Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.
Monday, Dec. 10: A semi-truck slid from the westbound lanes of Interstate 90 near Sprague into the eastbound lanes, jackknifed and partially blocked a lane of traffic.
Emergency personnel were sent to a mobile home on Scroggie Road near the Fishtrap Lake Resort after dispatchers received a report of a man’s death, also referring it to the county coroner’s office.
A highly intoxicated man was transported from the 100 block of East 4th Avenue in Sprague to Lincoln Hospital in Davenport.
Deputies investigated a report of suspicious activity from a Hawk Creek Road resident who advised them that her dogs somehow got outside of the house and outdoor cats had been let in.
A deputy checked out a report of juveniles spinning wheelies while riding dirt bikes and toppling mailboxes in the vicinity of Circle and Bull Run roads north of Reardan.
Tuesday, Dec. 11: Reardan EMTs and Wellpinit ambulance personnel responded to a one-vehicle rollover collision near Buddy Boy Farms that left a woman with back pain.
Emergency personnel from Edwall and Reardan joined a Davenport ambulance crew to assist a 70-year-old diabetic man who lost consciousness at American Truck and Auto on Moos Road, and later died.
Personnel from Harrington Truck and Auto in Davenport received a scam call from someone claiming to be from Avista Utilities who said they were two months past due on their bill and needed to pay up with a credit card. Actual Avista personnel, when contacted, confirmed this was a scam that was occurring throughout the region.
A false fire alarm went off after an alarm unit apparently was hit with a ball during a junior high basketball game at the Reardan school.
Sandy’s Family Foods in Wilbur reported receiving four insufficient funds checks from a customer totaling about $508. A suspect was identified and promised deputies she would take care of the checks.
A large object, possibly a chemical container, fell off the back of a truck on SR 25 near Harker Canyon Road north of Davenport. A responding deputy found evidence that something had fallen onto the roadway but the object apparently was removed prior to his arrival.
A vehicle struck a stop sign on SR 25 and left the roadway and into a ditch about 1½ miles north of Davenport. No injuries were reported.
Wednesday, Dec. 12: Sprague ambulance personnel were among those responding to a collision involving two semi-trucks on I-90. One had jackknifed and the other crashed into it, resulting in one driver’s death. The other driver was transported to a Spokane hospital.
Because the Sprague crew was busy with the I-90 collision, an emergency crew from Adams County took a call from a Sprague woman whose 15-year-old son was vomiting, was weak and needed to be taken to a hospital.
Slick road conditions motivated Davenport School District personnel to start classes two hours later than usual.
A Lincoln County deputy and an ambulance from Adams County were sent to the site along Harrington Tokio Road, about a mile inside Adams County, where a 29-year-old woman’s vehicle had gone onto its side and into a ditch.
Deputies investigated a report of a stolen vehicle and a possible chop shop operation in the Grand Coulee area.
A vehicle went into a ditch adjacent to a slick Rocklyn Road about five miles south of U.S. 2.
Thursday, Dec. 13: A caller advised dispatchers of “extremely slippery” road conditions on SR 28 south of Davenport and U.S. 2 west of Davenport. Schools in Davenport were opening two hours later than normal.
Odessa ambulance personnel assisted a 44-year-old truck driver on oxygen who was behind the wheel of a semi-truck when he pulled over at the Odessa Union warehouse and called in a request for help.
A responding deputy determined that an individual’s report of someone messing with doors and vehicles in the 100 block of East 4th Street in Sprague was unfounded. Later that day, dispatchers received word that the caller had died.
Deputies investigated two reports that packages and mail had been stolen from residences on Johns Rocky Way and Aspen Lane East, north of Davenport.
Kysar Mechanical personnel in Davenport reported someone had just attempted to pay a bill with another person’s debit card.
Friday, Dec. 14: A Harrington caller told dispatchers about a suspicious unmarked old police car being driven by “druggie types” around the community.
A deputy checked out a report of a vehicle traveling at 70 miles per hour on SR 25 north of Davenport and observed almost hitting a young girl in a school crosswalk on Sixth Street.
Several road signs were reported down in an area south of Lamona, including those at Iverson Corner, Ring and Yarwood roads. County Public Works personnel said 12 signs were down at seven different locations in Lincoln County and another five in Adams County.
Reardan Police stopped a vehicle on Broadway Avenue (U.S. 2) and Birch Street that was reported to have cut off several other drivers and almost caused a wreck.
A woman who was about to be transferred from Stevens County custody to Lincoln County experienced a seizure and breathing problems while waiting at Long Lake Dam. An ambulance from Wellpinit, assisted by Reardan EMTs, transported her to a Spokane hospital.
What started out as a report of malicious mischief at a building on the south side of Hering Field (Davenport’s football field) turned out to be four boys, all high school students, just playing on the ice.
A man took the trouble to smash ceramic plates against his head and falsely report his house in the 100 block of East Marjorie in Odessa had been broken into and he had been assaulted. A responding deputy determined that the facts didn’t support the man’s story. After being transported to the Odessa hospital, the man admitted he had made it all up in order to get attention for himself.
A Davenport man was killed in a one-vehicle rollover collision on SR 174 near Keller Road, to which Wilbur ambulance personnel responded.
Saturday, Dec. 15: Sprague ambulance and fire personnel assisted two men who were exposed to the cold after their boat capsized in 4th of July Lake. They were able to walk to a parking lot and got a ride to the fire station where they could warm up while waiting for family members to arrive.
An 18-year-old man was arrested for driving under the influence after deputies responded to a possible one-vehicle collision in the vicinity of Cottonwood Creek and Rambo roads near Davenport. A caller heard a car alarm and horn going off and phoned dispatchers. A deputy found a female passenger walking down Cottonwood Creek Road. Airbags were deployed in the vehicle.
A caller reported a vehicle almost caused a head-on collision while passing several other vehicles at once on U.S. 2 traveling west into Davenport.
Hay strewn in the roadway on SR 25 about eight miles north of Davenport was a traffic hazard.
Juveniles in several cars and a couple of trucks hastily left U.S. Bureau of Land Management property on Sterett Road west of Davenport, leaving behind remnants of a bonfire they allegedly set.
Sunday, Dec. 16: A Sprague man reported a trespasser on land along Doerschlag Road at the railroad crossing.
A caller reported loud music from a pickup truck parked in the 1100 block of Eighth Street in Davenport – loud enough that she was unable to hear her TV.
A Sprague woman requested assistance with her 15-year-old son she described as “disrespectful and becoming wild and aggressive.”
A responding deputy was unable to locate anyone associated with a report from Harrington of a man being assaulted by his girlfriend and bleeding from a gash.
Jail Bookings
Dec. 14: Anthany Allen Hoskinson, 24, Moses Lake, arrested by Odessa Police for second-degree malicious mischief.
Dec. 15: Andrew David Duff, 18, Davenport, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) for driving under the influence.
Dec. 16: Jessi Kayla Marie Sclecht, 26, Ford, arrested by LCSO for driving while license suspended.
From Dec. 10 to 16, two individuals were held in the Lincoln County Jail under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
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