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What's happening at the Opera House?

A Celebration and Dedication Gala is slated for this Saturday, October 1, 2016 from 4 to 6 p.m. by the Harrington Opera House Society. The public is invited to this special event to showcase the accomplishments of several long-term goals of the Society: handicapped accessibility, including the elevator installation and secpnd-floor restroom for the auditorium and the arrival of the 7’1” Boston by Steinway Grand Performance Piano.

The gala will begin with a ribbon cutting for the elevator at 4 p.m., followed by a social hour with beverages and hors d’oeuvres and a program at 5 p.m. featuring the piano and music. Special guests for the event include Senator Judy Warnick, Representative Tom Dent and Representative Matt Manweller, all of whom were very supportive and instrumental in the Society’s efforts to obtain a Washington State Capital Funds Appropriations Grant Award. The purchase and installation of the elevator and other building improvements to allow handicapped accessibility would not have been possible without this major infusion of financial aid. The project costs exceeded $380,000.

The 7’1” Boston grand piano, purchased from Michelle’s Piano Company of Portland, Ore. in the fall of 2015 with the assistance of Society members Mark and Sheryl Stedman, arrived at the Opera House on March 15 in the midst of the re-construction to accommodate the elevator. For many years, several members of the Society, including charter member and piano teacher Billie Herron, had envisioned a concert piano on the Opera House stage. In September of 2012, major fundraising efforts began with the first Grand Interlude concert organized by Rebecca and Stephen Hardy. Multiple events and fundraising campaigns have been held since then. Thanks to the generosity and efforts of many volunteers and supporters, the Society was finally able to realize the dream of installing this quality concert piano and beautiful enhancement for this historic venue.

As recently as 2010, event audiences could look up through the auditorium rafters to the pitched roof. Attendees to Saturday’s gala or other events scheduled this fall will find many new finishing touches to the grand old building. A mixture of maintaining and refinishing historic features such as the original wood floor, wainscoting and millwork; along with the added modern conveniences of heating, air conditioning, house and stage lighting and now elevator access brings the 1904 jewel alive and vibrant for today’s uses.

Other upcoming events include John Nilsen, composer and pianist, on October 22; Scott Kirby, artist, composer and performer, on Novenber 19; a holiday rummage sale and Santa visit on December 3. The venue is also reserved for a private wedding on October 8. Additional activities include weekly piano lessons for children and adults taught by Heather Safe.

Anyone with questions about the gala may call 509-253-4719 or 253-4336 or e-mail More information on the Harrington Opera House Society and its activities is available at or on Facebook.


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