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Meet your neighbor

Alva Richardson

I had a wonderful visit with an awesome lady and learned some history about this area as she told me her story.

Alva Richardson was born in Odessa and remembers when, before there was a Deutschesfest, Odessa had a rodeo. She said it lasted 10 or 12 years and shut down because of lack of participation. Alva grew up on a cattle ranch between Odessa, Harrington and Ritzville. She attended school in Harrington and graduated high school in 1947. She joined 4-H in grade school and as an adult became a 4-H leader. On the ranch as a teenager she would drive tractor for bailing hay. In 4-H she baked, canned and showed steers at the fairs in Davenport, Yakima, Spokane and Portland, where the steers would be sold. She was active in community and church and was involved in many crafts. Crocheting, knitting, sewing and many more. She said there were only a couple of things that never got her interest. She has left most of the crafts behind and concentrates on her quilting.

In 1949 she married Bill Richardson and they moved to Odessa. They raised two daughters, Janet who now lives in Linden, and Lora who lives here in Odessa. Her brother Elmer and her sister Eldora have passed on, but her sister-in-law still lives on the family ranch. Her husband drove oil truck for the Grange until his retirement. Bill passed away in 2011. She tells me he was very active in the community and was also fire chief at one time.

Alva worked for over 20 years at the grocery store as the main cashier and loved the interaction with the community.

The parents of both Alva and Bill were Germans from Russia and came from the Volga River valley and settled in this area. Bill and Alva met in Odessa. She says she has lived in this same house for over 50 years. You can tell all her hand work as you look around her home.

We continued our visit and traveled down memory lane. I so enjoyed all of her stories and will go back for another visit to enjoy her wonderful company and more stories. She is a very pleasant lady and, if you don't already know her, I hope you will get the opportunity soon.

Until next time, enjoy life.


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