I’m sitting in the arms of a big red barber’s chair inside the Rolling Thunder Pizza, eating a slice and visiting with co-owners Nate Lathrop and Jennifer Springer, along with Elizabeth Springer, Iona McGee and little Tympist McGee, quite possibly the cutest four-year-old who has ever existed. Behind me on the wall hangs an incredible self-portrait of Nate created entirely out of numbers stamped using a rubber stamp.
It’s a familiar place. Not familiar in an “I’ve been here so many times” kind of way but rather a homey, cozy kind of way. There is a comforting scent that is a mixture of wood floor with undertones of old books, paintings and antiques.
As Nate is telling me his plans to change the sign which hangs below the suspended motorcycle outside from Saloon to Pizza/Gallery, I look around and see an eclectic mixture of items that are a part of the Green Goat Gathering Gallery which houses Rolling Thunder Pizza.
I must say the company was great and the pizza itself even better. They tell me Jennifer made it, and she did a fantastic job. The crust was golden brown but soft. And there was the perfect amount of sauce and cheese. For $16, you get a 12-inch pizza with any amount of toppings. Or for $17 dollars you can add a liter of soda. Plus they offer delivery, take out or take-and-bake.
As I finish up my slice of pizza, Tympist is showing me where she has her own little area to sell clothes she has outgrown. I ask her about a dress, and as she matter-of-factly tells me the dress won’t fit me because I need a bigger size, I think to myself, “I will definitely be ordering here again.”
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