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School buying property for added parking, community garden
The Board of Directors of Odessa School District #105 met in the high school library Wednesday, July 26, at 6 p.m.
Prior to the regular meeting, the board held a budget workshop in the district office, with superintendent Dan Read giving a brief overview of revenues and expenditures budgeted for each of the funds in the budget.
Chairman Ed Deife opened the budget hearing right before the regular meeting, and Read gave a brief overview of the proposed 2017-18 budget. He gave handouts to board members showing district level comparison budgets for school years 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020. Read said he felt the 2018-2019 school year would be the time when the district would be most aware of the impact from recently passed legislation regarding public school funding.
Hearing no input or questions from the audience, Chairman Deife closed the budget hearing and declared the regular board meeting open, with board members Heather Valverde, Chris Crossley, Janie Steward, Carmen Weishaar present in addition to Deife and Read, principal Jamie Nelson and business manager Juli Weishaar. Also present was Terrie Schmidt-Crosby of The Odessa Record.
The consent agenda was approved, which included the minutes of the June 28 regular meeting and the July 13 special meeting, July bills and payroll warrants #610100-610123 and direct deposit warrants #900005604-900005660 for $236,383.28, General Fund A/P warrants #610124-610168 for $67,973.12, Capital Projects Fund A/P warrants #610169 & 610176 for $27,253.19 and ASB Fund A/P warrants #610170-610175 for $17,284.45.
Under personnel matters, a personal services contract was approved for Bev Scherr as 2017-18 Curriculum/Title/Assessment Coordinator. The Union Exempt Classified Salary Schedule for 2017-2018 was approved, as was the hiring of Christine DeVore as a para-educator, Jon Hayashi as the junior-high head track coach and David Elder as the junior high asst. football coach.
Resignations were accepted from Dennis Schuh as custodian (effective 12/31/17) and LaRee Kuchenbuch as high schools girls asst. basketball coach.
Read reported that purchase of the Viola Els property is moving forward with a tentative closing date of July 31, 2017. Read received a $2,000 grant from Northwest Farm Credit Service that will go towards the FFA-sponsored community garden, which will eventually be constructed on a portion of the Els property located diagonally across from the gymnasium. Read was investigating the cost of demolishing the existing buildings on the property, and additional school parking is being contemplated for the bulk of the property.
Nelson praised the work being done by Nancy Glines on the summer feeding program. Summer school is under way under the direction of Charli Moffet and Blayne Albertson.
Nelson also reported the results of the FBLA students who attended the National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, Calif. Nelson congratulated Terri King on being presented the "Creating Future Leaders Award" at the Lead2Feed advisory board's annual meeting.
Nelson said a goal of the staff and administration for the coming year is to increase the involvement of more students in the various activities offered. Some kids seem hesitant to join any of the extra-curricular clubs or support their activities, and she wants to know what is holding them back.
Read reported that many financial accounting changes will result from the school funding budget finally passed by the state legislature.
Justin Parr was at a school bus driver instructor training course in Vancouver and therefore unable to attend the board meeting. The board reviewed his written report which contained photographs of potential changes to parking zones on the south side of the building. City workers will have the crosswalks repainted before the start of school.
The custodial crew has been busy painting over the Titan purple with Tiger orange inside the school, gym and athletic fields.
Read presented the ASB balance sheet for July. He further presented the Financial Activity reports for General Fund for June showing revenue at $245,039 and expenditures at $339,592 for an ending balance of $876,477.
The board discussed the role of volunteer coaches and whether or not cheerleading should be combined with pep club or continue as a sport.
The board approved a motion to authorize Read and Nelson to meet with appropriate school personnel to establish the role of volunteer coaches and to determine the status of cheerleading as an extra-curricular club or a sport.
Because the fourth Wednesday of August conflicts with the Lincoln County Fair, the next regular board meeting will be held Tuesday, August 22, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the high school library with a workshop scheduled at 5:30 p.m. prior to the regular meeting.
The board approved resolution #7-2016-17 reading, in part, as follows: "Whereas, WAC 391-123-054 requires that the Board of Directors of every school district meet for the purpose of fixing and adopting the budget of the district for the ensuing year; and Whereas, a public notice was published - - - - , Now, Therefore, be it Resolved, that the Board of Directors - - - - has determined that the final appropriation level of expenditure for each fund will be as follows:
A. General Fund
B. Capital Projects Fund $268,000.00
C. Debt Service Fund $37,860.00
D. Associated Student Body $200,500.00
E. Transportation Vehicle Fund $20,000.00
Be it further resolved, the Board of Directors authorizes the Superintendent to apply for State and Federal grants and programs as follows:
Program No. 24 IDEA Part B
Program No. 24 IDEA Pre-school 619
Program No. 28 Carl Perkins Vocational
Program No. 51 Disadvantaged (Title I, Part A)
Program No. 52 School Improvement (Title II TQT)
Program No. 52 School Improvement (Title VI SRSAP)
Program No. 55 Learning Assistance (LAP)
Program No. 58 TPEP Teacher Training Funds
Program No. 74 High Capable Program
Board members approved a motion to surplus the junior-high and high-school Titan football and baseball uniforms.
Superintendent Read presented the fee schedule for the 2017-2018 school year with mostly only minor changes compared to the preceding year. The complete fee schedule will appear in next week's back-to-school issue of The Odessa Record.
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