The volunteer Odessa Emergency Medical Technicians, who man the ambulance whenever it is called out to help a member of the community, held a two-day fund-raiser this past weekend as the opening of hunting season got under way. Beginning at 5 a.m. and running until 10 a.m. on both Saturday and Sunday, the breakfast included pancakes, French toast, eggs cooked as requested, sausage, hashbrowns, orange juice and coffee. It was possible to order an entire plate for $8 or to order a la carte to receive only those items requested at separate cost for each item.
The event was held at the Odessa Drive-In, with owner Helen Coubra offering the use of the premises for only a small fee to cover utilities and cleanup. Hunters passing through town and locals alike gathered for the breakfast, some on both days. On Sunday, EMT Justin Parr began a delivery service in town as well. He delivered more than 20 breakfasts in all.
This was the third annual hunters' breakfast offered by the EMTs, and was by far the most successful. The group was especially happy to see the level of support from town residents in addition to the hunters themselves.
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