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Who is Q, whose online posts now have followers all around the world?


On October 28, 2017, Q began posting on the chan boards 4chan and, later on, 8chan. Followers have learned through these posts that this is a military intelligence operation promising that great change is coming worldwide. Autists (bakers) on the board are given intel (crumbs) which they research (knead) and decipher into truth (bread). Because these autists have their own language, Q had asked to make the postings more user friendly. Each autist took on a task, and several worked together to create, a central location for actual Q posts.

Q also asked autists to track certain items as the journey began: Sealed indictments (more than 70,000 since 11-31-17 listed on; resignations (more than 6,000 CEOs, CFOs, corporate board members and politicians tracked worldwide since 11-31-17); Trump’s executive orders (follow the pen). As time went on, these items were included in

Other Qmap titles include “Proofs/Memes” where Q posts (in which accuracy of past posts is proven by future news articles), tweets by Trump and news articles are all connected. Titles and pictures of the Deep State “players” are also shown, along with “Global Themes,” “Videos,” “WWG1WGA,” “Human Trafficking Arrests” and “Analytics.” This started the YouTube evolution to take over the gathering of intel and production of videos by “Anons” and “Patriots.” Some to watch are “PrayingMedic” and “X22report.” To go down the rabbit hole even deeper, check out “WarDrummer” and “intheMatrixxx.”

With Trump taking office and promising to “drain the swamp,” it became clear that the task was not going to be easy. They were not going down without a fight. People began to understand that the Deep State was worldwide and had infiltrated every political office needed to keep its agenda going and, worse yet, it had also infiltrated the media (Operation Mockingbird).

Q has stated that this has never been attempted before and is our one and only chance to get it right. If American falls, the world falls, creating a New World Order and One World Government.

For God and Country, we are taking our country back, our world back. Everything we have been told is a lie, says Q.

As Q has said, it is up to each of us to know the truth. The truth won’t be believed by everyone and most will question it.

To learn more about learning the truth watch Joe M on YouTube: “Q – We are the Plan,” “Q – The Plan to Save the World” and “Q – Killing the Mockingbird.”

Where We Go One, We Go ALL! #Qanon” WWG1WGA #QArmy.

[Editor’s note: Using Wikipedia, we are providing a glossary of some of the terms used in this article to help our readers understand the worldwide phenomenon that is Q.]


Chan board = An image board. A type of Internet forum which operates mostly via posting images.

Autist = An autistic person.

Deep State = In the United States the term “deep state” is used in political messaging to describe a controversial belief. As described in 2013 by Mike Lofgren, a former Republican U.S. congressional aide, the deep state is “a hybrid association of elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern the United States without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process.” The term is often used in a critical sense vis-à-vis the general electorate to refer to the lack of influence popular democracy has on these institutions and the decisions they make as a shadow government.

Operation Mockingbird = A large-scale program of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency that began in the early 1950s and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. It funded student and cultural organizations and magazines as front organizations.

A Project Mockingbird is mentioned in the CIA Family Jewels report, compiled in the mid-1970s. According to the declassified version of the report released in 2007, Project Mockingbird involved the wire-tapping of two American journalists for several months in the early 1960s.


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