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Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.

Monday, Dec. 17: Davenport ambulance personnel assisted a man who was having trouble breathing.

Very slick conditions in the canyon on SR 231 north of Reardan are believed to have contributed to a one-vehicle rollover collision involving two occupants. Davenport ambulance personnel and Reardan EMTs responded.

A deputy checked out a report that a vehicle left by kids at an Edwall area business appeared to be stolen and vandalized.

A Sprague woman told dispatchers she had received threatening phone calls.

Davenport ambulance personnel and Reardan EMTs assisted an 18-year-old girl having seizures inside a vehicle parked in the vicinity of U.S. 2 and Tramm Road. She was transported to Lincoln Hospital in Davenport.

Tuesday, Dec. 18: Harrington ambulance personnel assisted a 77-year-old woman who lost consciousness and may have been experiencing heart-related problems.

Davenport ambulance personnel assisted a man who said he felt dizzy when sitting or laying down.

State Department of Fish and Wildlife personnel pulled a submerged boat from Fourth of July Lake.

Responding to the 400 block of South Division, Odessa ambulance personnel assisted a man in his 70s who popped his hip out of place.

Responding to the 500 block of Third Street, a deputy investigated a report that someone had taken a Davenport man’s check and cashed it for $1,400.

Several callers expressed concern about a gold-colored vehicle that appeared to be casing properties in the vicinity of Miles Creston and Bachelor Prairie roads near Creston.

The owner of a brown pit bull was cited for dog at-large after a resident of the 100 block of Marshall Street in Davenport reported it was loose.

A Harrington caller reported that someone took a cordless drill, two checkbooks and a folder of divorce-related paperwork from a truck parked in the 300 block of West Glover.

A Wilbur caller reported the theft of a battery from a vehicle parked in the 10 block of NE Main Avenue.

Wednesday, Dec. 19: Taking a caller’s report, dispatchers advised the Washington State Patrol that U.S. 2 east of Davenport was “all black ice and extremely icy.”

A one-vehicle collision resulted in damage to a field adjacent to SR 23 about two miles north of Sprague.

A pickup truck rolled on U.S. 2 about eight miles east of Davenport. Ambulance personnel from Davenport joined Reardan EMTs to respond and offer assistance.

A Wilbur man reported his bank account had been hacked and unauthorized online transactions of $4,900 and $5,000 had occurred.

A resident of Little Falls Road East, in the Reardan area, reported an incident of mail theft that left her without prescription medication.

Deputies placed a man into custody after responding to a report originating from a residence on Bly Road near Davenport that someone tried to ram a vehicle with a woman inside who was protected by a court order.

Deputies investigated several incidents of possible mail theft involving open mailboxes along Third, Washington, Second, First and Marshall streets in Davenport.

Thursday, Dec. 20: An ambulance was sent out for a Creston man experiencing heart problems.

Mental health personnel met with a county jail inmate after concern was expressed he may try to harm himself while confined. He was moved to an observation cell after he told them he had tried twice to kill himself during the previous week and that the longer he was confined, the more bored he became with time to think of a better method to take his own life.

Responding to a report of a verbal dispute at a residence on Max Harder Road near Sprague, a deputy discovered a child who was upset because he was told he couldn’t open Christmas presents.

Responding to a report of two vehicles that a caller believed were out-of-place along Raugust Road near Davenport, a deputy discovered two local boys who told him they were coyote hunting.

A Wilbur man reported a possible assault that may have occurred during an encounter involving at least three people and alcohol in the 500 block of NW Armstrong Avenue.

No one was reported hurt in a collision involving a semi-truck at Waukon and Cloverdale roads near Edwall.

About $127 worth of Christmas lights were reported stolen from a residence in the 100 block of East 4th Avenue in Odessa.

Dispatchers took a man’s report that he had been pushed by another man while at work in the Almira area.

Katz Realty personnel in Davenport reported being harassed by telephone by individuals that disputed a power bill associated with property they were attempting to sell or purchase.

Friday, Dec. 21: A caller told dispatchers she didn’t feel comfortable going into the women’s restroom at Pioneer Plaza in Davenport because of something suspicious in the back stall. Two deputies responded.

A Davenport woman told dispatchers she was being harassed on social media by her ex-husband.

Saturday, Dec. 22: An Odessa caller reported receiving threatening text messages.

A Davenport woman reported being harassed on social media by someone in Louisiana.

A deputy’s involvement was needed in the transfer of a 5-year-old boy from his mother, who lives in Wilbur, to his father, a resident of Missoula, Mont.

A collision involving a vehicle and deer took place on SR 23 near Sprague.

Deputies investigated a trespassing report involving residents of Johns Rocky Way near Davenport.

Sunday, Dec. 23: Restrictions were placed on a female inmate who showered without permission from corrections deputies and became “very vocal” with them when confronted about the violation.

Deputies were informed about a fight between two boys while riding a Wilbur school bus on Dec. 18.

A Davenport woman told dispatchers she found a clip with bullets inside a bag of dog food while feeding the family pet in the 900 block of Merriam Street.

A man and his young son were accused of trespassing while hunting birds on property adjacent to Doerschlag Road in the Sprague area.

Monday, Dec. 24: A Davenport caller reported she never received five packages the local post office assured her were delivered to the 1100 block of Third Street.

Deputies became involved in a child custody incident in Reardan.

An Odessa caller reported hearing what he believed were four gunshots during a five-minute period in the 400 block of East 1st Avenue.

Deputies were sent to the scene of what was originally reported as a stalking incident in the 1200 block of Park Street in Davenport.

Tuesday, Dec. 25: Almira ambulance personnel assisted a driver who may have suffered a broken leg when his vehicle left U.S. 2 and went into a ditch near the Almira Gun Club. Alcohol may have been a factor. He was taken to Lincoln Hospital in Davenport and later booked into the county jail on a charge of driving under the influence.

Wednesday, Dec. 26: Sprague ambulance personnel were sent to the scene of a rollover collision on Interstate 90 near Sprague. A person suffered small lacerations and the vehicle involved had a smashed windshield.

A collision involving a vehicle and deer took place on U.S. 2 between Wilbur and Creston.

A deputy determined that what had been reported as an audible alarm actually was noise resulting from a grinder pump being operated in the 500 block of South Division Street in Odessa.

Thursday, Dec. 27: A nationwide CenturyLink telephone outage affected 911 communications in the county.

Deputies were advised from the Edwall area that a man had failed to return a cow he had leased from another individual.

After feeling threatened by Davenport Motor Co. personnel, a man requested a deputy’s assistance in getting paid for detailing work he had done.

Calling from a residence along SR 21 near Odessa, Adams County deputies advised that they had recovered a pickup truck and car trailer stolen from Ritzville.

Burglaries were investigated at two motor homes on property adjacent to Lesser Road North near Odessa.

A deputy chased the wild turkey known as “Clyde” from the roadway at Eighth and Morgan streets in Davenport after it was observed blocking traffic.

A resident of Sterrett Road near Davenport reported a large group of young people had assembled for a bonfire. A responding deputy discovered it was a controlled burn.

Friday, Dec. 28: A FedEx semi-truck jackknifed on Interstate 90 near Sprague Lake.

Deputies investigated a reported theft at the Wilbur NAPA Auto Parts outlet.

Two occupants were trapped inside a vehicle that rolled over while traveling Miles Creston Road about a mile from its intersection with U.S. 2. Ambulance personnel were sent from Creston. A guardrail and a fence were damaged.

Saturday, Dec. 29: A Wilbur man reported his teenage daughter is receiving sexually suggestive material on the internet and in a package sent to their residence.

A Harrington man, who apparently had been consuming alcohol, demanded deputies arrest another man for dating his daughter.

Sunday, Dec. 30: Finding themselves grounded because of the weather, a LifeFlight aerial ambulance crew asked Sprague ambulance personnel for a ground transport of themselves and a patient to a Spokane hospital.

Later that day, LifeFlight was able to fly a 73-year-old Creston man suffering “crushing chest pain and left arm pain” who was hospitalized with heart issues the previous week from a landing zone at the Telford U.S. 2 rest area to a Spokane hospital.

A deputy’s involvement was requested for an injured house cat that was unable to move from where it was laying in the middle of U.S. 2 (Broadway Avenue) in front of the Reardan medical clinic.

Reardan Store personnel reported that a man left with two 12-packs of beer he hadn’t paid for and fled on foot heading south on Lake Street. The man was wearing a red baseball cap, blue jacket, baggy blue jeans and had a dark goatee.

An Almira woman reported her iPad had been stolen.


Dec. 18: David Benny Anderson, 43, Spokane Valley, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) for driving while license suspended and an ignition interlock violation.

Robert Edward Mielke, 56, Davenport, booked by LCSO for first-degree theft and released.

Dec. 19: Reggie Mark Boyd, 34, Fruitland, arrested by LCSO for driving while license suspended.

Joshua Ryan Granchie, 24, Davenport, arrested by LCSO for failing to comply with a court order.

Todd Edwin Miller, 46, Wilbur, arrested by LCSO for violating a domestic violence protection order (2 counts) and vehicular assault.

Dec. 20: Matthew Norman Ball, 38, Edwall, arrested by Reardan Police for driving while license suspended.

John Paul Johnson, 53, Spokane, arrested by Washington State Patrol for driving while license suspended.

From Dec. 17 to 21, seven individuals were held in the Lincoln County Jail under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections, two for the U.S. Marshal’s Service, one for the City of Cheney and one for Colville Tribal Corrections.

Dec. 25: Joseph Ryan Burns, 26, Creston, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) for driving under the influence.

Lyle Zachary Long, 33, Spokane, arrested by LCSO for an ignition interlock violation.

Dec. 27: Jessie Lee Caraway, 33, Yakima, arrested by LCSO for residential burglary.

Dec. 28: Scotty L. Linssen, 51, Spokane Valley, arrested by LCSO for driving while license suspended.

Catina Renee Shue, 44, Newport, arrested by LCSO for possessing a controlled substance other than marijuana.

From Dec. 24 to 28, three individuals were held under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections and one under contract with the City of Cheney.


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