For over a decade, Steve Luiten and the Odessa Union Warehouse have graciously tested the engineering designs of Odessa High's ninth-grade Integrated Science class during their unit on forces and impulse. The students engineer devices, using very limited supplies, to help an egg survive drops of one, two, four and 30 meters. The one and two meter drops begin in the high school science laboratory. The designs that survive the first two rounds then move out into the high school commons area and are dropped from the upper railing to the floor below (a distance of four meters). The students whose devices allow eggs to survive this drop are then taken to the Odessa Union's grain elevator. Steve Luiten gives a brief tour of the elevator, tells how it works and shows where the wheat is stored. He then takes the engineered devices to the top of the elevator, while the students cheer him on from below.
This year, only one student team made it to the 30-meter trial with a device that looked like it would survive the drop. However, about a quarter of the way down, it lost its stabilizing parachute and plummeted to its demise on the ground. Students Morgan Sandoval and Alyssa McKinney made a valiant effort, but did not survive the 30 meter challenge.
The OHS Science Department appreciates the assistance of Steve Luiten, the Odessa Union Warehouse and the continued support of the Odessa community.
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