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Bootlegger arrested; harvest; pool
100 years ago
The Odessa Record
August 2, 1918
Arrested for distilling liquors. Andrew Galleon was captured near Inchelium, on the south half of the Colville Indian Reservation, by special agent J.W. Ramsey and arraigned before United States Commissioner, Katherine S. Ide, on a charge of having in his possession distilled spirits without having paid United States revenue thereon. He was held on a $1,000 bail. Galleon is said to be an Austrian and according to the evidence, was conducting a flourishing business in the manufacture of Moonshine Whiskey. The still, an improvised affair, was confiscated and a considerable quantity of the manufactured article, together with the makings taken by the officer. (Lincoln Herald)
75 years ago
The Odessa Record
August 12, 1943
Halfway done with harvest: Harvest in the Odessa area is near it’s halfway point, with some of the smaller outfits already through their cutting. On the larger ranches, cutting will continue for another two weeks or more.
Yields continue to beat early estimates. Some ranchers report having suffered grain loss because of an electric wind storm that struck the area a few weeks ago. So violent was it, the lead in the wires on radio aerials grew hot.
A rainfall Saturday morning delayed many rigs during the day, some localities being able to resume immediately after noon. It had been the second rain delay during the week, as a heavy rain Thursday morning had interfered.
The farm fire truck was called to the outskirts of town on Friday when the Pavliska wheat truck caught fire as it was coming down the water tank hill. Discovering that their truck was afire, Louis Pavliska backed it up to a pile of sand and this was used to smother the fire until the truck arrived from town. Wiring and a fuel pump were damaged while Jos. Pavliska sustained singed eyebrows from leaping flames as he raised the truck hood.
Al Wagner responded to the harvest need this week, taking the job as truck driver for Fred Kissler, Jr.
Warehouses at Wheeler and Schrag have been closed temporarily until outdoor storage can be arranged, it is announced. W.C. Raugust estimated that the Batum warehouse would be filled by the end of the week.
Sol Reiman, manager of the Odessa Union Warehouse, stated this morning that the Jantz station elevator was filled with grain and no cars available for shipment. Previous hope that elevators and warehouses could handle the crop with normal car loading were lost when cars failed to arrive. Much of the present crop has been sold, but the shippers can not get cars enough to handle this. Railroad men aver that cars will be brought from the east and that the condition will be cleared up within ten days.
50 years ago
The Odessa Record
August 8, 1968
Council considers hiring of night marshal for Odessa. The Odessa town council, meeting in regular session Monday evening, agreed to hire a night marshald for the midnight to 6 a.m. period. if such a person can be found. The action was taken in an attempt to deter burglaries, five of which have been reported in a 10-day period in July.
A library, like the pool, is needed: Many years ago a group of determined citizens decided Odessa needed a swimming pool, it is reported to the Editor. They cited various reasons for their actions: A swimming pool would be good for the kids. It would give them something to do in the home town and help prevent juvenile delinquency. It would furnish an activity in which the whole family could participate.
There was opposition. Some said a swimming pool would cost a lot of money, and it was too close to the tracks. Taxes were too high; the price of wheat was too low. A lot of tax payers didn’t want to swim anyway, and why should they pay for someone else’s pleasure. The kids had gotten along without a pool before this, and they didn’t need one now. Besides, they had a tub at home.
Finally, as you know, the progressive spirit prevailed, and the swimming pool was built. Time has verified the wisdom of their decision. Today a mark of distinction for Odessa, the pool has been a continuing source of pleasure and healthful activity for the whole community. Many townspeople feel that Odessa needs a new City Hall Library, and the situation is much as it was with the swimming pool. There are pros and cons. Will residents show the same confidence in the future that their parents and grandparents did? Will you show that you care for your children and your town on August 20th?
25 years ago
The Odessa Record
August 5, 1993
Town considering ordinance to soft-pedal teen car blasts: You can hear the noise from one end of town to the other, some say.
Is the blast issuing from teenage-driven cars with their sound systems on high, really high?
It’s the latest symbol of some sort among the youthful drivers in Odessa, apparently. They shake up entire neighborhoods as they drive by. This noise problem came up for discussion at Monday’s meeting of the Town Council after Paul Volkman appeared to explain the situation in his neighborhood on North Division Street. He complained of a loud sound system which penetrates the walls of his home, keeping him from his sleep. He asked if there wasn’t an ordinance which the town could apply to quiet down the noise.
This brought comments from nearly every one of the council members. The noise, it seems, is an annoyance whenever certain teenagers are out cruising about town. It shakes rafters and vibrates window panes. It can even be heard above the shrill whistle of a fast freight passing through town. “This is a hazard not only to the youngster, but to others on the streets as well,” one council member said. “The high decibels are impairing their hearing, and if we can hear that noise above the trains, then they certainly can’t hear trains or anything else.” Police Chief Randy Carlson said the town has no ordinance on the books at this time which could restrict the activity. The noise could, he said, be cause for citation for improper driving. Council members asked Carlson to check with the Association of Washington Cities to find out what ordinances there are elsewhere to control similar situations. Carlson said he would have a sample ordinance drafted for presentation at a forthcoming council meeting.
Lead and copper testing of water taps to be taken: In June of 1991, the United States Environmental Protection Agency published the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations. One of the effects of this regulation is that the town of Odessa is required to sample “at the tap” for lead and copper in drinking water.
The town has always sampled at the well for this and other chemicals and compounds. “At the tap” means the water to be sampled must stand undisturbed for a period of six hours. It is called a “first draw sample”. Because of the new regulation the only practical method of collecting these samples is to have the homeowner collect them. The town is required to collect twenty of these samples. The water department is compiling a list of sites that meet the EPA guidelines. They will be contacting homeowners to ask for their cooperation in completing the program. Roger Sebesta, director of public works, says the letters will be sent out in the coming weeks. He is hoping Odessa citizens will take time to respond to the letter and help them with this program. If anyone has any questions or concerns about lead and copper in drinking water, contact the water department at 982-2201.
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