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To the Editor:
I was impressed with the great number of delegates and guests who attended the recent Democratic State Convention held in Wenatchee. More impressive still were the elected officials and candidates who spoke, leaving a very positive impression on me. But State Senator Manka Dhingra of the 45th Legislative District was the most memorable because, through a personal story, she made a very important point that I don’t hear often enough.
While “doorbelling,” she spoke with a self-identified Trump supporter and over the course of several minutes listened to his concerns. She then conveyed her beliefs about our country and her values.
After this exchange the man walked over to the car where a volunteer for the senator was waiting, took a bumper sticker and said, “I’m voting for her.”
Senator Dhingra explained to the convention crowd that we should not write anyone off, because most people can recognize what is right and good.
Jeremy Street
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