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Curriculum Advisory Committee to meet

The Odessa School District Curriculum Advisory Committee will meet at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, August 16, in the district office. Interested parents and community members may attend meetings or preview materials that have been submitted for adoption. Samples are generally displayed outside the high school or elementary school offices.

This summer, two literature selections will be under review by the Curriculum Committee. The proposed adoptions are “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee and “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett. As a free service, online reviews, downloads of the books to e-readers or checkout of the books are available to area residents at the Odessa public library located in the community center.

Currently, there are also a few openings on the committee. Please contact Bev Scherr at 982-2111, ext. 108, or contact the district office at 982-2668 if you would like to apply for a position on the committee. The names of interested candidates will be submitted to the board of directors for their final decision. The curriculum meetings are generally held at 7:30 a.m. one week prior to the monthly school board meetings.

The Odessa School Board is responsible for the improvement and growth of the educational programs for the school district. To this end, the curriculum committee, with the approval of the superintendent, is responsible for establishing and monitoring the procedures for implementation of policy 2020 regarding curriculum adoptions. The functions of the curriculum advisory committee include oversight of instructional materials and the curriculum, as well as program adoptions. The committee may also act as a sounding board for professional development and for the acquisition of resources to enhance curriculum and teaching.

The Odessa School District mission statement encourages a partnership between the school, parents and community to provide the best possible education for our students. Please consider this as an opportunity to be involved.


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