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Board officers selected; levy discussed

Series: School Board | Story 2

The Board of Directors of Odessa School District #105 met Wednesday, December 19, following a workshop in the district office at 5:30 p.m. for the purpose of discussing athletic program participation numbers. Present were board chair Ed Deife; board members Heather Valverde, Chris Crossley, Janie Steward and Carmen Weishaar; Superintendent Dan Read; Principal Jamie Nelson; and business manager Juli Weishaar. Also present were facilities director Justin Parr, athletic director Bruce Todd, ag teacher HaLee Walter and parents Dalles and Suzie Deife.

Superintendent Read called for nominations for board chairman. Janie Steward nominated Ed Deife, and Heather Valverde seconded. There were no other nominations. A roll call vote was taken and Ed Deife was elected.

Nominations for vice chairman were opened, with Carmen Weishaar nominating Heather Valverde, and Janie Steward seconding. A roll call vote was taken and Heather Valverde was elected.

Nominations for WIAA representative were opened. Carmen Weishaar nominated Ed Deife. Chris Crossley seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations. A roll call vote was taken and Ed Deife was elected.

Deife appointed board members to serve on the following committees:

o Facilities: Ed Deife and Carmen Weishaar.

o Curriculum: Janie Steward and Carmen Weishaar.

o Negotiations: Heather Valverde and Chris Crossley.

Staff/Public input

Ag instructor HaLee Walter presented each board member with a poinsettia as a thank you for their support of the school district’s Ag/FFA programs.

Consent agenda

The board approved the consent agenda which included the minutes of the November 28, 2018 meeting, payroll warrants #611592-611615 and direct deposit warrants #900006615-900006681 for $288,193.49; General Fund A/P warrants #611616-611655 for $66,609.58; ASB Fund A/P warrants #611656-611669 for $10,346.68; General Fund comp tax wire transfer for $107.64 and an ASB comp tax wire transfer, for $447.34.

Superintendent’s report

Read reported an enrollment of 243.6 FTE for the month of December.

He reported that the district will be sending levy brochures out next month clarifying the slight increase to the Capital Projects Fund levy and including information on the Enrichment and Operations Levy which the state has set at a rate of $1.50 per $1,000 assessed property value.

He also reported that the new reader board sign has been delivered and will be installed soon, lighting at the new parking lot across from the gym has been installed, and due to a change in service providers, a new and improved school website will be rolling out soon.

Principal’s report

Nelson reported that activities taking place this month included students participating in the community Christmas Fest festivities, the delightful holiday concerts under the direction of Kjersti Christensen and a fantastic turnout for Donuts for Dudes for K-5 students and guests organized by guidance counselor Kimberly Ryan.

Nelson reported the FFA students sold poinsettias at Christmas Fest, the National Honor Society assembled and delivered Christmas food baskets to community members and the FBLA catered the OHMC Christmas dinner and assembled winter break food baskets.

Board report

Ed Deife reported the high school was awarded a School of Distinction Award for the fifth time. He attended the awards ceremony at NEWESD 101 along with Principal Jamie Nelson and students Brenna Carstensen and Caitlyn Schuh.

AD report

Athletic Director Bruce Todd reported the state football championship banner has been ordered and congratulated Joshua Clark, Tim DeWulf, Jaden Hunt, Marcus King, Theron Schlomer, Brady Walter and Camden Weber on being selected to the All-League football team and Maddy Wagner and McKennah Davison on being selected to the All-League volleyball team.

Todd said the junior high girls basketball season had finished and the junior high boys will begin their season after Christmas break.

The athletic director has received one letter of interest for the high school head volleyball coaching position and he will begin the interview process after Christmas break.

Facilities report

Facilities Director Justin Parr reported outside security lights have been updated with LED bulbs to maximize light coverage and promote safety.

Parr thanked Jeff Melcher for his assistance helping with the flat tire on the band bus returning from the state championship football game in Tacoma.

Parr closed by reporting the new bus has been put into service on routes and one activity trip so far.

Financial report

Read presented the ASB balance sheet for November. He further presented the Financial Activity reports for General Fund for November showing an unassigned fund balance of $846,994.

Date of next regular meeting

The next regular board meeting will be held Wednesday, January 23, 2019 at 6 p.m. in the high school library, with a workshop scheduled at 5:30 p.m. before the regular meeting.

Curriculum Adoption – JH Science/HS Algebra II

Read presented a curriculum adoption request for high school Algebra II student textbooks, teacher guides and supplemental instructional materials from the Pearson company and junior-high Life Science, Earth Science and Physical Science textbooks, teacher guides and supplemental instructional materials from McGraw-Hill Education. His request was approved by the board.

Policy 3560

Extracurricular Activities

Read presented Policy 3560 which lists guidelines for the minimum number of participants needed to offer each sports program along with the number of coaches needed per sport. Read explained this is a local district policy, not a Wash. State School Directors’ Association policy.

The board approved the policy.


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