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Out of 7,076 registered voters, a total of 3,825 cast ballots in the August 7 primary election. The next ballot count will be on Aug. 20, and the date of certification of the election is Aug. 21.
Results, showing only the top two finishers unless stated otherwise:
United States U.S. Senator
Maria Cantwell, Democrat,
County vote: 1,099 31.35%; Statewide: 919,724 54.77%
Susan Hutchison, Republican, County vote 1,341 38.25%; Statewide 408,141 24.3%
Congressional District 5 U.S. Representative
Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Republican, County vote 2,527 67.4%; District-wide 95,922 49.15%
Lisa Brown, Democrat, County vote 944 25.18%; District-wide 88,946 45.57%
Legislative District 13 State Senator
Judy Warnick, Republican, County vote 2,940; District-wide 21,057 (unopposed)
Legislative District 13 State Representative Pos. 1
Jesse Hegstrom Oakey, Democrat, County vote 776 21.21%; District-wide 8,151 29.46%
Tom Dent, Republican, County vote 2,882 78.79%; District-wide 19,518 70.54%
Legislative District 13 State Representative Pos. 2
Sylvia Hammond, Democrat, County vote 932 25.69%; District-wide 10,112 36.41%
Matt Manweller, Republican, County vote 2,696 74.31%; District-wide 17,657 63.59%
County Assessor
J Scott Liebing, Republican, (unopposed) County 2,970;
County Auditor
Shelly Johnston, Republican, 3,069 (unopposed)
County clerk
Peggy A Semprimoznik, Republican, 3,054
County commissioner 3
Rob Coffman, Republican, (unopposed) 1,194
County prosecuting attorney
Jeffrey S. Barkdull, Republican, (unopposed) 2,879
County Sheriff
Wade W. Magers, Republican (unopposed) 3,089
County Treasurer
Jody Howard, Republican, (unopposed) 3,018
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