilbur, Lots 5-8, Blk. 111 and Lot 1 and adjacent north half of vacated alley, Blk. 112, Railroad Addition to the Town of Wilbur, $0.
David G. Snavely and Suzanne K. Snavely, Wilbur, to Elten Paul Dotson and Cherel L. Dotson, Wilbur, Lots 21-24, Blk. 56, and Lots 11-12, Blk. 58, in Railroad Addition, Town of Wilbur, $195,000.
H. Lorraine Place, Lynette Unrau and Deborah Price (joint tenants with right of survivorship and not tenants in common), Des Moines, Wash., to Michael S. Polk, Electric City, Lot 59, Deer Meadows Tract Plat No. 2, $168,500.
John A. Whitmer and Nancy E. Whitmer, Fallbrook, Calif., to Whitmer Family Trust, Fallbrook, Calif., portion of Sec. 25, T27N, R37E, $0.
Albert V. Cummings, Jr., and Nancy C. Cummings, Ephrata, to Rodney L. Utecht and Elizabeth A. Utecht, Kennewick, Lot 61, Deer Heights Plat No. 1, $47,000.
Gene L. McMullen, Auburn, Wash., to Lyle D. McMullen, Auburn, portion of Tract 90, Hawk Creek Ranches, Secs. 17 and 20, $0.
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