Vandals may cost $2,800
Odessa police are investigating a suspected case of vandalism from October 26 at the main water reservoir on the south hill near the large, lit “O” also located there. The public works crew had received an alarm indicating that communication with the reservoir had been lost. The telemetry antenna atop the reservoir was found to have collapsed onto the roof. A water pump also failed at the same time, although it was unclear whether the two events were related or the result of a very strange coincidence.
Public works director Rod Webster reported to the Town Council at Monday night’s meeting that, the necessary repairs, water-quality testing and labor involved, could cost the town in the neighborhood of $2,800.
At its regular November 13 meeting, the Odessa Town Council voted to approve Ordinance 687 limiting cemetery decorations to fresh flowers except for the week prior to and after Memorial Day. Other types of displays slow down the maintenance efforts of the town crew. Any such items, as well as the vases containing cut flowers, will be removed prior to mowing of the grass and can be retrieved by patrons from the rear outside area of the cemetery chapel.
The council also voted to remain with the carrier provided by the Association of Washington Cities for Odessa’s property and liability insurance.
Police Chief Tom Clark explained that town ordinances relating to parking of RVs on town property or rights of way were at times in conflict with one another. The laws in question will be further reviewed and discussed at the next council meeting.
The town has declared surplus four vehicles that have been replaced over the past few months. The old vehicles will be listed wherever they might provide the largest return for the town or they will be sold at the fireman’s auction coming up after the first of the year. Fire chief Don Strebeck reported that the auction will take place the last weekend in February of 2018.
In his police report, Clark said a grant from the University of Washington allowed his department to purchase drug overdose revival kits. He said he is also working with the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office to find a suitable prescription drug drop-off location for unused medications.
In his public works report, Webster said that the failure of one of the two 1962-vintage furnaces in the Old Town Hall led to the purchase of two new, more efficient furnaces for the building. Replacing the second furnace even though it was still operable was considered in the name of efficiency, since the installers offered a break on the installation cost if both were replaced at the same time.
A report from the U.S. Geological Survey on the town’s water quality, Webster said, showed no lead or copper in the water and no other kinds of contaminants.
Mayor Lois Hubbard has contacted the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) for advice concerning federal funding issues as they might related to a proposed marijuana grow operation at the Odessa Industrial Park. As of Monday night, she had not received a response.
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