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This Week in Odessa History

Harvest through the years, summer fires wreak havoc

100 years ago

The Odessa Record

July 21, 1916

Back from Ellensburg: Ye editor and family returned Sunday evening from Ellensburg where they attended the thirtieth annual meeting of the Washington State Press Association, making the trip overland. Inquiries before starting as to the condition of the Vantage ferry road, received all kinds of answers from good to bad and indifferent, and making the trip proved that all were right at least in spots. With the exception, however, of pieces of roads between Stratford and Adrian and Ephrata and the Columbia, where Grant county has been doing a lot of new work, the road is as good as an Eastern Washington man would expect. High water made Vantage ferry a disappointment as the boat must make several miles more distance in the swift Columbia before a landing can be effected and we were full three and a half hours each trip in getting across the river.

Big tent show coming. The Inter-Mountain Wagon Shows, with a company of 25 people including band and concert orchestra, will show here under canvas for one day only on Wednesday, July 26th, presenting the moral, refined, yet sensational western drama “The Girl of Eagle Ranch.” In connection with the drama will be six acts of high-class vaudeville. Band concert on streets and 1:30 and 7 p.m. Doors open at 7:15, show starts at 8:15. Big free outside exhibition free for everybody at 7:30 p.m. outside of main entrance to tent. Admission charges 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children under 12 years of age.

75 years ago

The Odessa Record

July 24, 1941

Grain fires costly. With continued reports of fires in grain fields in the area, farmers are creating a rushing business for grain fire insurance companies. Hot, dry weather has made the wheat highly inflammable and tall stubble adds to the hazard.

The Friday night electric storm set many fires, few of which did heavy damage. Near Mohler three small fires were set in the Alex Kramer wheat. A bolt of lightning struck the fence between the Huddle and Houck ranches in the north area and burned into the Huddle field. A second bolt struck in a draw at the Huddle land, but the wheat was green and rain prevented fire.

In the Ruff area lightning set a fire at the Jake Kagele ranch, wind driving it toward a road before much loss was sustained.

Motorists are being requested to keep out of wheat fields with cars except in cases of great need, and also to watch carefully that they throw no lighted cigarettes or matches into wheat or weeds.

Harvest is in full blast and winter wheat is reported to be turning out better than expected. Probably the best yield in the area was 44 bushels per acre, raised by Jake Homberg. Several report yields of 40 bushels.

Fire truck for farms is being urged. A repeated demand is heard among the farmers of the community for a farm fire truck, and leadership of some group such as the grange or commercial club is being urged.

Discussion favors either a water truck or chemical equipment. The water system, involving a large tank and booster pump, would be more economical to operate and very effective, it is stated. The chemical wagon would lessen the danger of running low on water.

Paying for such equipment creates a problem. It has been suggested that farmers form a fire zone, whereby a tax may be levied. Other suggestions call for a voluntary assessment of 1.5 cents per acre in a specified zone.

During the present harvest there have been many times when a truck would have proven valuable.

50 years ago

The Odessa Record

July 21, 1966

School enrollment takes big jump. Seventeen Marlin students will report to the Odessa schools for the coming term, increasing the local enrollment. School will start September 6, states Homer Reed, superintendent.

The faculty is now complete, he reveals. Teaching the fourth grade will be Mrs. Kay Jantz, just graduated from Whitworth college. She will live in Harrington where her husband is with the bank.

Ms. Vivian Zagelow will handle second grade duties. Mrs. Eide will transfer t one of the first grades, and Mrs. Schauerman to one of the third grades.

Rider’s Club planning rodeo attractions. The Odessa Rider’s Club is getting into full swing as the annual rodeo draws near. On Sunday, July 9th, a work day was held at the rodeo grounds. The chutes have been repaired and painted and the numbers on the chutes and the Rider’s Club signs have been painted a new color this year. In the afternoon, after the work was finished members took a lunch and refreshments to Tavers Lake for a picnic. Everyone had a good time swimming, playing horse shoes and visiting.

Local girl wins honors at summer camp. Listed among the approximately 350 students attending summer camp at Washington State University was Linda Deife, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robers Deife of Odessa.

After tryouts at the beginning of the session Linda was selected as one of the two oboists in the orchestra and as accompanist for the 80 voice H.S.S.C. chorus. Her third class was Oral Interpretation, in which she was a semifinalist in the competitive speaking events at the end of the session.

25 years ago

The Odessa Record

July 25, 1991

Rare winter wheat in first ‘91 delivery. Just when everyone was saying there was no winter wheat at all this year the first load of wheat brought into Odessa during the 1991 harvest was winter wheat.

Brian Homberg delivered the first wheat of the year to the Odessa Trading Company’s warehouse. He is harvesting a 35-acre field of winter wheat two miles east of Odessa.

Odessa motorists traveling Highway 28 had remarked about that field ever since early spring. It appeared lush and green as all of the other winter wheat in the Odessa area was turning brown, ruined by the killer winter which necessitated almost universal reseeding. And then the frost got much of the reseeded wheat, so it had to be reseeded again.

At Ruff, Ed Jasman also brought in barley last week to the Odessa Trading Company’s warehouse there. Tom Schafer was delivering spring wheat to the Ruff warehouse this week.

Celebrating 50 years of marriage. Henry and Rose Michaelsen were honored Sunday at a celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary which was attended by a large gathering of friends and relatives. The Michaelsens, known to everyone as Heinie and Rosie, were married September 23, 1941, at St. Matthew’s Congregational Church in Odessa.

10 years ago

The Odessa Record

July 20, 2006

Hospital infrastructure project. The $3.4 million infrastructure and remodeling project at Odessa Memorial Healthcare Center is running on schedule and is expected to be completed in mid-August.

“The project has run very smoothly since we started last February,” said OMHC Administrator Mark Barglof.

Boeing golf tournament. Thirty-eight golfers from the Seattle area enjoyed three days of golfing at the 19th annual Boeing Golf Tournament last weekend at the Odessa Golf Club.

In 1988, Pete Friggard, an employee of Boeing, bought the Odessa golf course. That year he invited fellow Boeing employees and golf buddies to Odessa for a weekend of golf, and the tradition is now in its 19th year.


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