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New leadership for Opera House Society, Tri-County economic development

Series: Harrington News | Story 16


The Harrington Opera House Society met for its first meeting under new president Ellen Evans at the helm. As a newer member to our community and to the Society, she was well prepared to chair her first meeting. Present were Linda Wagner, Mark and Sheryl Stedman, Ed and Bunny Haugan, Gordon and Billie Herron, Marge Womach, Paul Charlton, Becky Moeller and Karen Robertson.

Evans gave a brief report of her vision for the Society in which she compared donations during the first 25 years to donors in our present state of being self-supporting. Some of her personal goals for the group included expanding the event committee to encourage more events, expanding the number of events and recruiting people in the community to join the group toward sharing events to reduce the burden on the present small group of active members. She suggested that our group might receive greater assistance if notes were sent to known donors to ask for specific assistance. This process would aid in returning the Opera House to being more of a “hobby” than a “burden” to the active members. She suggested that we find out from the community what type of “events they would like to see.”

Minutes from the previous meeting were approved. Financial reports were given by Becky Moeller, the new co-treasurer with Sheryl Stedman, followed by a report by Ed Haugan on investment money. Since Haugan has stepped down from being co-treasurer, the members voted for him to retain his authority to continue management of these funds in accordance with previous specifications.

The group voted unanimously to donate $50 to KSPS. Discussion was held regarding the County Book Roads Map and the previous decision to donate $150 to place an ad on the back side of the map, however, it was announced that someone had donated another $150 to boost the Society’s donation to $300 which would be the amount to be shown on the front side of the map. Art work for the map is being done by Les LePere and Robertson will provide him with photos to use as models for what the Society expects for the picture.

Old business consisted of keeping the group informed of updates on the elevator roof issue, the installation of the new gas furnace, receipt of the piano pads and grant/survey status. Gordon Herron stated also that Kysar is completing the paperwork to receive a rebate and that part of the duct work is completed to include the area under the Art Room.

Robertson informed the group that she delivered the phonograph records to KPBX for a drive that they have yearly. She returned with receipts for the gift.

Much enthusiasm was shown when the events schedule was mentioned. The first event for this season is set for April 27, Saturday, at 7 p.m., a presentation by Carolyn Cruso on a hammered dulcimer. Robertson stated that there is a potential for a pre-jam session in the afternoon. Regardless, Robertson will be the contact person for this event. Discussion was held about Cowboy Buck & Elizabeth and how well received their event was last year. They are available for a June 1 event and are offering either a Patsy Cline theme tribute or a Bob Dylan theme. Billie Herron is working on finding another lecturer and topic and shared her interest in the topic of “human trafficking.” County Commissioner Mark Stedman shared information on the “Jonah Project” which has been presented in the Edwall, Reardan and Spokane schools. This project is an anti-drug program, educating the public on drugs and sex trafficking. Herron will work with Stedman to acquire more information and then attempt to find a speaker for the Opera House. Interest in having the Fiddlers appear again was shown, and Robertson offered to be the contact person.

In order to stimulate a greater number of performances, it was suggested to expand the event committee and have interested volunteers contact Wagner who will head the committee. Mention was made that dues must be in by March 31 in order to retain voting privileges. Annual Reports were due, but the only reports turned in were by Carol, who was not present to read them. They will be presented at the next meeting which will be held Monday, March 4 at 7 p.m.

Tri-County Economic Development District

“Lincoln County has a new representative for small business loans, the Rural Opportunities Loan Fund managed by the Tri-County Economic Development District.” Their website is located at Harrington area Chamber of Commerce has sent out notices to introduce small business owners to a new loan officer, Cassindra Maravilla, who is going to be holding office hours on the second Tuesday of each month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the conference room of the Davenport WSU Extension building. Her number for appointments is 509-684-4571, extension 106. Loans can range from as little as $500 up to $250,000. Formerly, Lincoln County business owners had to travel to Colville to access this group.

Chamber of Commerce

The Harrington Chamber of Commerce met February 6, at noon at the Post & Office with the following in attendance: Paula Harrington, Heather Slack, Bunny Haugan, Summer Shockley, Cherie MacClellan, Karen Allen, Mark Stedman, and Tim Tipton with guests including Wayne Massie (Supt. of Harrington Schools), Alice Calaen and Audrey Lynn, both of Sprague. The primary emphasis of discussion was preparatory for Cruizin’ Harrington, setting budgets for the beer garden and for advertising, approving funds for a porta-potty and establishing known needs for the event.


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