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Harrington news

Food Mart celebrates, town meeting called, Halloween Carnival

Harrington Food Mart

One hundred years ago a man by the name of J.O. Kerrick set forth with architectural drawings in hand and proceeded to build the Fallert Hotel, in which building there has been a grocery store of one form or another during the past century as Moore's Grocery, Banner Meat Co, Harrington Food Market and Leeming Bakery. Henry Fallert had been the owner of Dutch Henry's Place which sat in the path of a fierce fire that destroyed it and the OK Stables in the spring of 1916. It was thought that his loss was $4,000 for which he carried $1,000 insurance. The new Fallert Hotel was estimated to cost nearly $9,000.

One year ago in November, the husband and wife team of Austin and Jenna Fries took possession of the Harrington Food Market formerly owned by Mike and Kathy Hoob. Minor changes were made in the store, and the name was modified to become the Harrington Food Mart. The Frieses, formerly of Davenport, were welcomed at a reception November 4, 2015, with hot soup, cookies and cake. This year, the reception will be for their customers. On Nov. 4, they are providing free soup and chili as "customer appreciation." From Oct. 24 to Nov. 4, raffle tickers are being issued, one ticket for every $5 purchase. Items in the raffle include an 11-pound prime rib roast, a movie night basket, three gift certificates (for $10, $15, $20), a Harrington Food Mart T-shirt, a hot cocoa basket, DiGiorno pizza and a baker's basket.

Harrington Community Group Forum

The Harrington Community Group Forum will meet at the Harrington Opera House Art Room Thursday, Nov. 17, at 7 p.m. The meeting is open to the public and is intended to keep people informed as to what projects are being worked on by which organizations. There will be a discussion of upcoming 2016-2017 projects and goals. It is hoped that representatives from local groups will be present: Chamber of Commerce, Alumni Association, Harrington Homemakers, Harrington Opera House Society, PTA, PEO, HHPC, Harrington Food Bank, Lions Club, Public Development Authority, churches, schools and local businesses. The invitation is to "come share what your group is doing, so we can work together and avoid multiple groups inadvertently working on the same projects. Let's share our ideas and keep each other informed on projects and events in our community."

Harrington PTA

The President of the Harrington PTA, Carolyn Mattozzi, sent the following article:

The Harrington PTA's Fifth Annual Halloween Carnival was held at the Harrington school multipurpose room on Thursday, October 27, from 5:30-7 p.m. Harrington grade school students, teachers and staff, community members and parents all took part in this fun, free event. Surrounding communities were invited as well. Pizza by the slice was sold for $2, along with soda and water. Popcorn and espresso items were also available for purchase. Children dressed in their Halloween attire and enjoyed participating in the various games, such as the cupcake walk, Plinko, pop toss, etc. Face painting, picture frame making and photos were also available. Raffle tickets were sold for $1 and could be put into one of two finalist boxes (Darren Mattozzi or Tiffany Clouse) for the "Pie-in-the Face contest." Raffle tickets were also drawn for door prizes. At the end of the evening, third/fourth-grade teacher Tiffany Clouse had the most tickets, making her the "target" for a pie thrown by sixth-grader Annika Walters.

The money raised from the carnival will go toward this year's PTA project, new curtains for the school multipurpose room stage. "It was very rewarding to see the smiles on the children's faces as they participated in the carnival events. I look forward to PTA movie nights and other activities that our PTA is planning in the upcoming months," Mattozzi said.

John F. Green Connections

Recently a photo of the "harvest scene of W.J. Green near Harrington, WA-August 30, 1911" was viewed in Montana at an RV park. Those who have a modest background in Harrington's history recognize the name of John F. Green as a prominent pioneer of the region, having arrived in 1883 and brought his family in 1887. In 1892, when the California Land & Stock Co. was formed, John F. Green became its manager, a position he held until his death in 1918. At the time of Green's death, he was survived by his wife Ella and children Robert L. Green, Wm. J. Green, Maud E. Green, Mrs. W.C. Hannum and Mrs. Ward Jesseph.

The harvest scene was of his son's outfit. W.J. Green was born in 1874 in Missouri and would have been about 37 when the photo was taken. Although not nearly as involved in the finances of the vicinity as his father, Will was a farmer and grain buyer who also was a member of the firm of Weisgerber, Crisp & Co., a real estate firm. Upon his father's death, Will took over the management of the California Land and Stock Co. until its liquidation in 1936. Will Green died in 1956.

At Earl, there once lived the family of S.F. Green. Samuel Francis Green was a son of William and Elizabeth Green of Lexington, Ky. Sam was born in 1855 at Kingston, Mo. He moved to California in 1875. He was married in 1884 to Lillian Ford and moved to the Harrington area in 1898, near his brother John F. Green. Sam and Lillian had two daughters.

The family moved to Chewelah in 1911 and he died in March 1912. In 1916, his wife and oldest daughter, Ayleen, went on a vacation to California. They boarded the ill-fated steamship Bear at Portland, Ore. They were close to their destination when the captain of the ship lost his bearings in the thick night fog near the mouth of Bear River in Humboldt County, Calif. Captain Nopander believed he was yet several miles out to sea, but instead he was grounded on the reefs by strong shoreward currents. There were 213 people on board and 13 lifeboats. Two of the lifeboats were caught by an incoming wave and capsized, drowning five souls. Of those five, two were former residents of Harrington, Lillian Green and her daughter Miss Ayleen Green, former teacher in country schools and in Harrington.


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