Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

The Year in Review


The Odessa school district reported that its purchase of the property of the late Viola Els located diagonally across the street from the gymnasium is proceeding and is scheduled for closing soon.

Northwest Farm Credit Services presented a check for $2,000 to the Odessa High School chapter of FFA for its community garden project.

The country home of Jeff and Amber Zagelow caught fire while the family was away on vacation. There was serious damage to the home, and the Zagelows and their four children will rent a house in town until they decide on whether or not to rebuild.

Shirley Johnson of Odessa was awarded a quilt from the Quilt of Valor Foundation of Moses Lake. Johnson served on the USS Shenandoah as a U.S. Navy corpsman for 22 years during the Desert Storm and Desert Shield conflicts.

Planning for the 47th annual Deutschesfest was well under way. Dates were scheduled for making kraut ranzas, cabbage rolls and apple strudel.

A complete solar eclipse was seen in nearby northern Oregon, and several Odessa residents traveled there to view it.

A large group of volunteers met at Finney Field to paint over the former Titan colors with the once and future Tiger orange and black. School staff members provided a lunch of grilled hamburgers and hot dogs.

Steve Siegel of Odessa declared his candidacy for the office of mayor.

The girl scout troop from Odessa had worked feverishly to raise money for a trip to Washington, and it finally paid off. The girls and their chaperones saw many of the monuments and places of interest in the nation’s capital and came home excited to tell everyone about it.

School began at the end of August with an enrollment of 255, the highest number that has attended the school in quite some time.


The Odessa Town Council received word that Dobson Road in Odessa, frequently used by heavy equipment and potato trucks and long a source of potholes requiring attention, has moved to the top of the list of projects that will soon be completely rebuilt using money from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Results of the Lincoln County Fair were published, showing great success for Odessa area exhibitors.

Lincoln County Sheriff’s deputies busted an illegal marijuana growing operation in Mohler.

Deutschesfest had great weather for its 47th celebration. The number of visitors to the event was nevertheless down from that achieved during its heyday.

The Menno Mennonite Church, located in the country between Odessa, Ritzville and Moses Lake was the site of the 40th annual country auction of locally made quilts, handicrafts, foods and so on. Proceeds go to the Mennonite Central Committee for distribution around the world to those in need.


The Odessa High School chapter of FBLA received a civic award from 2nd Harvest of Spokane for its volunteer efforts to feed the hungry.

The second annual Tim Hauge Memorial Golf Scramble was held to raise money for a scholarship in memory of Hauge’s dedication to his church and the community of Odessa. Hauge, the pastor at Christ Lutheran Church, died suddenly in the summer of 2015. Winning the scramble was the team of Paige Alloway, Zach Schaal, Nick Nelson and Justin Hunt.

Julie Jantz retired from her post as director of the Odessa Food Bank after many years of service.

What used to be called Davenport Theatrical has changed its name to Wheatland Theatre Co. to better reflect the regional nature of its scope. Auditions draw on people living throughout Lincoln County, and performances will be scheduled in several different towns during the 2017-18 season.

Fast work by Odessa and Harrington firefighters saved the Lamona ranch home of Rachel Walter when windy conditions made for a challenging battle against the blaze. Several acres of sage brush and grassland burned, but the home was spared.

Bill Crossley declared his candidacy for mayor of Odessa, running against Steve Siegel who filed earlier. Employed by Odessa Trading Company, Crossley has served as an EMT and firefighter and is currently a member of the town council.


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