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Sheriff's Report


Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.

Monday, Jan. 7: Responding to the 900 block of Spokane Street in Lamont, Sprague ambulance personnel assisted a 17-year-old girl with back pain.

A phone line outage was reported in Edwall, where residents weren’t able to get a dial tone on their landline units.

Responding to the 200 block of Main Street, Davenport ambulance personnel assisted a man who fell and suffered cuts to the back of his head.

A road deputy on the scene and a corrections deputy in the county jail both were assaulted while dealing with the 38-year-old suspect in a domestic violence incident in Odessa, during which a man used a bat to break items inside a residence in the 300 block of East 2nd Avenue.

A Sprague caller reported her husky breed dog had pink paint on its fur, apparently shot with a paintball gun while tied up in a backyard in the 600 block of West 3rd Street. The caller said she had told kids the day before to stop harassing the dog.

A woman left her purse containing a credit card and Social Security card in a restroom at the U.S. 2 Telford rest area.

An altercation involving male and female residents at Serene Meadows in Davenport was reported. The man apparently had taken his medications and the woman declined to press charges against him after he had been seen by medical and mental health personnel.

Deputies were unable to locate a pickup truck and camper that was reported to have been dragging a chain, causing sparks near its axle, on U.S. 2 near Zeimer Road east of Davenport.

Driving a Jeep, an elderly woman missed the corner at the intersection of SR 174 and 21 near Wilbur and apparently slid on sand applied to the roadway. No damage or injuries were reported.

Tuesday, Jan. 8: A Wilbur woman said her heart was “racing” and asked for local ambulance assistance in the 500 block of NW Armstrong.

Responding to the 200 block of North Second, Harrington ambulance personnel assisted a 78-year-old diabetic man with high blood sugar readings.

A fire truck traveling east from Creston on U.S. 2 was reported dragging a fire hose from its back end. A deputy was able to stop it near Mountain View Cemetery Road and have the hose rolled back into the truck.

Returning to the 200 block of Main Street, Davenport ambulance and fire department personnel assisted a man who fell the previous day, was taken to the hospital, returned home, but was experiencing new and “extreme pain” and unable to get out of bed. He was taken back to Lincoln Hospital.

A cow escaped while being loaded into a trailer at StockLand Livestock Exchange in Davenport and was last seen south of the local cemetery.

A Social Security worker in Pennsylvania expressed concern to local sheriff’s dispatchers about a client from Davenport with whom he spoke on the phone. During the call she became upset and hostile, he said, and made what he believed were suicidal statements. Contacted by a local deputy, the woman agreed to seek help from mental health personnel.

Two hunters were trespassing on property adjacent to Crick Road North in the Wilbur area, causing concern for the landowner when they and their shotguns came close to the residence.

Wednesday, Jan. 9: Schools in Davenport, Creston and Wilbur went from a two-hour late start to a full day’s closure as a result of icy roads caused by freezing rain overnight.

A county snowplow slid onto its side on Swanson Lake Road just south of U.S. 2.

Reardan Police investigated a report of a middle aged man with a goatee in a blue Suzuki who attempted several times to have a female student come to him as she walked near the Presbyterian Church.

Deputies investigated a claim, originating in Davenport, of computer and phone hacking, the alleged theft of money from a bank account, threatening messages, and a need for a check on a local man’s welfare.

The sheriff met with a Harrington area couple about claims of possible child abuse and illegal land use.

Reardan Police took a report of someone offering marijuana to teenage children and allowing them to smoke at the residence.

Thursday, Jan. 10: A Davenport woman reported a package delivered to a residence in the 400 block of Morgan Street had been stolen.

Reardan schools went on alert after a bobcat, at first believed to be a cougar, was seen in the 300 block of Spokane Avenue. Students were kept inside the buildings for a time before being allowed to go outside with adult supervision while local police, the school’s security officer and the state Department of Fish and Wildlife investigated.

Friday, Jan. 11: A caller reported someone broke into a house on Sobek Road northeast of Edwall and stole a coat.

Two men in an older SUV told a resident of Hanlon Road in the Edwall area that they were looking for someone who used to live there. The resident told dispatchers that “it felt phony and like they were up to no good.” The vehicle was later observed traveling through Reardan.

Saturday, Jan. 12: Davenport ambulance personnel assisted a 70-year-old woman experiencing dizziness and nausea.

Deputies responded to a report of pigs getting out and into a wheat field adjacent to Haden Road near Wilbur.

A deputy advised a woman to keep control of what was reported to be an “aggressive” black Australian shepherd dog she said was “just protecting the house” in the 500 block of County Road near Wilbur.

An elderly woman with low blood pressure was transported from the Hillcrest Apartments in Wilbur to Lincoln Hospital in Davenport.

National Park Service personnel issued a citation to the driver of a pickup truck that was spotted parked on the beach at Hanson Harbor.

Sunday, Jan. 13: Responding to the 500 block of North Armstrong in Wilbur, emergency personnel assisted a 65-year-old woman with possible heart issues.

Responding to the 800 block of Main Street in Lamont, Sprague ambulance personnel assisted a 62-year-old woman with possible heart trouble.

Reardan firefighters responded to a vehicle collision scene at U.S. 2 and Stroup Road in Spokane County.

An Almira caller reported a missing wallet containing a bank card, checks, a driver’s license, medical card and cash. A responding deputy noticed that a safe and lockbox with other personal papers also had been taken from the residence in the 100 bock of South 7th Street.

A sign in the 100 block of South 3rd in Almira says “no more meth” and another at 3rd and Main points down the road and says “meth lab.” Another suspicious sign was discovered at U.S. 2 and Kiner Road.

A caller told dispatchers that she found “a large turkey in the street and not moving” near the intersection of U.S. 2 (Morgan) and SR 28 (Twelfth Street) in Davenport. A responding deputy confirmed that Davenport’s urban wild turkey, known as “Clyde,” had been killed as a result of being hit by an unknown vehicle.

A deputy connected with a 42-year-old man who had been dropped off in Davenport and took him to the sheriff’s office, where he was fed. While there, the man told dispatchers he might be a missing person, but they couldn’t find his name in the national listing. Later, he made contact with an uncle and the deputy gave him a ride to that residence.

Someone keeps ringing a doorbell at a residence in the 900 block of Fifteenth Street in Davenport, then runs off.


Jan. 7: Michael Chris Amtoft, Jr., 40, Spokane, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) for third-degree theft.

Justin Scott Goetz, 38, Odessa, arrested by LCSO for third-degree assault and resisting arrest.

Jan. 8: Graham Stanley Adams, 19, Spokane, arrested by LCSO for driving while license suspended.

Richard Deno Denison, 39, Fruitland, serving a court commitment (later transferred to prison) for burglary, theft of a firearm and unlawful possession of a firearm.

Jeriah Randolph Erickson, 33, Springdale, serving a six-day court commitment for driving while license suspended.

Dean Michael Norberg, 48, Liberty Lake, arrested by LCSO for attempting to elude a pursuing police vehicle.

From Jan. 7 to 13, 11 other individuals were held under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.


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