Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!
What if our crops and land were devastated by something totally unexpected or unforeseen? Hopefully we have some sort of contingency plan to fall back onto. But, what if we didn’t? This is more the case than we realize. The devastating loss caused by the Omak, Okanogan, Brewster and Conconully forest fires continues, and the ongoing needs are tremendous! A number of us from Christ Lutheran here in Odessa as well as other members of the Odessa community have taken the time and effort to make contacts with our neighbors to the north where the wildfires devastated hundreds of thousands of acres. Here are a few statistics that put some perspective on the post-fire recovery efforts.
Sixty percent (60%) of the families affected by the fires had no insurance. There are both those who simply cannot afford insurance, but it is also the case that their location makes insurance either too expensive or simply not available. Many who do qualify for programs through Farm Service Agency and/or other government-related programs find they don’t have the financial means to purchase fencing materials which would then be reimbursed by the various programs or agencies. We are told by relief coordinators that ninety-nine percent (99%) of insurance companies will not cover fencing materials unless the fence is directly attached to a dwelling/home or if a fence (gates, etc.) is a specific detailed line item in the policy.
According to Monte Andrews, owner of the AgTech Feed Store in Omak and speaking on behalf of the Okanogan Cattlemen Association, 5,600 mother cows and 14,000 head of cattle altogether were affected by the fires which will amount to approximately $3 million dollars in feed. It is estimated that 600 head perished in the fires. There is still an ongoing accounting of the numbers of living livestock recovered. A government grant for $40,000 was received, but it is not enough to carry them through the winter months and beyond until grazing land is reestablished. Seventy-six percent (76%) of the land in Okanogan County is either state or federal land. The Department of Natural Resources is requiring cattle to stay off their burned grazing land for two years while the U.S. Forest Service is requiring a minimum of three years and in some places five years.
In Okanogan County, there are many seasonal laborers who are unable to qualify for unemployment benefits. This unfortunate reality is due to the dry, hot weather and, of course, the fire-related heat and weather conditions. This “perfect storm” of conditions resulted in orchard crops ripening very quickly, making for a short harvest season. Seasonal farm workers were not able to work enough hours to qualify for unemployment benefits. We are told that over 100 homes in Okanogan County were destroyed in this year’s wildfire. Many of the displaced families are living in extremely limited spaces. Therefore, they make frequent trips to the donation center to get immediately needed items.
Your help is needed. Here at Christ Lutheran, we will receive items for donation to the relief donation center in Okanogan. Some of the items listed below are ag/livestock related and other items are for human use. Please consider dropping off items listed below to Christ Lutheran Church in Odessa. We will deliver the donated items in early December. Household items will be delivered to the North Star Fire Donation Center in Okanogan and livestock items will be delivered to the AgTech Feed Store in Omak for distribution. If you can make a large donation of bulk items such as hay/feed, fencing supplies, etc., please make prior delivery arrangements with:
1. Alex Boyd, Donation Manager at North Star Donation Center, Okanogan, cell phone 509- 634-1768 or email at
2. Monte or Laurie Andrews, AgTech Feed Store in Omak 509-422-1600 or Shauna Beeman Marchant at 509-760-5825.
Items needed:
Intermediate Crested Wheatgrass seed
Fencing materials: T-posts and barbed wire
Hay for livestock
Protein tubs
Salt blocks
Paper plates, paper bowls
Paper towels
Shampoo, conditioner (not travel size)
Dryer sheets
Potatoes, instant potatoes
Meats: the donation center has dried legumes but it would be nice to have protein to accompany
Canned goods of all kinds and brands
The donation center has ample freezer space and would like to fill it up!
Thank you all in advance for your spirit of giving and generosity through difficult times. God bless! --Pastor Tim Hauge and the people of Christ Lutheran Church in Odessa.
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