Sheriff's Report
Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.
Monday, Feb. 29: A Reardan woman requested a county deputy’s help with allegations of vehicle theft and drug use.
A Davenport caller reported speeding vehicles on Sixth Street as it becomes McInnis Road heading towards the city sports complex where a baseball game was in progress.
Odessa Police investigated a report that a pickup truck ran into a house in the 400 block of South Division and determined it happened when the driver’s prosthetic leg became unattached.
Tuesday, March 1: A caller expressed concern about a crowd of people gathering around a pickup truck with a “free” sign on it in the vicinity of the Davenport Safeway parking lot.
A deputy advised two men claiming to be offering Davenport residents lessons on fire readiness to secure a peddlers’ license from City Hall. A caller became suspicious after seeing the men working the vicinity of Fifth and Maxwell streets.
Wednesday, March 2: Sprague firefighters extinguished a truck fire on Interstate 90.
Lincoln County deputies and other municipal law enforcement personnel were involved in the apprehension of a Spokane man who allegedly made bomb and shooting threats against the Coulee City school, where his daughter reportedly is a student. School personnel in Wilbur, Creston and Almira, as well as others in the county, were on alert for a time until the suspect was taken into custody near Soap Lake.
A caller reported someone had driven a 4-wheeler across property adjacent to SR 25 about 22 miles north of Davenport.
A Davenport woman reported a burglary and the loss of about $18 in cash from a residence in the 500 block of Ross Street.
Sprague firefighters battled a small grass fire on U.S. Bureau of Land Management land east of Sprague on Sprague Highway Road.
Responding to a residence on Old Missile Site Road, Davenport ambulance personnel assisted a 3-year-old child who suffered a seizure.
Responding to a report that a man was smoking marijuana inside a car parked at Main and Alder, Odessa Police determined he actually was smoking a vaporizer.
Thursday, March 3: A Reardan-Edwall area resident reported receiving a fraudulent phone call from someone claiming to be with the Internal Revenue Service.
Responding to a residence on NW Raymond Street, Wilbur ambulance transported a 42-year-old individual who may have overdosed on drugs to Lincoln Hospital in Davenport.
Calling from the I-90 Sprague rest area, a woman told dispatchers she observed a man hit his dog before putting it in the trunk of his car.
Engaged in a traffic stop at Old Coulee and Williams roads near Almira, a deputy arrested a 41-year-old man for possessing methamphetamine.
A loose pit bull dog was reported in the vicinity of an apartment complex in the 1300 block of Morgan Street in Davenport.
Deputies investigated a possible animal abuse matter involving cows on fenced property adjacent to Brown Road northeast of Sprague.
A Harrington man reported receiving threats to do him bodily harm during a phone call from someone in California.
Deputies checked out a burglary report filed by callers who noticed “suspicious” activity at a residence on South Columbia Drive in Grand Coulee. The man they found working on a vehicle inside the garage was known by the property owners who subsequently gave permission for him to be there.
Odessa Police investigated a man’s report he had been victimized by a computer scam.
Odessa Police responded to a report that a man threw a cigarette into another man’s face in the 300 block of South Alder.
Friday, March 4: Emergency personnel assisted an 85-year-old Reardan area man who had fallen and a Creston area man who suffered chest pain.
Responding to the Counseling Center on Twelfth Street, Davenport ambulance personnel assisted a 66-year-old man suffering chest pain.
Reardan Police and county deputies prepared to handle traffic and parking issues that were anticipated to accompany the following day’s memorial services at Reardan High School for Jace Malek, a former student, football player and wrestler there and at West Valley (Spokane), who recently died of a rare form of bone cancer. Between 1,000 and 2,000 mourners were expected to attend.
A Davenport woman reported receiving a fraudulent phone call from someone claiming to be with the Internal Revenue Service.
Residents on Jantz Road East near Davenport complained that a crop dusting plane had sprayed a white dust or powder and pellets on their property without permission. A responding deputy made contact with the pilot at the Davenport airport.
Responding to the local mini-mart on Main Avenue, a deputy assisted Wilbur Police with the arrest of an intoxicated man who was described as non-compliant and disorderly.
No one was reported hurt as a result of a collision between a Jeep and a semi-truck at Morgan and Twelfth streets in Davenport. One lane of traffic was blocked for a time.
A burglary was reported at a cabin on Johns Rocky Way near Davenport.
A Davenport caller reported a possible illegal fire in the vicinity of Sinclair and Eighth streets. A responding deputy discovered that the people involved were burning wet wood.
Saturday, March 5: Davenport ambulance personnel assisted an 85-year-old woman who may have suffered a stroke.
A brief outage in Davenport caused a power loss in the sheriff’s communications center that lasted between three and five seconds.
Deputies were advised of a possible break-in and the theft of a motor vehicle from property adjacent to Angels Landing Road in the Devils Gap area north of Reardan.
A man unhappy with a referee calling his daughter’s match at the Little Guys wrestling tournament refused to leave the Davenport High School gym when asked to by tournament officials and a responding county deputy. When he tried to square off against the deputy, others stood between to diffuse the situation. The man went outside and, in tears, told a second deputy he was upset to be missing the match.
A caller expressed her concern that gunshots and explosions from a neighboring property on Moore Road north of Reardan could have a negative impact on her pregnant cattle. The explosions originated from attempts to blow up a stump along the fence line. A responding deputy managed to get an agreement that the shooting would stop for the day.
Wilbur Police investigated a burglary at a house in the 200 block of SW Main Street, where a back door was found torn open and items inside gone through.
Sunday, March 6: Odessa Police became involved after the guardians of a 13-year-old boy they described as “disrespectful” placed his personal items on the front porch of their residence.
March 1: Robert J. Parisien, 21, Nespelem, arrested by Washington State Patrol (WSP) for failing to appear for second-degree driving while license suspended.
March 3: Urie L. Lambert, 41, Arlington, Wash., arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office for possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia.
March 4: Myles A. Jackmanthey, 31, Spokane, arrested by Wilbur Police for disorderly conduct.
Antoinette R. Faber, 31, Spokane, arrested by WSP for driving under the influence and reckless endangerment.
From Feb. 29 to March 4, 19 inmates from outside Lincoln County were held in the county jail under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
Court Report
John F. Strohmaier, Judge
Civil Judgment
Robert D. McGuire, doing business as RWM Tire and Automotive in Wilbur, must pay $743.22 in taxes owed from July 1 to Oct. 31, 2014, to the Washington State Department of Revenue.
New Criminal Case
Kayli Noel Hudson (also known as Hamilton), 29, of Spokane, is charged with possession of methamphetamine in connection with a Sept. 12, 2015, incident.
New Civil Case
Alleging “ineffective assistance” from his public defenders, which he says resulted in 10 years imprisonment for first-degree murder, Paul Garner, an inmate at the Airway Heights Corrections Center, seeks actual and punitive monetary damages against Spokane County. The petitioner claims that the two attorneys’ actions prevented an impartial jury trial and denied him a fair trial. He requests a jury trial on his claims and that the court will determine his rights were violated and suspend his sentence and order a new trial on the murder charge.
Estate of Alfred Wiest, of Odessa, who died Feb. 3.
Estate of Zelda L. Morrison, of Reardan, who died Feb. 1.
Estate of Dolores M. Hein, of Seattle, who died Dec. 4, 2015.
Estate of Daryl Lee McCauley, Sr., of Walla Walla, who died Oct. 4, 2015.
Dan B. Johnson, Judge
Editor’s note: These reports are based on forms filled out by the presiding judge during court sessions and subsequently reviewed by the newspaper.
Katrina Louise Earnest, Spokane Valley, violating domestic violence no-contact order, pleaded guilty, $243 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.
Kevin Michael Prater, Sprague, disorderly conduct, pleaded guilty, $393 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.
Harvest Renee Hoover, Spokane, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 1 day jail (credited as served), $543 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.
Laicy Pauline Brown, Spokane, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $543 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.
Lincoln County Auditor’s Office
Victor Lloyd Rodriguez, 23, and Shanna Marie Bodenmiller, 32, both of Sprague.
Lincoln County Clerk’s Office
New filings – March 1: Ricardo Olvera and Leah C. Olvera, of Sprague, married Sept. 7, 2008, in Spokane, separated Jan. 1, 2014, no dependent children of the marriage, respondent requests last name be changed to Parks. Also, 1involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Petitions for legal separation – Feb. 25: Trisha M. Cain and Adam B. Cain, of Reardan, married Oct. 3, 2013, in Davenport, separated Dec. 23, 2015, one dependent child of the marriage. Also, 73 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Property Transactions
Lincoln County Treasurer’s Office
Robert Hosking and Pamela Hosking, Davenport, to Timothy J. Hosking, Davenport – Lots 6-8, Blk. 40 and Lot 6 and east 25 feet of Lot 7, Blk. 27, Timmon’s Second Addition to the City of Davenport, $0.
Pauline Schrock, Spokane, to Rick E. Smith and Marilyn K. Smith, Odessa – portion of Sec. 26, T24N, R33E, $18,460.
Aldo J. Bellotti and Maria R. Bellotti, Davenport, to Loy M. Finley and Nikkea Anderson, Davenport – west 17 feet of Lot 9 and all of Lot 10, Blk. 114, Columbia Addition to the City of Davenport, $45,000.
Rebecca S. Marshall, Gig Harbor, Wash., and Equity Trust Co. (custodian, Rebecca S. Marshall IRA) to Ronald L. Gettemy and Jamie L. Gettemy, Stanwood, Wash. – Lot 3 of Sweet Spring Short Plat, $99,000.
Tambra Yochum, Spokane Valley, to Joel Yochum, Spokane Valley – portion of Sec. 1, T26N, R37E, $0.
Douglas D. Plinski and Nancy E. Plinski, Odessa, to Daniel H. Nelson and Patricia L. Nelson, Odessa – Lot 4, Blk. 22, Finney’s Addition, except west 5 feet, $25,000.
Douglas D. Plinski and Nancy E. Plinski, Odessa, to Douglas D. Plinski and Nancy E. Plinski, Odessa – all of Lot 5 and north 15 feet of Lot 8, Blk. 22, Finney’s Addition to the Town of Odessa, and west 5 feet of Lot 4, Blk. 22, Finney’s Addition to the Town of Odessa, $0.
Estate of Scott D. Heimbigner (Natasha Heimbigner, personal representative), Spokane, to Sherie Heimbigner, Odessa – an undivided half marital community interest in north 59 feet of Lots 9 and 10, Blk. 32, of Finney and Pattee’s Addition to the Town of Odessa, subject to easements, $0.
Estate of Scott D. Heimbigner (Natasha Heimbigner, personal representative), Spokane, to Natasha Heimbigner and Jessica Winston, Spokane – portion of Sec. 27, T22N, R35E, subject to easements, $0.
U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C., to Russell J. Huff and Jill R. Huff, Reardan – portion of Sec. 4, T26N, R39E, $0.
Glen E. Gordon and Rebecca Gordon, Fall City, Wash., to Christian D. Schmalz and Elisa A. Schmalz, Arlington, Wash. – Lot 4 of Bright Star Short Plat, $105,000.
Frederic A. Scharff, Davenport, to Tyson E. Lacy and Rachel F. Lacy, Davenport – Lots 1-5, Blk. 10 and Lots 6-10, Blk. 17, Town of Mondovi, and portion of vacated Second Street between Blk. 10 and 17, $130,000.
Frederic A. Scharff, Davenport, to Lee E. Scharff, Davenport – Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 3 and Lots 6-10, Blk. 10, Town of Mondovi. and portion of vacated First Street, $25,000.
Patricia I. Douglas, Liberty Lake, to Charles L. Pierce and Karin M. Pierce, Hartline – Lots 6-10, inclusive, Blk. 2, Original Town of Almira, $155,000.
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