Sheriff's Report
Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.
Monday, Feb. 19: Responding to a residence on Linstrum Road, Harrington ambulance personnel assisted a 61-year-old man with post-surgery complications.
A deputy responded to a report from The Davenport Motel of a married couple involved in a dispute while staying there while their residence was being remodeled.
A Sprague caller reported receiving threats against his life and property.
Tuesday, Feb. 20: Sprague ambulance personnel assisted a 76-year-old man with pneumonia.
Responding to a LifeAlert activation, Creston ambulance personnel transported a Wilbur woman to Lincoln Hospital in Davenport.
A student on the way to school drove off the roadway, leaving the vehicle in a field near Polenske and Bluestem roads.
Deputies investigated a report of a suspicious vehicle with one to three occupants that has been continually observed by residents in the vicinity of Polenske, Wollweber and Canby roads.
A group of individuals thought to be breaking into an abandoned house on South First Street in Creston turned out to have a legitimate work order to change the locks there.
Three deputies, mental health and Lincoln Hospital personnel were involved in the process of detaining a Reardan man on an extreme protection order and transporting him to Eastern State Hospital for an involuntary commitment.
A Wilbur man reported the theft of a firearm from a residence in the 400 block of SW Lincoln.
Deputies responded to an incident involving juveniles in the vicinity of the Davenport park, pool and Memorial Hall.
Reardan Police received a report that someone had “defaced federal property” by converting quarters into rings, then offering them for sale.
National Park Service personnel investigated a hit-and-run collision from the previous weekend at the Jones Bay boat launch.
Wednesday, Feb. 21: Two vehicles collided at the intersection of Nicholls and Maxwell streets in Davenport, with no one reported hurt.
Deputies joined Davenport School District personnel in an investigation of a caller’s report that a male teacher/coach was in a girls’ locker room at the middle school.
Dispatchers took a report of a possible theft or trespassing incident on property adjacent to SR 28 south of Davenport.
Deputies investigated the reported theft of a drywall jack from a residence in the 100 block of North Third Street in Harrington.
A caller expressed his concern about seeing a man lying down with a long rifle and another standing with a firearm next to a pickup truck parked along U.S. 2 about nine miles east of Davenport.
An aerial ambulance crew was on alert while Creston emergency personnel tended to a 75-year-old Creston woman with chest pains and a history of heart problems. She eventually was transported on the ground to Lincoln Hospital in Davenport.
A caller requested assistance with an unwanted and possibly intoxicated man at a residence in the 800 block of Ross Street in Davenport.
Thursday, Feb. 22: Deputies investigated a report of an alleged illegal marijuana grow in the eastern portion of the county.
Responding to a caller’s report, deputies assisted an elderly woman who fell outside a residence in the vicinity of Third and Adams streets in Davenport.
Odessa Police handled a verbal dispute involving three individuals in the 100 block of East 1st Avenue.
Odessa Police responded to a “juvenile problem” in the 100 block of East 4th.
Friday, Feb. 23: Water service was interrupted in the vicinity of Fourth and Adams streets while a Davenport city crew repaired leak.
The manager of a slaughterhouse on Stein Lane in Odessa requested law enforcement assistance should a group of PETA members arrive to protest.
A pickup truck slid off Teel Hill Road near Porcupine Bay Road and into a tree.
A caller told dispatchers her vehicle ran over a lost drive train from a state Department of Transportation truck while traveling U.S. 2 west of Wilbur, causing a flat tire.
Saturday, Feb. 24: Dispatchers took reports of drifting snow on Waukon Road.
Wilbur ambulance personnel transported a 78-year-old man with possible heart problems from the 700 block of NE North Avenue to Coulee Community Hospital.
A vehicle slid off U.S. 2 near Zeimer Road and into a wheat field.
A caller reported hearing a gunshot and seeing two men dressed in black running in the vicinity of Eleventh and Maxwell streets in Davenport.
Two vehicles collided at Rocklyn and Wilbur Hardy roads.
Firefighters from Davenport, Egypt, Deer Meadows and Seven Bays responded to a chimney fire at a residence in the 35000 block of Russ Road East.
Odessa Police checked out a noise complaint in the 500 block of Marjorie.
Sunday, Feb. 25: Areas on Miles Creston and Crescent roads were reportedly almost blocked by drifting snow.
A minivan with two occupants was involved in a rollover collision on U.S. 2 just west of Davenport, where poor visibility due to blowing snow was reported. Both were injured and were assisted by Davenport ambulance and fire personnel before being taken to Lincoln Hospital.
After a collision, two vehicles were reported in a ditch on U.S. 2 at Mountain View Cemetery Road west of Davenport.
Local ambulance personnel transported four individuals from a traffic collision at U.S. 2 about three miles east of Davenport to Lincoln Hospital.
Emergency personnel were ready to assist a motorist with a 10-year-old girl suffering seizures as their vehicle traveled on U.S. 2 at a fast clip between Wilbur and a Spokane hospital.
After receiving word from its owner, U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) rangers located a shotgun he had accidentally left behind after visiting the Fishtrap shooting area.
Deputies responded to a report of a man outside a residence in the vicinity of 3rd and F streets in Sprague who was “shouting and screaming all day, throwing bottles around his yard, really acting strange and appearing violent.”
Feb. 19: Andrea C. Greenfield, 45, Mead, serving a court commitment for a Spokane County misdemeanor.
Feb. 20: Adrianna Nicole McCrea, 26, Fruitland, arrested by Reardan Police for driving while license suspended.
Jonathan David Watson, 46, Omak, Wash., arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) for forgery.
Feb. 22: Ernestina Nina Ortizm 37, Wellpinit, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.
Ramon Wise, 22, Spokane, serving a three-day court commitment for third-degree possession of stolen property.
Feb. 23: Juan Antonio Jacobo, 27, Othello, Wash., arrested by Washington State Patrol for an out-of-state misdemeanor.
Feb. 24: Ashley Noel Howard, 38, Medical Lake, arrested by LCSO for driving under the influence.
From Feb. 20 to 23, 12 individuals were held in the Lincoln County Jail under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
Court Report
John F. Strohmaier, Judge
Civil Judgments
Diana R. Glover, doing business as The Willows Motel in Wilbur, must pay $4,567.08 in taxes owed from August through November 2017 to the Washington State Department of Revenue.
Martin & Glinski (Gary Martin and Sheila Martin), doing business as The Viking Drive-in in Sprague, must pay $1,236.54 in taxes owed for November 2017 to the Washington State Department of Revenue.
New Criminal Cases
Michael Jackson, 33, of Spokane, is charged with first-degree burglary, possession of a stolen firearm, first-degree unlawful possession of a firearm and second-degree theft (of a credit card) in connection with a Feb. 10 incident at a residence adjacent to U.S. 2 between Davenport and Reardan. A court order is in place that bars contact between him and a co-defendant, as well as the alleged victim.
Paula Machele Gardner, 36, Spokane, is charged with residential burglary in connection to the Jackson matter and also must abide by the court’s no-contact order.
Adalya Elaine Breaux, 21, Edwall, is charged with residential burglary and second-degree theft in connection with a Jan. 12 incident at a residence on Larabee Street in Edwall resulting in the theft of a laptop and a security camera system.
New Civil Cases
Nancy Deife, of Odessa, seeks a judicial review of an Oct. 25, 2017, denial by the state Health Care Authority Board of Appeals of her request for long-term care benefits. The matter hinges on whether income from the family farm is necessary for self-support.
LVNV Funding LLC seeks payment from Robert Shepherd of Wilbur of credit debt totaling $861.09 through May 12, 2017.
Petitioner Edna E. Swiger, of Michigan, asks that Kenneth J. Swiger be removed as personal representative of the Estate of James K. Swiger, who died Sept. 28, 2017, and also be declared a disqualified heir. She claims she and other potential heirs were not notified of a memorial service and the existence of a new will that disinherited them, and alleges that the respondent engaged in “financial abuse” of the elder Swiger.
Estate of William S. Barany, of Spokane, who died Jan. 16, 2017.
Estate of Richard R. Henneman, Sr., of Davenport, who died Jan. 30, 2018.
Estate of Pauline Keno, of Fairfield, Wash., who died Oct. 14, 2017.
Dan B. Johnson, Judge
Editor’s note: These reports are based on forms filled out by the presiding judge during court sessions and subsequently reviewed by the newspaper.
Ami Jo McIntosh, Ford, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $243 court assessments, 12 months supervised probation.
Shawn Richard Dale, Connell, Wash., driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $643 court assessments, 12 months supervised probation; operating vehicle without required ignition interlock device, dismissed at prosecutor’s request.
John Joaquin Bird, Spokane, driving under the influence, 4 days jail (credited as served), $2,386 court assessments, 36 months supervised and 24 months unsupervised probation, alcohol/drug evaluation and recommended treatment, DUI victims' panel, no possession or consumption of alcohol, marijuana or illegal drugs (monitored by random testing), comply with rules and regulations of state Department of Licensing regarding installation and use of a functioning ignition interlock device; driving while license suspended, dismissed.
Tobias Sheldon Anderson, Springdale, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $643 court assessments, 12 months supervised probation.
Justin Joseph Anderson, Missoula, Mont., driving under the influence, 1 day jail (credited as served), $2,467.10 court assessments, 36 months supervised and 24 months unsupervised probation, alcohol/drug evaluation and recommended treatment, DUI victims' panel, no possession or consumption of alcohol, marijuana or illegal drugs (monitored by random testing), comply with rules and regulations of state Department of Licensing regarding installation and use of a functioning ignition interlock device.
Jennifer E. Anderson, Moses Lake, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $643 court assessments, 12 months supervised probation; operating motor vehicle without required ignition interlock, dismissed at prosecutor’s request.
Austin Hiner, Joint Base Lewis McChord, Wash., reckless driving, amended to second-degree negligent driving, fined $550.
Steve P. Rotar, Seattle, speeding (18 mph over limit), contested, dismissed.
Ramon Paul Wise, Spokane Valley, third-degree possession of stolen property, pleaded guilty, 3 days jail, $493 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, deferred sentence (may change plea when court’s conditions are met).
Jeffrey Don Roberts, Stanwood, Wash., speeding (15 over), contested, amended to expired vehicle registration, $156 penalty.
Christopher A. Widenhofer, Beaverton, Ore., driving under the influence, amended at prosecutor’s request to reckless endangerment, $993 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, alcohol/drug evaluation and recommended treatment, DUI victims' panel, no possession or consumption of alcohol, marijuana or illegal drugs (monitored by random testing); speeding (16 over), operating motor vehicle without liability insurance and open alcohol container in vehicle, all dismissed.
Kennon Ron Eddy, Odessa, driving under the influence, $2,221 court assessments, 36 months supervised and 24 months unsupervised probation, alcohol/drug evaluation and recommended treatment, DUI victims' panel, no possession or consumption of alcohol, marijuana or illegal drugs (monitored by random testing), comply with rules and regulations of state Department of Licensing regarding installation and use of a functioning ignition interlock device.
Rod R. Schmidt, Edwall, unlawful storage of waste tires (2 counts), pleaded guilty, $493 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.
Igor Shelenko, Chicago, Ill., speeding (7 over), contested, amended to expired vehicle registration, $136.
Daniel Clarence Medlock, Pasco, Wash., probation violation (ignition interlock violation, 30 days jail (9 credited as served), $510.40 court assessments.
Lincoln County Auditor’s Office
Brittany Robertson, 28, and Nicholas F. Murray, 38, both of Davenport.
Ann Louise Harman, 59, and John Eastman Booth, 68, both of Fruitland.
Lincoln County Clerk’s Office
New filings – Feb. 9: Jessica Lynn Ibarra and Zane Trevor Ibarra, of Mohler, married July 15, 2011, in Mohler, two dependent children of the marriage. Feb. 20: Virginia Christine Fries, of Davenport, and Austin John Fries, of Harrington, married March 24, 2007, in Davenport, separated June 2, 2017, three dependent children of the marriage; the petitioner requests her last name be changed to Buck. Also, 54 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Petitions for legal separation: 1 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Property Transactions
Lincoln County Treasurer’s Office
Bank of America (trustee, Joan Kramer Patterson Living Trust), Spokane, to William A. Jessup, Wilbur – all of Sec. 29 and portion of Sec. 32, T27N, R32E, with specified exceptions, $940,000.
Stuart and Nicole Hansen, Friday Harbor, Wash., to Seth and Julie Short (trustees, Seth and Julie Short Revocable Living Trust), Greenacres, Wash. – property at 321 Airport Way, Davenport (Lot 21, Blk. 3, Airport Addition to Seven Bays), $43,500.
Dennis A. and Rosemary R. Zeigler, Harrington, to Chad E. and Kaci R. Kiser, Graham, Wash. – property at 33540 Manke Road, Harrington (portion of northwest quarter of Sec. 34, T22N, R36E), $360,000.
Mark S. Foreman, Tonasket, Wash., to Jeffrey A. Smith, Veradale, Wash. – Tract 1, Hawk Creek Ranches Segregation Survey Area No. 1, $8,600.
EL Concept LLC, Gaston, S.C., to Lyle Sperline and Tamara Kelley-Sperline, Harrington – property at 409 South Birch Street, Odessa (west 60 feet of Lots 8-10, Blk. 15, Town of Odessa), $10,500.
Marlene J. Thompson (individually and as personal representative, estate of Vernon L. Thompson), Seattle, to Rickie Lee Vaughan, Sr., and Margaret Ann Vaughan, Almira – property at 201 South B Street, Almira (Lots 3-10, Blk. 10, Thompson’s Addition to Almira), $30,000.
Sylvia L. Jarvi, Harry A. Wall and Janis H. Rozier, Seattle, to Robert R. and Jessica L. Houston (individually and as custodians for Connor Kent Houston, a minor), Wilbur – portions of Secs. 27 and 34, T27N, R33E, $605,800.
Edward N. and Doris Ensor, Davenport, to Douglas E. and Patti A. Ensor, Davenport – portions of Sec. 29, T25N, R38E, gift.
MTC Financial, Inc. (Trustee Corps), Seattle, to Numerica Credit Union, Ewing, N.J. – property at 24134 Waukon Road North, Reardan (portion of Sec. 35, T25N, R39E south and east of Waukon Road), $45,548.82.
Ronni L. Atchley, Marysville, Wash., to Virginia Mae Brizgaloff, Ephrata, Wash. – property at 175 SE Railroad Street, Creston (Lots 17-18 and portion of Lot 19, Blk. 4, Original Town of Creston), $85,100.
Lyle R. and Laurel O. Parker, Anacortes, Wash., to James M. Dickerson, Jr., and Kathryn E. Dickerson, Yreka, Calif. – property at 143 West Airport Loop, Seven Bays (Lot 43, Blk. 1, Airport Addition to Seven Bays), $355,000.
Duane and Donna Timm, Davenport, to Dona Timm, Davenport – 2007 56x26 mobile home located at 35402 SR 23E, Davenport, $0.
Jennifer Lee Salazar, Snohomish, Wash., to Carlo Dionne Salazar, Snohomish – property at 3950 Plum Point East, Grand Coulee (Parcel R3-C, Lake View Acres Short Plat), $0.
Faye L. Strickland, Liberty Lake, to Schroeder Heritage Farm LLC, Liberty Lake – southeast quarter of Sec. 25 and east half of Sec. 33, T25N, R32E, $0.
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