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Historic lodges of Harrington's past
Harrington had quite a number of lodges or secret societies in the early years, some of the names only appearing in the news of the unincorporated town of Harrington, while others thrived into what is now our modern history. One of the earliest mentions of lodges was in December of 1898: “Prince Orients will organize a lodge at Harrington in the near future.” Three weeks later the Masonic lodge was beginning to take root with Harringtonians attending meetings in Davenport. In January 1899: “Owing to the fact that Great Sachem, J.L. Murray of the Improved Order of Red Men was detained at his home in Tacoma the institution of a local lodge of that order Tuesday night was postponed until next Monday evening when a delegation from Spokane will be here to complete the work of Mr. Greiger, the state organizer.”
Although this writer is not sure at all what the Improved Order of Red Men was, after much difficulty and strange accusations about the state organizer, Mr. Greiger completed his mission and organized a group here. However, since he charged fluctuating rates, people were unhappy with him. “Mr Greiger has probably committed no criminal wrong and his actions may be due to the fact that he has been in financial distress but we fail to see why he should have offered to admit one man to the Red Men free another for $2.50 while others were charged $5 for the same privilege, particularly so, when by charging all the same his returns would have been larger and he would have received more members for the lodge. The only sympathy any one in Harrington seems to have for his case is on account of his wife, who has conducted herself in a very ladylike manner during her stay.” (Page 4, Citizen: 1-20-1899) If this lodge continued to function locally, it escaped notice by the newsmen of the day.
“A Splendid Beginning. Harrington Lodge, IOOF, was instituted last night with a membership of 32, twenty-five of whom were new members and 7 have been members of the order at other places. The following officers were elected: Arthur Billings, Noble Grand; Dr. Setters, Vice Grand; E.E. Schafer, Secretary; F.G. Crisp, Treasurer; Herman Dyke, Warden; A. Ross Graham, Conductor; L.E. Jesseph and W.H. Jeffries, Supporters to the Noble Grand; Horace Haynes and T.M. Newland, Supporters to Vice Grand; John Barrett, Outside Guardian; Andrew Moore, Inside Guardian. Grand Treasurer John Cranbull and Mr. Waters of Spokane were present, as well as a number from the Davenport lodge to assist in the work of initiation. At 12 o’clock the lodge adjourned to the Pickell Hotel where a most bounteous feast awaited their coming. The tables were heavily laden with all the delicacies of the season and all present are loud in their praise of the splendid supper served.” (Citizen: 2-24-1899)
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows filed Articles of Incorporation at least three times.
A Harrington Camp #289 of Woodman of the World was organized in April of 1896, but there were not enough men to form a charter. G.A. Mathews was given credit for holding the group together until 15 new candidates for initiation applied in March 1899. “The officers of the camp are as follows: Lighthizer, F.M.—CC; Schafer, E.E.—AL; Moore, Andrew—Banker; Mathews, G.A.—Clerk; Samuels, Cook—Watchman; Thomas, A.E.—Escort.” (Citizen: 3-03-1899)
They left the charter open for an extended period of time. In November of 1900, they claimed 25 charter members and anticipated adding nine more at their next meeting. In December 1900 a new group of Woodman was appearing in the news as Harrington Camp No. 8785, “Modern Woodman of America with the following officers: A.H. Fox, VC; J.C. Barrett, WA; J.E. Crosby, Banker; Oliver Dobson, Clerk; Jack Phillips, Watchman; Kid Rosebaugh, Escort; S. Brooks, Sentry; George E. Reid, delegate to state camp at Seattle. In 1904, the Woodmen of the World and Women of Woodcraft held an open meeting with entertainment for the town. In 1910, meetings for the Women’s Auxiliary to M.W. of A. were reported in the business directory: “Royal Neighbors of America: Meets 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 8 p.m. Mrs. Cortez Brown, oracle; Mrs. Edward Lamp, clerk.”
G.A. Mathews was also a prominent member of the Fraternal Army of America which was organized in September 1899 with 19 charter members. “The following officers were elected: A. Talkington, Captain; Miss May Talkington, Lieutenant; G.A. Matthews, Adjutant; Mrs. L.E. Jesseph, Quartermaster; Mrs. Matthews, Corporal of the Guard and Rev. L.E. Jesseph, Chaplain.” By the end of 1901 the local post had 45 members.
The women’s counterpart to the IOOF was Magnolia Rebekah #124, which was instituted on February 8, 1900 with 40 members. Their officers were: Mrs. Ada Strickler, NG; Mrs. Ida McKay, VG; Miss Claribel Townsend, Rec. Sec .; F.H. McKay, Per. Sec .; T.W. Newland, Treas .; Miss Alice M. Kitts, Warden; Miss Anna Johnson, Conductor; W.L. Crowell, Inside Guard; W.J. Green, Outside Guard; Grant McCann, RSNG; Mrs. W.A. Moore, LSNG; A.R. Graham, Chaplain; Mrs. M.S. Charlton, RSVG; Mrs. Jennie Barrett, LSVG.
The Knights of Pythias lodge No. 122 was found in 1902 advertisements with meetings every week. Officers noted in those ads were Calvin Patty, CC and Claude Fisk, K of R&S. In 1906, a full list of officers was found: E.A. Glascock, CC; John Patty, VC; J.A. Talkington, M of W; Henry Gohlman, P; George Mathews, M of F; Wash Nutter, M of E; John Weisgerber, K of R&S; George Gilliam, IG; and R.T. Johnson, OG. The women’s auxiliary of the Knights were known as the Pythian Sisters. “Initiate a Large Class. Harrington Temple No. 36, Pythian Sisters, at a special meeting held Monday evening, took in a class of seventeen new members. They were assisted in putting on the work by Mrs .Alice V. Merritt of Spokane, and Mrs. Laverene Hansell of Marshall Junction. The new members were admitted under a special dispensation. At the conclusion of the initiatory ceremonies the following officers were installed: Eva Mathews, MEC; Loetl Gohlman, ES; Lizzie Unbewust, M of T; Eva Vick, M of F; C.E. Unbewust, P of T; Josie Wright, G of OT. To close the evening’s ceremonies luncheon was served in the banquet room.” (Citizen: 1-10-1908)
Most of the items of news protect the secret nature of these societies, but occasionally more is found in print. “George W. Weaks drove over from Davenport with six of his boys Tuesday evening and instituted Knights of the Holy Grail. Twelve boys of the Presbyterian Sunday School were initiated into the mysteries of the order, which is founded on the legend of the Holy Grail which was presented by Miss Christine U. Unbewust at the recent graduating exercises. The candidates showed good metal. After the exertion of the strenuous night the Billy Goat had a downcast look, but good care will put him in trim for more work in the future. The following officers were elected: Knight Commander, Cecil Gwinn; Vice Commander, Clarence Witt; Knight of the Scroll, Ray Matthews: Knight of the Rose, Elmer Cormana; Prelate, George Witt; Herald, Lee Hollopeter; Esquire, Fred Nutter; Page, Dan Brown.” (Citizen: 6-04-1909)
Laurel Lodge #119 of Free and Accepted Masons were meeting twice a month by 1910, as was Bright Hope #79, Order of Eastern Star. OES was organized on March 12, 1904, its charter granted in June of 1904 with 16 charter members. In 1913, officers of OES were: WM—Ella Grant; WP—F.A. Hoes; AM—Nellie Swenson; Secretary—Nettie A. Bassett; Treas.—Elizabeth Braden; Conductress—Madge Crisp; Associate Conductress—Catherine McInnis; Ada—Margaret McInnis; Ruth—Lydia Olson; Esther—Clara M. Applegate; Martha—Grace Gough; Electa—Rhoda Downie; Warder—Agnes Turner; Sentinel—S.P. Swenson; Chaplain—Lucinda Cameron; Marshal—Mary E. Griffith; Organist—Ione Thompson.
In 1933, Laurel Lodge #119 installed the following officers: Worshipful Master—D.C. Turner. Senior Warden—Alfred Stiles. Junior Warden—J.E. Kriegler. Treasurer—J.L. Ball. Secretary—H.C. Turner. Chaplain—E.E. Yarwood. Marshall—Jake Hopp. Senior Deacon—Glen Biggart. Junior Deacon—Lyle Bailey. Senior Steward—Harrie Smith. Junior Steward—Chester Gilbert. Tyler—Carl Fribert.
In 1962, Laurel Lodge #119 held a celebration called Old Home Day in which they acknowledged the living past masters present and their year of service which included the following: Elwood Turner, 1922; Wayne Talkington, 1923; Attie Turner, 1925; W.H. Richardson, 1927; B.A. Watson, 1928; Bryan Cormana, 1931; D.C. Turner, 1933; Alfred Stiles, 1934; Lyle C. Bailey, 1937; Chester F. Gilbert, 1941; Harold A. Turner, 1943; Cliff Swenson, 1945; Emmett Phillips, 1948; Earl Swenson, 1949; Gilbert Lybecker, 1950; George Knapp Jr., 1951; Robert Carstens, 1953; A.C. Patton, 1956; Delmar Schultz, 1957; Howard Moats, 1958; Elmer Easton, 1959; Robert Parr, 1960; and M.H. Floyd, 1961.
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