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Harrington news

Opera House Society meets, Slack family to open B&B, Clouse event

Opera House Society

The monthly meeting of the Harrington Opera House Society was held in the Art Room at 7 p.m., June 5, with Mark and Sheryl Stedman, Linda Wagner, Carol, Cherie MacClellan, Billie and Gordon Herron, Ed and Bunny Haugan, Marge Womach and Karen Robertson in attendance. Minutes and treasurer's report were given and approved. The secretary reported on correspondence, each a thank-you for a positive experience working with Society personnel at functions.

The building committee reported on its labeling project for recent work, a new electronic device which must be unplugged during performances, and the repair of the chandeliers. Members of the committee include Carol (chair), Gordon Herron, Mark Stedman and Ed Haugan. Wagner reported on the Farm Credit grant and that the photo would be taken Tuesday. Carol reported on obtaining a $1,300 grant from US Bank which will cover the three-year contract for Internet service, a laptop computer, the router and sensors to report water leaks, temperature and conditions at the grand piano.

The discussion of obtaining an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) unit was tabled due to the expense. Working with the Lions Club on a matching funds proposition was suggested. In the meantime, it was suggested that the Opera House borrow from the Memorial Hall the available AED unit for major events.

Recent events were discussed, the quilt show and rummage sale on May 20, both seen as a tremendous success with good support by the community. Over $700 was accrued in the joint rummage and vintage sales which would not be possible if the community did not support it with donations of beautiful glassware, useful household items, toys, and all those items that take up space after they become idle or stored in one's home. The piano recital on May 21 was also seen as very successful and nicely supported by the community.

Upcoming events include the rummage sale for June 10, Bridges Home on August 25, the Needhams in September at the Fall Festival, Peter Davenport in the fall with an UFO event and Dr. Graves, pianist and performer extraordinaire, for the 25th Anniversary Celebration in October. A proposal from the Wheatland Theatre Company for a possible December event was sent to committee, as the proposal did not meet any of the Society's criteria for events. The next meeting will be July 10.

June 10, the Society's rummage and vintage jewelry sale was open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. A steady flow of patrons visited all morning and considerable goods were moving. The afternoon had some unusual slow time, but in the end, the donations made the day worthwhile. An interesting side note, quite a number of buyers were unaware of the Clouse event up at the ball field and were interested enough to state that they would go check it out. At various times in the day, the music could be heard in the downtown district.

Justin and Heather Slack

In 1904, the History of the Big Bend was published which held glowing articles loaded with family history, lore and encouragement for the pioneers who had struggled to carve out a living. Words and phrases used to describe the early pioneers like the Turners, the Talkingtons, the Glascocks included: being possessed of plenty of pluck and energy; gained by virtue of ability and industry; hard-working; and labored steadily for the advancement of the country. Harold Turner at one time owned the two buildings on the southeast corner of Third and Main where in this generation the deed has come full circle and is now in the possession of Justin and Heather Slack, Heather being in a direct line to Harold Cromwell Turner.

As might be recalled, this young couple owns and operates the historic bed and breakfast on Second Street. They have been quite visible this past week with work on the front windows of their acquisition. The town has seen and benefited from the industrious and forward-thinking nature of the Slacks in creating the bed and breakfast in a town where many might say, "What, a bed and breakfast in a small town like Harrington?" The community is rallying support and interest in watching the pioneer spirit that causes growth to occur, even in this modern time.

The building on the corner where Heather is seen scraping windows has been mercantile stores (Charlton & Fisk and Hansard & Pea), Harrington State Bank (1906-1910), a Post Office (1917-1961) and more recently the Horse Collar and Hatcher's medical supply. The second building began as W.H. Tierney's Ivy Leaf Cafe (1902), J.L. Fleming's Shooting Gallery (1912), Turner's Insurance; and was more recently rented by Leffel, Otis & Warwick. Whatever the enterprises that are moved into these buildings in due time, Harrington can be assured that they will continue attaining their goals which seem to coincide with the betterment of the community.

Clouse Event

Saturday, June 10, Harrington hosted the second annual Justin Clouse Memorial at the football field on First Street. Harrington's maintenance crew had the streets cleaned and flags flying for the event. Lions Club had placed the new flags along front edge of our cemeteries. Music could be heard downtown by 9:30 a.m. and continued intermittently throughout the day.


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