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School board

School enrollment jumps to head count of 263 in past weeks

The Board of Directors of Odessa School District #105 met in the high school library November 29, first holding a workshop in the district office review the district’s educational programs and maintenance and operations replacement levy and the capital projects levy, followed by its regular meeting at 6 p.m. Present were board members Ed Deife, Heather Valverde, Chris Crossley, Janie Steward and Carmen Weishaar, Superintendent Dan Read, Principal Jamie Nelson and business manager Juli Weishaar. Also present were facilities supervisor Justin Parr, athletic director Bruce Todd and Terrie Schmidt-Crosby, press.

There was no staff or public input.

The board approved the consent agenda which included the minutes of the Oct. 25 regular meeting and the Nov. 18 special meeting; November bills/payroll warrants #610448-610473 and direct deposit warrants #900005826-900005885 for $251,721.04, general fund void/re-issue #610447, $356.90, general fund A/P warrants #610474-610527 for $54,641.88, ASB fund A/P warrants #610528-601547 for $11,806.12.

New hires include Heather Melcher as a part-time paraeducator, Amy Shaw Schaefer as high school asst. girls basketball coach and Kellie Luiten as winter cheer coach.

Superintendent’s report

Superintendent Read reported a November enrollment of 235.9 full-time equivalent students.

Read thanked the board for attending the board retreat at the Coeur d’Alene Resort November 18, and he specifically thanked Carmen Weishaar for donating her gift cards to put toward room and meal costs.

Read reported he had met with OHMC administrator Mo Sheldon to discuss the possibility of offering a Certified Nursing Assistant class next school year at school with clinical work being done at the hospital. Read will survey students to see if there is an interest in the program.

Principal’s report

Principal Nelson reported a P-12 headcount enrollment of 263 students.

Nelson reported parent-teacher conferences had good parent participation at the elementary level with lower secondary level parent turnout. She is looking at ways to increase junior-high and high school parent participation in future years.

Other school activities reported on by the principal: National Honor Society students assembled and delivered Thanksgiving baskets to community members, FFA students put on a Halloween carnival, Kaedin Schorzman placed sixth in FFA state tractor driving and FBLA students sold caramel apples to purchase supplies to prepare over 600 meals for senior citizens who live in the community.

Board report

Board members all agreed the board retreat was a very productive day and well worth the time meeting together to discuss information related to the passage of ESHB 2242.

Athletic director’s report

Bruce Todd reported the high school volleyball team placed fourth in state and the high school football team lost in the semi-finals, thus placing third in the state.

Todd said basketball practice had begun, with high school games being delayed a week due to the football playoffs. Junior-high girls have been playing games, and the junior-high boys’ season will begin in January.

Todd conducted a survey and found there is not enough interest to offer softball in the spring. He will talk with Harrington’s athletic director about having Odessa students participate in tennis.

Todd reported the committee charged with reviewing and revising the athletic/activities code for the junior and senior high will begin meeting after the first of the year.

Todd concluded by reporting the WIAA had issued a written clarification on the rules for eighth graders playing on high school basketball teams, allowing 80 quarters of play over the complete junior-high and high-school season.

Legislative report

Read reported that there is discussion of minor amendments to ESHB 2242 and could result in additional special education funding and possibly an increase to the $1.50/thousand on property cap.

Facilities report

Justin Parr reported the outdoor lights have been repaired, the stairs to the high school entrance will be roped off during inclement weather, he has installed timers on the bus plug-ins and the swing shift custodial/maintenance II position has been opened to the general public.

Financial report

Read presented the ASB balance sheet for September and financial activity reports for the general fund for September showing an unassigned fund balance of $682,979.

Next regular meeting

The next regular board meeting will be held Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. in the high school library. The board did not schedule a workshop.

Health care

interlocal agreement

The board approved a resolution to authorize the execution of an interlocal agreement restating the district’s agreement in connection with the purchase of health care and/or other insurance for the district’s employees and their dependents as presented by Superintendent Read.

Educational programs

and operations levy

The board approved the following resolution: “Whereas, the funds available for Odessa School District #105-157-166J through presently scheduled programs are insufficient to meet the needs of the district, and - - - - - Now, therefore, be it hereby resolved - - - that a special levy be held in the aforesaid district on the 13th day of February, 2018, - - - - - - - Which shall be submitted to the electors of said district for their approval or rejection in the form of the following ballot title: “Shall a replacement excess levy of $386,000 be collected in the year 2018, requiring approximately $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed valuation - - to be placed in the General Fund and used for Educational Programs and Operation.”

Capital levy for

school improvements

The board approved the following resolution: “Whereas, the funds available for Odessa School District #105-157-166J through presently scheduled programs are insufficient to meet the needs of the district, and - - - - Now, therefore, be it hereby resolved - - - that a special levy be held in the aforesaid district on the 13th day of February, 2018, - - - - - - - Which shall be submitted to the electors of said district for their approval or rejection in the form of the following ballot title: “be authorized to levy a one-year replacement tax levy be collected in the year 2019, requiring approximately $0.46 per $1,000 of assessed valuation - - - to be placed in the Capital Projects Fund to be used to support the modernization of school facilities - - - of Odessa School District #105, Lincoln County, joint with #157, Adams County and #166J Grant County.”


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