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Court Report

Sheriff's Report


Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.

Monday, Aug. 8: Windy conditions caused a Sunday blaze near Irby Road and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad tracks to flare up, requiring Odessa firefighters to return to the scene.

Responding to the 600 block of Sinclair Street, Davenport ambulance personnel assisted a 69-year-old man experiencing breathing difficulties.

Washington State Patrol alerted county deputies that a bomb would be set off at the state Department of Transportation gravel pit adjacent to SR 21.

A BNSF train traveling west had to stop near Downs Road in the Lamona area after someone noticed a man standing on it, shouting for law enforcement.

A responding deputy placed a woman into custody after a caller advised a green SUV was making bad passes and forcing other vehicles from the roadway on SR 174 and U.S. 2 near Wilbur.

A Harrington woman reported that a man became “confrontational” with her while she was helping a friend move.

Responding to Dean’s Drive-In in Reardan, a deputy assisted local police with a dispute between parents of a 16-year-old boy as to which of them he should live with.

Wheat truck drivers reported dogs running into the road in the Govan area.

Odessa clinic personnel treated a girl who was bitten by a dog.

Odessa Police referred a situation involving a teenage boy who threatened to take his own life to local mental health personnel.

Tuesday, Aug. 9: Reardan firefighters responded what may have been an illegal burning incident along Stoneridge Trail in the Ford area of northeastern Lincoln County.

A Davenport woman showed deputies a scam letter she received that included a $3,600 check “to help with a processing fee for the lottery she had won.”

An ATV rider came across a tombstone and statue of the virgin Mary on the ridgeline between Harker Canyon and Moccasin Bay.

A Deer Meadows resident reported his bankcard had been fraudulently used for a purchase in Illinois.

Responding to the 300 block of Fifteenth Street, a deputy advised a Davenport man that his burn barrel fire was illegal and should be extinguished.

A Sprague man walking his dog in the vicinity of 4th and A streets reported he had been harassed.

An Oroville, Wash., woman visiting Almira told deputies someone threatened to beat her up.

A caller reported a man was lying down on the south end of the Harrington airport.

A vehicle collided with logs that had dropped out of another vehicle on Main Street in Wilbur.

Trucks with campers and several motorcycles mysteriously appeared on property adjacent to Bluestem Road near the Canby bridge, apparently with the knowledge (and permission) of the Sprague woman who owns the land, and the man she’s entrusted with selling the property.

Wednesday, Aug. 10: A motor home pulling a Jeep drove off from Trader’s Express in Davenport without its occupants paying for about $150 in fuel. After contact with an officer, the driver returned and paid the bill in full, noting there was a “mistake, but no theft.”

A responding deputy believed a burglary attempt was foiled after a caller reported a man had suspiciously knocked on the door of a residence in the 300 block of East Walnut in Sprague before dashing off to a neighboring house.

After a girl’s mountain bike was reported stolen from property in the 900 block of Nichols Street, it was located outside Davenport Elementary School and returned.

A strong ammonia odor originated from the AgLink, Inc., facility in Edwall.

A camper’s discovery of items he believes were stolen from him in a vehicle parked in the Porcupine Bay campground lot was reported to National Park Service personnel.

Thursday, Aug. 11: A caller reported that the motor compartment door blew off an erratically driven motor home and almost struck the People for People van he was driving west on SR 28 near Odessa.

A Davenport caller expressed her concern about a 9-month-old girl who fell off a bed and started vomiting later.

A deputy investigated a report of trash dumped on Leffel Road south of Mountain View Cemetery in the Davenport area.

An apparent hitchhiker was arrested after allegedly assaulting another man inside the Davenport Subway following a request he leave the restaurant.

Two deputies and county Public Works personnel responded to the scene of a two-vehicle collision in the Davenport area.

A vehicle blew a tire and went onto its side on SR 231 north of Reardan. None of the three occupants were hurt.

Wilbur Police were called in to help with a 3-year-old girl having a seizure at the Keller Ferry marina.

With National Park Service personnel assisting, a 52-year-old man was transported by ambulance from the Lincoln boat launch to the hospital in Davenport with a possible broken ankle he suffered while at Sterling Point.

A man reportedly fell off a boat at Jones Bay, hit his head and lost consciousness, prompting ambulance personnel to be placed on standby.

Friday, Aug. 12: City of Davenport personnel dealt with a broken water line in the 1100 block of Ninth Street.

A Reardan man advised of multiple scam phone calls from people claiming to be from the IRS and other companies making threats of arrest if he didn’t send $500.

A woman reported her phone, wallet and a pipe were stolen from her vehicle while parked in the eastbound Sprague I-90 rest area.

A caller told dispatchers that about 240 units of medication had been stolen from a residence on Miles Road.

Lincoln Hospital personnel treated a county jail inmate for cuts to his forehead and a bloodied mouth after fighting with another male inmate.

No injuries were reported from a two-vehicle collision on SR 174 near Bagdad Road.

A man told dispatchers that his vehicle had been run off U.S. 2 just east of Wilbur and into a ditch near Govan Road by another vehicle that made a bad pass.

Maintenance workers at the Harrington post office reported a loose dog continually leaves feces on the lawn outside.

A caller expressed concern about a panting dog with a heavy coat that was locked inside a vehicle parked in the Davenport Safeway lot with windows cracked.

A man told dispatchers he lost a gray kayak from the top of his vehicle while traveling on the Miles Creston Road between Creston and Seven Bays.

Door mechanisms were pushed in on two units at the storage facility adjacent to SR 174 near Grand Coulee.

At least three deputies responded to reports of gunshots mingled with loud music during a party with younger children present at a residence on Wild Turkey Lane northeast of Creston.

A caller told dispatchers that “a lot of kids keep going in and out of” the Davenport post office during late night hours.

Wilbur ambulance personnel assisted an elderly man who bled from his nose after collapsing at the local golf course.

National Park Service personnel towed an occupied boat that had become stranded from the Columbia-Spokane river confluence to Seven Bays Marina.

Saturday, Aug. 13: Responding to the city park, Sprague ambulance personnel transported a 17-year-old boy to a Spokane hospital after he suffered a compound fractured wrist.

A caller reported “fighting and arguing all night” at a unit in the Lakeview Terrace Mobile Home Park in Grand Coulee.

A caller told dispatchers that while driving east from Telford on U.S. 2, another vehicle making a pass nearly collided with a group of motorcycles in the other lane, causing her to slam on the brakes and swerve to avoid being hit. A deputy stopped the suspect vehicle near the intersection of Morgan (U.S. 2) and Twelfth (SR 28) streets.

A Grand Coulee officer asked for a deputy’s help in preventing a threatened escape involving a man described as “combative and agitated.” He had settled down some as both patrol vehicles neared the jail in Davenport.

Several near collisions involving speeding wheat trucks were reported on Mohler Road east to the Harrington Tokio Road.

A pilot reported his plane’s brakes had locked up while on the runway at the Davenport airport. He eventually “worked it out” to get back in the air.

A vehicle struck a retaining wall in the 300 block of Marshall Street in Davenport.

A caller observed two people with flashlights looking into the windows at TomFoolery’s pizza parlor in Wilbur.

A man told National Park Service personnel that a woman began yelling at him as he shaved his body in the Spring Canyon campground swimming area “in front of everyone.”

Sunday, Aug. 14: During a vehicle prowling incident, fuses were removed from a parked car in the 900 block of Logan Street in Davenport.

No one was reported injured as a result of a collision involving two vehicles on SR 231 by Rebel Ridge north of Reardan.

Davenport firefighters battled multiple blazes in alfalfa growing just north of Davenport along SR 25 near Klein Road. A residence in the area was not in the path of flames.

A Davenport resident reported sewage coming into his home in the 600 block of Thirteenth Street.

A white truck “spinning its tires around every corner” was seen at several Wilbur locations, including a church and daycare facility and the local school.

Kids were spotted standing up through the sunroof of a vehicle as it was driven on King Ranch Road East heading to Odessa.

A collision involving a vehicle and deer took place in the Wilbur area.

A caller said a man “acted weird” while standing near the women’s bathroom at the U.S. 2 Telford rest area.

Occupants of a boat with a broken propeller found their way from the Spokane River arm to the Fort Spokane boat launch. Elsewhere, National Park Service personnel towed a pontoon boat that had broken down from a cove near Whitestone Rock to Jones Bay.


Aug. 8: Koy L. Griesse, 24, Almira, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) for failing to appear for driving under the influence.

Aug. 9: Charlotte D. Albert, 50, Moses Lake, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for driving under the influence and refusing to comply with police.

Micah R. Davison, 25, Puyallup, Wash., arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for theft of a motor vehicle.

Jordan T. Cross, 22, Everett, Wash., arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for fourth-degree assault (domestic violence).

Aug. 10: Danny E. Nash, 37, Spokane, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for two counts of driving while license suspended.

Aug. 11: Christopher Stone, 48, transient, arrested by LCSO for malicious mischief.

Aug. 12: Ronald A. Carlson, 63, Moses Lake, arrested by LCSO for driving under the influence.

Tracy Matthew Bear, 38, Spokane, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.

Kevin M. Prater, 48, Sprague, arrested by LCSO for second-degree theft and theft of a motor vehicle.

Aug. 13: Donna R. Smith, 61, Ford, confined one day by the court for driving under the influence.

James B. Wilke, 55, Davenport, arrested by LCSO for driving while license suspended and an ignition interlock violation.

William E. Hughes, 36, Reardan, arrested by LCSO on a Stevens County warrant.

Aug. 14: Kenneth McClam, 51, Nespelem, arrested by LCSO on a Kitsap County warrant.

Aug. 15: Roger L. Page, 56, Davenport, arrested by LCSO for residential burglary.

From Aug. 8 to 15, six individuals were held in the Lincoln County Jail under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections, three were held for the U.S. Marshal’s Office and one served a three-day court commitment under contract with the City of Airway Heights

Court Report


John F. Strohmaier, Judge

Criminal Sentencing

Justin Henry Galles, 29, Spokane, pleaded guilty Aug. 9 to first-degree theft and third-degree malicious mischief (amended through plea negotiations from second-degree burglary, first-degree theft and first-degree malicious mischief). His sentence includes four months in jail (credit for time served), $1,150 court assessments and restitution to be determined. The court waived his attorney fees. The case involved the taking of more than $5,000 worth of copper conduit, hardware and wire from a building owned by American Tower Corp. on Macabee Road near Sprague between March 1 and May 8 of last year. The owner estimated the cost of repairing the facility at $33,880.

Civil Judgments

Westlink Ag Cooperative Corp., the petitioner from St. Paul, Minn., was awarded a $251,666.11 judgment on Aug. 2, against respondents Haden Farms Joint Venture, Wiley Farms, Inc., K&P Farms, Inc., Craig Scott Haden and Keith Brent Haden, all of Wilbur. The case concerned a 2014 promissory note on which $239,268.41 remained owing through May 2.

Prestige Financial Services, the petitioner, was awarded a $12,142.03 judgment on Aug. 9 against respondent Lisa West, of Davenport, in a case involving an unpaid balance on a car loan.

New Criminal Cases

Cheryl Lynn Brown, 48, Spokane, is charged with second-degree burglary, first-degree theft and first-degree malicious mischief in connection with the taking of more than $5,000 worth of copper conduit, hardware and wire from a building owned by American Tower Corp. on Macabee Road near Sprague between March 1 and May 8, 2015. The tower owner estimated that repairs would total $33,880.

Jason Russell Horstman, 43, is charged with three counts of first-degree theft, two counts of second-degree theft, two counts of second-degree burglary, two counts of criminal conspiracy, and a count each of second-degree malicious mischief, theft of a motor vehicle and residential burglary, stemming from the taking in April 2014 of a 5th wheel camper, tools, a tractor and an ATV from two properties adjacent to SR 25 and Teel Hill Road north of Davenport. The camper was recovered near Thornton, Wash., in Whitman County a month later. He is currently confined in the Brownstone Correctional Facility in downtown Spokane.

New Civil Case

Cit Bank seeks foreclosure to provide payment of $69,846.96 owing on a June 2005 reverse mortgage for $105,000 on property at 101 East 3rd Ave. in Odessa from respondents Gerald D. and Nancy E. Liner.


Estate of William A. McRae, Jr., who died Nov. 28, 1998, and Dorothy McRae, who died May 17, 2016. Both were residents of Garfield County at the time of their deaths.


Dan B. Johnson, Judge

Editor’s note: These reports are based on forms filled out by the presiding judge during court sessions and subsequently reviewed by the newspaper.

Joel Brant Hobson, transient, driving under the influence, pleaded guilty, 8 days jail, $1,678.68 court assessments, 36 months supervised and 24 months unsupervised probation, alcohol/drug assessment and recommended treatment, DUI victims’ panel, no possession or use of alcohol, marijuana and non-prescribed drugs (monitored by random testing), comply with rules and regulations of state Department of Licensing regarding installation and use of a functioning ignition interlock device; no valid operator’s license, dismissed.


Lincoln County Auditor’s Office

Kameron Wade Danforth, 18, and Kendralyn Reid Finney, 18, both of Airway Heights.


Lincoln County Clerk’s Office

New filings – Aug. 5: Sarah Dafler and Mark C. Dafler, of Davenport, married May 23, 2013, in Seattle, not separated at time of filing, no dependent children of the marriage. Also, 48 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.

Petitions for legal separation: 3 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.

Property Transactions

Lincoln County Treasurer’s Office

John J. Fraley and Virginia M. Fraley, Wenatchee, to Howard R. Nelson and Cheryl M. Nelson, Davenport – Lot 7, Blk. 3 of Seven Bays, $225,000.

Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington, Seattle, to Wells Fargo Bank, Des Moines, Iowa – Lots 2-4, Blk. 3, Lippencott Homestead Lots, $47,538.50.

Steve M. Conser and Diana J. Conser, Davenport, to Bill R. Hinkle and Debra K. Hinkle, Cheney – Lot 11, Deer Heights Plat No. 1, $65,000.

Sandra J. Pfeifer, College Place, Wash., to Steven T. Braun and Manda M. Braun, Odessa – portion of Sec. 5, T21N, R33E, $25,000.

Margaret M. Tracey, Ephrata, Wash., to Randolph Knight and Margaret Knight, Lebanon, Ore. – Lot 4, Blk. 15, Original Town of Odessa, $67,500.

Carl W. Stude III and Linda M. Stude (trustees, Stude Family 2002 Trust), North Hollywood, Calif., to Sweet Harvest Farms LLC, North Hollywood, Calif. – portion of Secs. 31 and 32, T24N, R38E, $0.

Scharon Andersen, Almira, to Adam J. Rohner and Tara R. Rohner, Creston – 1973 Marietta 23½x59 mobile home, $0.

Cheryl L. Sutliff, Richland, Wash., to Phillip W. Sutliff, Kennewick – NW Timberlands, north 440 feet of the north half of the north half lying east of Hawk Creek Tract 4, Section 30 and Tract 227, Hawk Creek Ranches, Section 19, $0.

Alton D. and Yasu Uttech (trustees, Alton and Yasu Uttech Living Trust), Ford, to Roy D. Uttech and Linda S. Uttech, Anchorage, Alaska – portion of Secs. 14, T27N, R39E (also known as Tract C), $270,000.

Dennis A. Inge and Deborah L. Inge, Sprague, to Michelle Kimes, Tacoma – Lot 10, Blk. 41, The Addition to the Town of Sprague (also known as First Railroad Addition to Sprague), $85,000.

Rick Kimes, Tacoma, to Michelle Kimes, Tacoma – Lot 10, Blk. 41, The Addition to the Town of Sprague (also known as First Railroad Addition to Sprague), $0.

Duane Zimmerman and Sara Sue Marks, Spokane, to Zadlands LLC, Spokane – portion of Sec. 23, T27N, R37E, $0.

Dennis C. Tullett and Margaret R., Tullett, Billings, Mont., to Brenda J. Barquero, Sprague – Lots 6 and 7, and the easterly 40 feet of Lot 8, Blk. 22, in The Addition to the Town of Sprague, $75,000.


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