Sheriff's Report
Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.
Monday, Feb. 6: No one was reported injured as a result of a vehicle going into a ditch adjacent to SR 231 near Bergeron Road.
A pickup truck landed on its top as a result of a rollover collision on U.S. 2 about eight miles east of Davenport. Davenport ambulance personnel and Reardan EMTs were sent to the scene. One person was transported to Lincoln Hospital for examination and possible treatment.
A one-vehicle rollover collision was reported on U.S. 2 near Almira.
Odessa police and firefighters were involved with a structure fire in the 100 block of East Marjorie. The residence was described as fully engulfed, but it appeared all occupants had escaped harm.
Tuesday, Feb. 7: A crane was needed to deal with a fully loaded Eastern Washington Gateway Railroad grain car that derailed near U.S. 2 and Houger Road southeast of Creston.
Two women were detained and a man was arrested as deputies executed a search warrant at a residence in the 100 block of Hill Avenue in Grand Coulee.
A county jail inmate was taken to Lincoln Hospital to receive treatment for infection to his face after experiencing painful dental problems during the previous night. He was in a local dentist’s office the following day.
Odessa Police investigated a break-in that occurred in the vicinity of 8 West Third Avenue.
Wednesday, Feb. 8: Responding to the eastbound I-90 Sprague rest area, Sprague ambulance personnel assisted two women who complained of lung cancer and difficulty breathing.
Snow drifts blocked SR 23 south of Harrington. Several vehicles got stuck in the snow on Harrington Tokio Road.
A jack-knifed semi-truck blocked both lanes of SR 25 about 22 miles north of Davenport. A similar report was received from the intersection of SR 23 and Main in Harrington, where the hill near the railroad tracks was described as “solid ice.”
A Creston caller reported a teenage girl was being harassed and threatened through notes, texts and social media.
No damage or injuries were reported after a vehicle went into a ditch on U.S. 2 about two miles east of Reardan.
Odessa Police responded to a report that a man had been assaulted by another at Chiefs Bar and Grill on 1st Avenue. The intoxicated man drove away, was stopped by an officer at SR 21 and Hoppe Road, and took off again, launching a pursuit to the Adams County line and the driver’s eventual apprehension with the assistance of Adams County officers. His vehicle apparently crashed on King Ranch Road about two miles south of SR 28.
Reardan Police investigated the theft of a motor vehicle from the Spokane Indian Reservation that may have been driven to Reardan.
Thursday, Feb. 9: A semi-truck was reported to be stuck on U.S. 2 near Creston, partially blocking traffic.
Classes were cancelled for the day in both Davenport and Odessa school districts.
Brief electrical interruptions were reported in Reardan during the morning hours.
A Miles Creston Road resident reported a cougar killed a calf overnight in a pasture adjacent to Hawk Creek Road.
A caller reported construction trucks traveling at high speeds on SR 25 south from Porcupine Bay Road. He clocked one truck at 60 mph on an icy stretch of highway.
A county snow plow unit was enlisted to open the way to a Watson Road residence south of Creston where a 75-year-old woman had died during the night.
A Davenport caller was referred to local mental health providers for “the best resources” to address a relative who was described as “acting more and more unstable.”
Friday, Feb. 10: A Wilbur man reported he was kept awake throughout the night by suspicious lights shining into the windows of a residence in the 500 block of NW Armstrong.
An Earl Road resident reported finding a bull that had been loose in the area for at least three months.
A deputy advised a man who was burning garbage at the Davenport RV Park to stop and promised a citation if a report is received in the future.
Damage was discovered to a trailer used by the Harrington Nazarene Church for its food bank.
Occupants of a mini-van traveling up and down Mayberry and Leffel roads south of Davenport told a deputy responding to a report of suspicious activity that they were playing Pokemon.
Odessa Police checked out a report that someone may have been “casing the town” while walking in the vicinity of Marjorie and 6th.
Saturday, Feb. 11: Railroad crossing arms in Reardan were reported to be malfunctioning.
A Reardan area caller reported his 69-year-old wife had fallen on ice, hit her head and possibly fractured her arm – but he would transport her to the hospital rather than call on local EMTs and ambulance personnel to do so.
A woman told dispatchers she had locked herself out of a residence on Sunset Highway and that the stove inside was on.
After his vehicle went into a ditch on U.S. 2 near Wilbur, the driver got out and vomited.
A caller expressed concern about a drone flying over property adjacent to Ridge Runner Lane north of the Bald Ridge area between Davenport and Reardan.
Sunday, Feb. 12: Responding to the local Chevron station, Sprague ambulance personnel assisted a 29-year-old woman who had previous heart surgery and was now experiencing chest pain.
Deputies investigated a possible harassment incident in the Davenport area.
A caller reported that someone broke open the lock on his vehicle’s driver-side door while parked in the 1000 block of Washington Street in Davenport.
Feb. 7: John P. Hintz, 56, Spokane, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) for driving under the influence, driving while license suspended and an ignition interlock violation.
Feb. 8: Twyla G. Walker, 34, Spokane, confined four days by the court for driving under the influence.
Joaquin C. Dearmond Ruiz, 27, Brewster, Wash., arrested by LCSO for driving while license suspended.
Myron R. John, 26, Omak, Wash., arrested by LCSO (for Okanogan County) for driving while license suspended.
Feb. 9: Jerry W. Armstrong, 40, Ritzville, arrested by Odessa Police for attempting to elude a pursuing police vehicle.
Feb. 11: Morgan S. Welch, 27, Reardan, confined by the court for driving while license suspended.
Paul D. Mattox, 42, Creston, arrested by LCSO for reckless endangerment and driving under the influence.
From Feb. 7 to 13, three individuals were held in the Lincoln County Jail under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections and two for the U.S. Marshal’s Service.
Court Report
John F. Strohmaier, Judge
Criminal Sentencings
Erin Jamie Sean Vincent, 48, Wilbur, pleaded guilty Feb. 8 – before the completion of a jury trial – to fourth-degree assault (domestic violence) that involved a May 3, 2016,alcohol-related incident in Wilbur from which he was accused of grabbing a woman by the hair. He must complete 30 days jail, five months electronic home monitoring and two years of monitored probation, pay $950 court costs and $500 public defender reimbursement, have no contact with the victim for five years, complete an alcohol/drug evaluation and recommended treatment, not possess or consumer alcohol or non-prescribed drugs for two years and have no firearms for five years. Prosecutors withdrew a second-degree malicious mischief (domestic violence) charge in January.
Tye Alexander Parkhurst, 22, Reardan, pleaded guilty Feb. 7 to second-degree unlawful possession of a firearm and must serve four months in jail (with credit for time served), pay $860 court costs and have no firearms. As a result of a plea agreement, prosecutors withdrew a charge of second-degree malicious mischief. The charge involves a November 2016 incident at a Reardan residence.
Civil Judgments
Erik Edan Foreman (Foreman Construction), Davenport, must pay $1,181.22 owed for the third quarter of last year to the Washington State Department of Revenue.
Patrick T. Stone, Davenport, must return $374.92 in overpaid benefits to the Washington State Department of Employment Security.
Laura L. Zumwalt, Sprague, must return $1,474.67 in overpaid benefits to the Washington State Department of Employment Security.
Amey L. Kirby, Davenport must return $507.63 in overpaid benefits to the Washington State Department of Employment Security.
New Criminal Case
Citing a lack of probable cause, the court threw out three of seven counts of second-degree unlawful possession of a firearm prosecutors originally filed against David Jeremy Arnst, 20, Spokane, in connection with incidents between Jan. 24 and Feb. 1 in the vicinity of Geib and Krause roads near Wilbur. After securing a search warrant, deputies recovered shotguns and pistols from a reported “suspicious” vehicle that was the focus of a traffic stop on Jan. 30.
Civil Cases
Clarification: Last week’s report about a collections matter involving petitioners Robert Mielke, Judy Mielke, Dorothy Mielke and Cheryl Beymer and respondents Mielke Brothers, Inc. (MBI) and Douglas Mielke, inadvertently omitted a claim by the petitioners for repayment to Dorothy Mielke of $711,575.68, excluding interest, in loans to MBI.
Estate of Ronald Nelson McKinley, of Cheney, who died Dec. 1, 2016.
Dan B. Johnson, Judge
Editor’s note: These reports are based on forms filled out by the presiding judge during court sessions and subsequently reviewed by the newspaper.
Michael Anthony Williams, Wellpinit, probation modification (driving under the influence and while license suspended), 3 days jail, $200 court assessments.
Garrett Nathanael Gross, Odessa, probation modification (minor in possession and third-degree theft), 2 days jail, $100 court assessments, no consumption of alcohol, marijuana or non-prescribed drugs.
Dale James Burke, Davenport, probation modification (driving under the influence), 90 days jail, immediate in-patient treatment.
Tiauna Lynne Kannas, Creston, probation modification (driving while license suspended), 2 days jail converted to 20 hours community service.
William C. Becker, Wilbur, probation modification (driving while license suspended), 2 days jail, $150 court assessments.
Donny Lee Carson, Spokane, probation modification (malicious mischief), 348 days jail (3 credited as served), $102 court assessments.
Tammie Amber Ruff, Davenport, probation modification (fourth-degree assault/domestic violence), 1 day jail (credited as served), $102 court assessments.
Philip J. Van de Veer, Visiting Judge
Lorenzo Longoria, Quincy, Wash., fail to transfer title, dismissed at prosecutor’s request.
Tyson Kenneth Cole, Warden, Wash., probation modification (violation of domestic violence no-contact order), 30 days jail (with credit for time served), $102 court assessments.
Gage Russell Van Cleave, Lakewood, Colo., driving under the influence, amended to reckless driving, 3 days jail (credited as served), $1,983 court assessments, 24 months supervised probation, alcohol/drug evaluation and recommended treatment, comply with mandatory ignition interlock device requirements as imposed by the state Department of Licensing.
Raymond Lee Louie, Nespelem, driving under the influence, amended to reckless driving, 1 day jail (credited as served), $1,847 court assessments, 24 months supervised probation, alcohol/drug evaluation and recommended treatment, DUI victims’ panel, comply with mandatory ignition interlock device requirements as imposed by the state Department of Licensing; driving while license suspended, dismissed.
Andrew Bradley McDowell, Wilbur, driving while license suspended, 4 days jail (credited as served), $43 court assessments, 12 months unsupervised probation; violation of no-contact order, 4 days jail (credited as served), $543 court assessments, 12 months unsupervised probation.
Jasper O. Kala, Reardan, driving while license suspended, $793 court assessments, 8 months unsupervised probation.
James John Hemmerling, Spokane, driving while license suspended (2 counts), $586 court assessments, 12 months unsupervised probation.
Shawn Lee Haggard, Spokane, driving under the influence, 1 day jail (credited as served), $1,342.97 court assessments, 24 months supervised probation, DUI victims' panel, comply with rules and regulations of state Department of Licensing regarding installation and use of a functioning ignition interlock device; fourth-degree assault (domestic violence), dismissed at prosecutor’s request.
John F. Strohmaier, Visiting Judge
David Jeremy Arnst, Spokane, probation modification (minor in possession), 10 days jail, $102 court assessments.
Lincoln County Auditor’s Office
Troy Harley Canfield, 55, and Dawn Samantha Tysz, 43, both of Davenport.
Paul Lewis Titchenal, 63, Edwall, and Chris Lyn Escobar Furtado, 56, both of Edwall.
Lincoln County Clerk’s Office
New filings – Feb. 9: Eric B. Nielsen, of Almira, and Sherilynn Nielsen, an Okanogan County resident, married July 22, 2010, in Vancouver, Wash., separated Nov. 15, 2015, no dependent children of the marriage. The respondent requests her last name be changed to Schreckengost; the petitioner requests the court issue an anti-harassment protection order against her. Also, 50 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Property Transactions
Lincoln County Treasurer’s Office
James S. Roberts and Jo Ann Roberts (trustees, James S. Roberts and Jo Ann Roberts Revocable Trust), Sequim, Wash., to Scot Anderson and Lorri Anderson, Reardan – portion of Secs. 8, 9 and 16, T24N, R39E, subject to easements, $658,000.
Michael Chipman and Nelanie Chipman, Wilbur, to Larry Conley, Wilbur – Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 1, Original to the Town of Govan, $1,350.
James R. Kane, Jr., Spokane, to Ronald Raymond Morse and Linda Joyce Kraft, Reardan – north 140 feet of east 100 feet of west 200 feet of vacated Blk. 25, Fairweather Addition to the Town of Reardan, $162,000.
US Bank N.A. (formerly Old National Bank of Washington, trustee under will of Martha Hall), Spokane, to US Bank N.A. (trustee, William K. Hall Trust), Spokane – portion of Secs. 9, 17 and 21, T21N, R38E; all of Sec. 16, T21N, R38E; portion of Sec. 32, T21N, R37E and all of Sec. 32, T21N, R37E; $0.
Ellen M. Williams, Woodbridge, Va., to David L. Oliver and Diane L. Oliver, Hartline – Lots 1-3, Blk. 20, Original Addition to the Town of Almira, gift.
Pamela Dietrich, Davenport, to Jay L. Gossett and Kari L. Gossett, Harrington – all of the center 28 feet of Lots 11 and 12, Blk. 38, Original Town of Harrington, $5,000.
James H. Schmoker, Jr., and Annette M. Clyde (successor co-trustees, James H. Schmoker, Sr., and Myrtle L. Schmoker Irrevocable Trust), Snohomish, Wash., to Jack B. Trimble and Shirley L. Trimble, Yakima, Wash. – portion of Sec. 21, T28N, R36E, subject to easement, $225,000.
Janis Pierce West (personal representative, estate of Norma Pierce), Bellevue, Wash., to Paul A. Williams and Tammy L. Booker, Davenport – portion of Sec. 1, T25N, R38E and portion of Sec. 36, T26N, R38E, subject to easement, $61,209.
Bebelene Chun (personal representative, estate of Fairlene M.F. Moniz), Honolulu, Hawaii, to James Thomas Conner, Davenport – Tracts 228, 229 and 230, Hawk Creek Ranches Segregation Survey Area No. 1, $0.
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