Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!
The 81st annual Odessa High School alumni banquet last Saturday was a very well attended event. The community center was filled with OHS alumni from the 1940s to the current graduates of 2017.
The catered dinner was provided by the OHS chapter of Future Business Leaders of America. The graduates of 2007 organized the banquet and led the annual business meeting.
Awards were made to the couple (both graduates of OHS) who had been married the longest: Frank (1951) and Arlene Kissler (1954) Koth, married 62 years. The graduate who had traveled the farthest to attend was Mary Jane Iltz (1977), who came from Cape Cod, Mass. The alum(s) having the most grandchildren were Jim and Anne Horak Haugen, both from the class of 1963. They have 14 grandchildren.
The raffle winner was Patti Gross Bischoff of the class of 1957.
The winners of the 2017 scholarships from the OHS Alumni Association were also recognized and all three were present: Zoe Clark, Brad Johnston and Elizabeth Larson.
The second annual induction of candidates into the Odessa Athletics Hall of Fame was presented by Jon Heimbigner (1966). Ten individuals were inducted: Harley Frank, Frank Koth, Gale Salo, Sandy Phillips Holmes, Larry Weber, Stan Dammel, Ken Witt and Leslie Bischoff Hughes.
Two teams were also inducted this year, the 1961-62 football team (11-man) that had an undefeated record that school year with the exception of a tie with Ritzville about midway through the season. Odessa scored an average of 35.2 points per game that year, while its opponents scored an average of 6.4. The team was coached by Phil Roth and Gerald Ray.
The 1985-86 girls volleyball team also had an undefeated season, going 29-0 and overpowered much larger schools such as Cheney, Mead, Rogers (Spokane) and Moses Lake. The team was coached by Ken Scherr and Dorris Cronrath.
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