Members of the Jacob Kallenberger family gathered together July 15-17, 2016 in Havre, Mont. These reunions started in 1989 and are held every three years.
The 2016 gathering was held in Havre with approximately 52 family members present. Three fun days were filled with sightseeing, visiting and good food. We gathered at Beaver Creek Park with a big campfire.
One of the highlights was a tour of the underground city which was the most interesting thing to see. If you ever get to Havre, you must see this to believe it.
Attending from Odessa (originally) to represent the Emma K. Zimbelman family were Bob Zimbelman, Barbara Schlimmer, Rodney Schlimmer (currently of McMinnville, Tenn.), Rhea Strate. Shelly and Richard Miller came from Spokane Valley, and Debbie Zeiler and Lori Carpenter of Moses Lake represented their late mother Ione (Tootie) Zimbelman Zeiler.
Representing Clare K. Cox were Craig and Kathy Shinn of Canby, Ore. and their daughter Lark from Vashon Island.
Donna Thrall came for the Pfeifer family.
Marian Boyd of Wenatchee, Diane Lipe and her daughter Morgan from Seattle, plus Susan Page and her husband and son from Ephrata came for Ida Schorzman.
Many of the host family of Ray Kallenberger were there to show us a great time.
Rhea Strate is now the oldest living grandchild of Jacob Kallenberger at 91 years. The youngest descendant is a three-month-old great-great grandson.
Some of us were able to visit Aunt Helen Kallenberger who is the wife of the late Ray Kallenberger and is now 100 years old and looking great. She was happy to see those who came to visit her at the care center where she lives.
A great time was had by all who attended the reunion and we all look forward to the next one.
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