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First place in Lions Club lighting contest

Sam and Donna Mullens took first place in the 2018 Christmas lighting contest sponsored by the Odessa Lions Club. Their house and yard (front and back) on Sixth Avenue were filled with lights and figures that must have taken quite some time to install.

Pete and Lisa Martin took second place and Tammy Tokas on Fourth Avenue took third place. The Lions Club awards prizes to the top two residences selected.

The town looked very festive this Christmas season, with many homes decorated with lights and various types of displays. It is always a treat to drive around Odessa during the holidays and see the artistic endeavors of our fellow citizens. The early darkness that falls during December and January is mitigated somewhat by the bright lights of holiday decorations.

Last week's non-issue

To our readers who missed their Odessa Record last week (that would be all of you), our apologies for having had to cancel our final issue of 2018. We have combined much of what would have been published then into this issue. We were also touched by the many expressions of concern, both online and in person, about our staff members who were laid low by the common winter bugs that were racing through the population of Odessa. Nothing serious was reported, and everyone here is now healthy again and back to work, bringing you local news from Odessa, Harrington, Marlin, Lamona and Mohler.

To all of you we wish the very best in 2019.

Author Bio

Terrie Schmidt-Crosby, Editor

Terrie Schmidt-Crosby is an editor with Free Press Publishing. She is the former owner and current editor of the Odessa Record, based in Odessa, Wash.


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