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Seven schools vie for awards in STEM Challenge contest

On November 3, seven schools from the Bi-County came to Odessa for the 6th Annual Bi-County STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Challenge. Odessa, Wilbur, Creston, Ritzville, Davenport, Harrington and Sprague arrived at Odessa's multipurpose room at 9 a.m. ready to compete in the science-based "Junkyard Wars." Each school brought a team of students to vie against the other schools for the traveling trophy, the Golden Flask.

The Odessa High School team consisted of Casey Schlomer, Zoe Clark, Wyatt Haase, Chance Messer, Colton Hunt, and Rochelle Schuh. The junior high team was made up of Charleigh Cornett, Nathan Carstensen, Keith Strebeck, Alyssa Iverson, Joshua Clark and Ireland Luiten.

Working together, the science teachers from each of the school districts represented came up with two objectives. First, students were separated into mixed teams, each having members from different schools. Each team had to engineer a device capable of allowing a marble to travel through it as slowly as possible. After five minutes of thinking time, 10 minutes of testing time and 15 minutes of trials, work was halted, and the team with the slowest marble in the high school division, at 31.45 seconds, consisted of Olivia Hill from Wilbur and Rose Melville from Ritzville. In the junior high division, in a time of 20.2 seconds, the winner was Malea Canaday from Lamont (attending school in Sprague).

By the end of the day, the Odessa Junior High team had engineered a prosthetic leg which could be used to run down at the track in a relay format. It won the Golden Science Crown Award.

The high school division participated in a scenario much like the new movie "Martian." Odessa High School was the first to overcome all of the obstacles and fire off a rocket to win the STEM Golden Flask Award.

All of the students participating in this event used their creativity and mechanical skills to come up with different solutions. "We look forward to another STEM competition next year," said Odessa High science teacher Jeff Wehr.


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