This year, I see a man who says he’s for the working poor, but all he talks about is shipping people back home and punching people in the face. Is that the kind of freedom you want? It sure was not what I was fighting for, all those long years ago now.
What happens when it’s your neighbor who was born here but is of a different skin color? Will you let him send them back over the border? Are you going to stand up for that person and maybe be put in jail yourself? I’ll stand up for anyone here in town or any place else. It could happen. One country did vote in a madman, and we all know how that turned out.
I think we Americans have fallen asleep at the wheel and have allowed a bunch of madmen to take over the country from within. We have no conservatives anymore. They have all been kicked out by the Tea Party while the GOP was asleep.
Now we have Trump! He keeps saying we don’t win anymore. What? You tell me about any battle that we lost completely in any war. Wars, yes; battles, no way. As soldiers, we don’t get to make that decision. It’s fools like him who get to make such decisions while safe and sound back home.
Then lI hear him saying we will kick ISIS’s butt. Who is the “we” here? Him? I don’t think so. He passed up all the other wars and let the working poor fight for him. Yet he is willing to send your sons and daughters over to fight them for him.
Please help me fight for our liberties. Vote for anyone but Trump. Is anyone willing to stand up and fight for liberty anymore? I am. I am not a loser. He said we don’t win anymore. Well, okay buddy, I’m fighting back. I hope to see that he does not get elected to the highest office of our land. This is not a Democrat vs. Republican thing to me. No, this is about preserving this free and open land of ours.
Steve Siegel
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