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D-fest prep timeline:

Making kraut ranzas: July 29 (Saturday), the members of St. Joseph Catholic Church and friends made their kraut ranzas all in one day. They are in the freezer and ready for Fest.

Making apple strudel: September 5, 6 and 7 (Tuesday through Thursday) from 8:30 a.m. to about 5 p.m. every day. To volunteer to help, call Charlene Kagele at 982-2825 or Laura Estes at 982-2908.

Making cabbage rolls: Heritage church will be making cabbage rolls on Tuesday August 22. We will work all day and make them start to finish. We will start at 9 a.m. at the community center’s commercial kitchen. To volunteer to help, call Carmen at 988-0531.

Those in charge of various aspects of the festival are as follows:

Fun Run: Jamie Nelson, 509-254-1443.

Parade: Washington Federal bank, 509-982-2624.

Finney Field parking: Chris Luiten, 509-982-2111.

Street Fair vendors: Terri King, 509-988-0430.

Biergarten: Tammy Smith, chair; Lindsy Starkel, vice-chair.

Yard sale map: Clarene Haynie, 509-988-0074.

Horseshoe Exhibition: Kathy Ratkowski, 509-982-2269


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