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Court Report

Sheriff's Report


Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.

Monday, Aug. 15: Responding to a residence on Lamont Road, Sprague ambulance personnel assisted an 89-year-old woman believed to be suffering a heart attack.

A Creston woman reported an email scam involving a local church.

A caller observed a lighted cigarette being tossed out the driver’s window of a vehicle traveling U.S. 2 just east of Reardan.

A loose horse was reported on Mondovi Road near its intersection with Four Corners Road northeast of Davenport. Elsewhere, three or four calves were out on Bluestem Road near Stutheit Road.

Deputies investigated a possible child abuse case in the area.

A vehicle backed into two others parked at the Davenport Safeway, causing “extensive damage” and resulting in one of the drivers being transported in a Davenport ambulance to Lincoln Hospital for a possible back injury.

Two road signs were reported stolen, another knocked down on Kings Ranch and Laney Brothers roads near Odessa. Possible suspects include a group of four or five “kids” who were observed standing in the bed of a pickup truck and making “a bunch of noise.”

Emergency personnel responded to the collision of a semi-truck loaded with wheat with an abandoned warehouse in Odessa that took the life of the Rev. Tim Hauge, pastor of Christ Lutheran Church in that community.

Responding to the 300 block of South H Street in Sprague, a deputy assisted an 88-year-old man having breathing difficulties.

Tuesday, Aug. 16: A “full-scale” evacuation drill took place at Lincoln Hospital in Davenport, the most recent staff training exercise there.

At a Reardan restaurant, officers caught up with the driver of a truck loaded with logs that a caller observed making a bad pass on SR 231 and bypassing railroad crossing arms that were still in the down position moments after a train had gone through. The caller confronted the man inside the eatery about his “aggressive driving,” but desired law enforcement involvement as well.

A computer and printer were reported missing from a storage unit in the 1000 block of Twelfth Street in Davenport.

A farmer reported an irrigation pump on property adjacent to SR 174 near Wilbur had been “messed with,” but a responding officer determined there was no evidence of malicious intent after noticing a bolt nearby that had apparently fallen from the unit, causing oil to drain and the pump to seize up.

Harrington firefighters handled the call of a bulging fuel tank, with smoke coming from it, at the local Grange Supply outlet. SR 28 nearby was shut down for a brief time.

After a caller requested a deputy check on a woman in the 200 block of Maxwell Street in Davenport, she was discovered to be experiencing weakness and dizziness, qualifying her for an ambulance ride to Lincoln Hospital.

Responding to Sandy’s Family Foods, Wilbur Police investigated an insufficient funds check for about $229. The issue was resolved when the check issuer paid off the debt.

Wednesday, Aug. 17: Creston ambulance personnel assisted a 90-year-old man who had fallen against a bed.

A CenturyLink phone outage affected the city of Sprague and large portions of Adams County.

An ambulance transported a 90-year-old woman who had suffered a possible stroke from the Reardan clinic to a Spokane hospital.

A deputy checked out a report of a “suspicious” man who “acted like he didn’t want to be noticed” walking around downtown Davenport businesses and the skate park, along with another found sleeping under a tree at the USDA Service Center on West Morgan Street.

Officers from several agencies, including the sheriff’s office, Washington State Patrol, FBI and the state Department of Ecology, executed a search warrant on an “auto ranch” adjacent to Moos Road East in the Edwall area.

A deputy checked out a report that a bull being housed on property adjacent to Johns Rocky Way near Davenport consistently breaks down fencing and goes onto neighboring property.

Twenty cows were reported loose on Boyk Road north of Bluestem.

A caller reported that someone attempted to shoot her dog with a BB gun in the 1000 block of Ross Street in Davenport.

A deputy responding to a report of a shirtless man in blue jeans walking up and down Porcupine Bay Road and asking people for money discovered he was staying at the NPS campground and looking for rocks.

A caller observed a verbal dispute between a man and woman who jumped out of a vehicle that pulled over alongside SR 25 about two miles north of Davenport.

Thursday, Aug. 18: A caller reported seeing a teenager on the roof of the Almira school building and at least two others in the area “making noise.”

No one was reported injured as the result of a one-vehicle rollover collision on U.S. 2 near Wilbur.

A laser was aimed at the driver of a vehicle traveling on Wollweber Road near Edwall.

Responding to the Counseling Center on Merriam Street, Davenport ambulance personnel transported a woman thought to be about 20 years of age to Lincoln Hospital after an apparent suicide attempt at the facility. The woman had tied something around her neck and lost consciousness for a time.

Fire extinguisher balls were taken from a grain facility on Rosman Road in the Creston area.

A deputy responded to a report that a man was taking photos of children in the Sprague city park.

A caller told dispatchers that a chip truck “rode (his) bumper” and almost ran him off SR 25 about 10 miles north of Davenport.

National Park Service personnel responded to reports of a beach fire west of the Hawk Creek Narrows.

Friday, Aug. 19: A resident of the 200 block of Maxwell Street in Davenport phoned in her concern about hearing gunshots and whether someone was hunting cats at night. A dispatcher advised her that she was hearing activity from the sheriff’s office gun range.

A 25-year-old woman was transported to Lincoln Hospital after falling from the porch of a Mondovi Road residence and suffering a leg laceration. She initially declined ambulance service, but a friend prevailed after noticing “muscle hanging out the back of her leg.” Alcohol may have been involved.

Responding to the 500 block of NW Armstrong, Wilbur Police investigated a man’s alleged threats to shoot a woman and “make hamburger of her dog.

A Seven Bays firefighter needed assistance from National Park Service personnel in getting occupants of multiple boats to extinguish two campfires in the Sunday Bay area after they initially refused to do so.

Saturday, Aug. 20: A “red flag warning” was issued for fire danger in Lincoln County.

Five or six storage units in the 300 block of SW C Street in Creston were reported burglarized with “a lot of stuff” missing.

Wilbur Police checked out reports that someone had been knocking on windows of houses on College Street.

Odessa Police investigated a man’s report that he and his dog were bitten in an attack by two other dogs while walking in the 400 block of East 2nd Avenue.

Sunday, Aug. 21: A call that two vehicles were “playing chicken” on Interstate 90 in Lincoln County was referred to the Washington State Patrol.

A Davenport man reported a storage unit had been broken into overnight.

A responding deputy was unable to locate the source of gunshots heard by a caller on Green Canyon Road East.

After a woman’s bag fell from a motorcycle traveling Interstate 90, someone in a pickup truck following behind picked it up and drove off. The tracking device on a phone inside the bag revealed the suspects were somewhere on SR 28 near Red Bridge Road.

A deputy brought in an injured owl that had been found by a Spokane man in the vicinity of SR 25 and Cline Road just north of Davenport. The owl was placed in a box to await a visit from the locally based state Fish and Wildlife officer.

Firefighters got busy as reports of what was called the Hart Road fire began to come into dispatchers.

Monday, Aug. 22: A deputy gave a ride to the fire victims’ shelter at the county fairgrounds to a man who was pushing a shopping cart with his belongings inside alongside SR 25 at Cline Road.


Aug. 16: Lyle P. Abrahamson, 33, Wellpinit, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) for failing to appear for driving under the influence, driving with license suspended and having no functioning ignition interlock device as ordered by the court.

Courtney I. Buck, 29, Okanogan, Wash., arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.

Chad C. Wilbourn, 44, Hayden, Idaho, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.

Christina M. Ethier, 45, Omak, Wash., arrested by LCSO for driving under the influence.

Brady D. Haase, 23, Almira, arrested by LCSO for driving under the influence.

Aug. 18: Melody A. Clark, 73, Davenport, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for failing to transfer title.

Kurtis Klingenberg, 18, Electric City, arrested by LCSO for second-degree burglary (2 counts) and second-degree malicious mischief.

Aug. 19: Ayleana L. Caldwell, 20, Electric City, arrested by LCSO for second-degree burglary (2 counts) and second-degree malicious mischief.

Aug. 21: Derek W. Rieke, 48, Davenport, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.

From Aug. 16 to 22, 11 individuals were held in the Lincoln County Jail under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections and one was held for the U.S. Marshal’s Office.

Court Report


John F. Strohmaier, Judge

Criminal Sentencing

Urie Levi Lambert, 41, Arlington, Wash., pleaded guilty Aug. 16 to possession of methamphetamine and must serve four months in jail (either in Lincoln or Snohomish County), pay $1,113.60 in court assessments and complete 12 months community service. As part of a plea agreement, a District Court charge of use/deliver drug paraphernalia was dismissed. The matter concerned a March 3 traffic stop on Old Coulee Road near Williams Road East.

New Criminal Case

Christopher Barret Stone, 49, a transient, is charged with malicious harassment in connection with an Aug. 11 incident during which a man eating inside the Davenport Subway was punched twice in the face. According to a sheriff’s deputy’s report, the suspect claimed the victim, a man in his 50s, had made a “homosexual pass” at him before entering the restaurant. He is being held on $10,000 bond.


The court is considering a guardianship petition involving an 86-year-old “allegedly incapacitated” Davenport man who suffers from dementia, according to the filing documents.


Dan B. Johnson, Judge

Editor’s note: These reports are based on forms filled out by the presiding judge during court sessions and subsequently reviewed by the newspaper.

Koy Luke Griesse, Almira, driving under the influence, pleaded guilty, 31 days jail (credited as served), $2,641.64 court assessments, 36 months supervised and 24 months unsupervised probation, alcohol/drug assessment and recommended treatment, DUI victims' panel, no possession or use of alcohol, marijuana or illegal drugs (monitored by random testing), comply with rules and regulations of state Department of Licensing regarding installation and use of a functioning ignition interlock device.

Russell Scott Wentz, Bellingham, Wash., making false statement to law enforcement, pleaded guilty, 12 days jail (credited as served), $43 court costs, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, no possession or use of alcohol, marijuana and non-prescribed drugs, chemical dependency evaluation and recommended treatment; a second count dismissed at prosecutor's request; disorderly conduct, pleaded guilty, 12 days jail (credited as served), $543 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation and conditions as previously noted.

Dewayne Allen McClung, Jr., Omak, Wash., driving while license suspended, dismissed at prosecutor's request.

Chad Wilbourn, Hayden, Idaho, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 2 days jail (credited as served), $603 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, deferred sentence (may change plea when court's conditions are met).

Danny Ellis Nash, Granger, Wash., driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 10 days jail (credited as served), $703 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, deferred sentence (may change plea when court's conditions are met); probation violation (driving while license suspended), 10 days jail (credited as served), $160.80 court assessments.

Courtney Buck, Wellpinit, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 2 days jail (credited as served), $735 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, deferred sentence (may change plea when court's conditions are met).

Cristian Llamas-Ruiz, Electric City, no valid operator's license, dismissed and transferred to Juvenile Court.

Urie Lambert, Arlington, Wash., use/deliver drug paraphernalia, dismissed as result of Superior Court plea agreement.

Mark Broderson, Amboy, Wash., possession of a legend drug (2 counts), dismissed; reckless driving, pleaded guilty, $1,043 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, comply with mandatory ignition interlock requirements as imposed by state Department of Licensing.

Kevin Derek Durfee, Spokane, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $543 court assessments, deferred sentence (may change plea when court's conditions are met).

Garrett Nathanael Gross, Odessa, minor in possession, pleaded guilty, 2 days jail, $543 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, chemical dependency evaluation and recommended treatment, deferred sentence (may change plea when court's conditions are met).

William Dale Thompson, Walla Walla, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $443 court assessments, 12 months supervised probation, deferred sentence (may change plea when court's conditions are met).

Gary Ivan Flett, Wellpinit, driving under the influence, amended by prosecutor to reckless driving, pleaded guilty, 1 day jail, $1,535.29 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, comply with mandatory ignition interlock device requirements as imposed by the state Department of Licensing, alcohol/drug assessment and recommended treatment, DUI victims' panel, no possession or use of alcohol, marijuana or illegal drugs (monitored by random testing).

Russell Lee Sample, Sprague, no valid operator's license, fined $250.

Bobbie Jo Rose, Spokane, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $243 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, deferred sentence (may change plea when court's conditions are met).

Joshua St. John, Almira, driving while license suspended and fail to transfer title, dismissed at prosecutor's request (using a primitive road for agricultural activity at time of alleged offense).

Andrea Denise Andrew, Wellpinit, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $543 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, deferred sentence (may change plea when court's conditions are met).

Ethan Tyler Tapani, Benton City, Wash., reckless driving, amended to first-degree negligent driving, pleaded guilty, 3 days jail with 2 converted to 48 hours community service, $743 court assessments, 24 months supervised probation, deferred sentence (may change plea when court's conditions are met).

Antoinette Rose Faber, Spokane, driving under the influence, amended to reckless driving, pleaded guilty, 3 days jail (1 credited as served), $1,396 court assessments, 24 months supervised probation, DUI victims' panel, alcohol/drug assessment and recommended treatment, no possession or use of alcohol, marijuana or illegal drugs (monitored by random testing), comply with mandatory ignition interlock device requirements as imposed by the state Department of Licensing; reckless endangerment, dismissed at prosecutor's request.

Melody Ann Clark, Davenport, fail to transfer title, dismissed at prosecutor's request.

Order Changing Name

The court on Aug. 18 granted a petition by Julie Renee Berry to change her last name to Albrandt.


Lincoln County Clerk’s Office

New filings: 57 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.

Petitions for legal separation: 2 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.

Petitions for annulment or invalidity of marriage: 1 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.

Property Transactions

Lincoln County Treasurer’s Office

Mondovi Grange No. 822, Davenport, to Tyson E. Lacy and Rachel F. Lacy, Davenport – Lots 1-5, east half of Blk. 17, Town of Mondovi, $20,000.

Jon C. Lyon and Eva L. Parker, Issaquah, Wash., to Jon C. Lyon and Eva L. Parker (Parker Family Trust), Issaquah – Lot 2 of Sweet Springs Short Plat, $0.

David W. Bolender and Sara J. Bolender, Chewelah, to Double Z Properties LLC, Reardan – Lots 5-8, Blk. 30, Town of Reardan, and 15-foot wide block of vacated alley, $215,000.

Thomas G. Brown and Delores I. Brown, Wenatchee, to Ryan N. McBeath and Melissa A. McBeath, Graham, Wash. – Lot 1, Blue Water Views No. 2 Short Plat, $65,000.

Susan Eastman, Medical Lake, to Peter J. Eastman, Medical Lake – portions of Blk. 40, Original Town of Reardan, and Secs. 15 and 10, gift.

Northwest Trustee Services, Inc., Bellevue, Wash., to Wells Fargo Bank, Des Moines, Iowa – Lots 8 and 9, and west half of Lot 10, Blk. 2, Edwall’s Addition to Town of Edwall, $67,200.

Cody Dix Harris, Cheney, to Harris Land Company LLC, Cheney – all of Sec. 1, T22N, R39E, portion of Sec. 12, T22N, R39E and portion of Sec. 36, T23N, R39E, $55,800.

Richard Lisenbee, Kamloops, B.C., Canada, to Sharon Iaulualo, Spokane – Lots 7 and 8, Blk. 9, Original Town of Harrington, gift.

Tina Jeleniowski, Spokane, to Sharon Iaulualo, Spokane – Lots 7 and 8, Blk.9, Original Town of Harrington, gift.

Susan McCormick, Port Angeles, Wash., to Sharon Iaulualo, Spokane – Lots 7 and 8, Blk. 9, Original Town of Harrington, gift.

James Nelson and Sherlyn Nelson, Wilbur, to Michael Chipman and Nelanie Chipman, Wilbur – portion of Sec. 20, T26N, R32E, subject to all easements, $0.

Gary D. Mangis and Eilene M. Mangis, Creston, to Glen Shirley and Kathy Shirley, Cody, Wash. – portion of Sec. 17, T26N, R35E, $3,200.


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