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Court Report


John F. Strohmaier, Judge

Criminal Sentencings

Brandon Cleveland, 22, of Spokane, pleaded guilty April 2 to second-degree identity theft in connection with a June 12, 2018, crime. As a result of a plea agreement, prosecutors withdrew charges of making a false statement to law enforcement and driving without a license. His sentence includes 3 months in jail (credit for time served), $700 court costs and $300 public defender reimbursement.

Sharayah Leona Kretschmer, 32, of Fruitland, pleaded guilty Jan. 29 to second-degree theft in connection with the March 11-30, 2018, burglaries at property adjacent to Hart Road north of Davenport, with “proceeds” used for gambling at an Airway Heights casino. She was sentenced on March 26 to 45 days in jail, $500 court costs and restitution to be determined. As a result of a plea agreement, prosecutors withdrew charges of second-degree trafficking in stolen property, money laundering and criminal conspiracy.

Dean Michael Norberg, 48, of Liberty Lake and/or Everett, Wash., pleaded guilty March 5 to attempting to elude a pursuing police vehicle on Nov. 29, 2018, on U.S. 2 and county roads between Wilbur and Davenport. His sentence includes 20 days in jail (credit for time served) and $800 court costs.

Todd Edwin Miller, 46, of Wilbur, pleaded guilty March 5 to violating a domestic violence no-contact order in connection with a Dec. 19, 2018, incident near Harrington. His sentence includes a 12-month drug treatment and domestic violence program, 12 months probation, restitution of $2,872.28 to cover costs of a Spokane Valley man’s vehicle that was damaged during the incident, and $815 court costs. As a result of a plea agreement, prosecutors withdrew charges of residential burglary, second-degree assault, and a second count of violating a domestic violence no-contact order.

New Civil Case

Seeking unspecified damages for an alleged personal injury resulting from an Aug. 31, 2018, dog attack in Odessa, petitioner Alexa Boss claims respondent Vicki Iverson was negligent as the dog’s owner.


Estate of Paul M. Gilliland, of Harrington, who died March 29.

Guardianship of an 84-year-old allegedly incapacitated Davenport man who resides in Lincoln Hospital’s Transitional Care Unit.


Dan B. Johnson, Judge

Editor’s note: These reports are based on forms filled out by the presiding judge during court sessions and subsequently reviewed by the newspaper.

Konstantin G. Tikhon, Otis Orchards, recreational fishing rule violation, contested, found not committed.

Pat A. Mosher, Spokane, speed too fast for conditions, contested, found not committed; operating vehicle without insurance, found committed, $190.

George Brenden Martin, Moses Lake, speeding (27 over), contested, found committed, $259.

Terry Wayne Shenyer, Jr., Spokane, speeding in school crosswalk zone, contested, found not committed.

Marsi Lynette Smith, Ritzville, speeding (19 over), $187.

Joe Mike Yancey, Jr., Brewster, Wash., speeding (10 over), contested, found committed, $110; no valid operator’s license, found not committed.

Jerry Robert Bein, Ford, speed too fast for conditions, contested, found committed, $136.

Tyler Joseph Campbell, Nine Mile Falls, driving on left center of roadway, contested, found committed, $136; operating vehicle without insurance, dismissed, $25 administrative fee.

Lance Robert Bowers, Harrington, no driver’s license on person, operating vehicle without insurance, and fail to renew expired vehicle registration, contested, found not committed on all charges.

Jordan Cliffton Cotter, Spokane, speeding (10 over), contested, found committed, $125; fail to renew expired vehicle registration, found not committed.

Edward Osmond Fiskland, Spokane, drinking alcoholic beverage in motor vehicle, contested, found not committed.

Lucio Reece Gonzalez, Ford, speeding (14 over), contested, found committed, $156; no valid operator’s license, found not committed.

Edna Ruth Heine, Chewelah, driving with wheels off roadway, contested, found not committed.

Naomi Laray Kahn, Athol, Idaho, speeding (15 over), contested, found not committed.

James Edward Mullendore, Tum Tum, speed too fast for conditions, $136.

Maricela Villa Negrete, Ephrata, Wash., speeding (25 over), $218; operating vehicle without insurance, dismissed, $25 administrative fee; fail to renew expired vehicle registration, $110.


Lincoln County Clerk

Decrees granted (First Quarter 2019) – Feb. 12: Luke Rosman and Paige Ashley Rosman. Feb. 15: Clayton W. Hammond and Lindsey K. Hammond. March 1: Jennifer Morton and Kelley W. Oliver. March 4: Justus C. Caudell and Ashley J. Zacherle. March 15: Kyle M. Craine and William J. Craine. March 18: Jill S. Plaskon and Joel D. Plaskon. March 25: Miranda R. Houghtaling and Buck C. Houghtaling.

New filings – March 29: Toni Lynn Herley and Kevin Joseph Herley, of Reardan, married Aug. 11, 2004, in Hawaii, separated Nov. 19, 2018, no dependent children of the marriage. April 8: Sharon L. Klingemann, of Davenport, and Jeffrey L. Klingemann, married Feb. 14, 1994, in Leavenworth, Wash., separated Nov. 15, 2012, no dependent children of the marriage. Also, 72 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.

Petitions for legal separation: 5 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.


Lincoln County Treasurer

These listings are extracted from Washington State Department of Revenue real estate excise tax affidavits filed with the Treasurer’s Office.

Robert G. Geissler, Davenport, to Jose M. Gonzalez Madera and Alea J. Gonzalez, Davenport – portion of southeast quarter of Sec. 7, T26N, R37E, $49,995.

Deer Meadows Golf, Inc., Ajo, Ariz., to SE Properties LLC, Spokane – property at 41499 North Sunday Bay Road, Davenport (portions of Sec. 6, T27N, R36E), $400,000.

Janet Cederblom, Kari Lynn Gilbert and Randall Keith Cederblom (co-trustees, Cederblom Living Trust), Edwall, to Randall Keith Cederblom, Edwall – property at 16782 North Oregon Street, Edwall (Lots 9-16, Blk. 7, Original Town of Edwall) and 1973 14x70 mobile home, $0.

Catholic Bishop of Spokane to Town of Odessa – portion of Sec. 7, T21N, R33E, $0.

Dian L. and William Schoville, Green Valley, Ariz., to David R. and Sherry D. Scott, Kennewick, Wash. – property at 4107 Southwind Drive, Seven Bays (Lots 7 and 8, Blk. 1, Plat 4, Seven Bays, Inc.), $250,000.

Dennis J. and Diana K. Hoffman, Seven Bays, to Mark J. Reinhardt and Paula J. Wallace, Worley, Idaho – property at 2303 Ponderosa Circle, Seven Bays (Lots 3 and 4, Blk. 3, Plat 2 of Seven Bays), $240,000.

Reinbold Ltd., Davenport, to E & D Ranches, Davenport – Lots 1-4, Zeal Short Plat (portion of southwest quarter of Sec. 22, T28N, R36E), $0.

Fred L. and Carmyleta C. Booher, Davenport, to Mark S. Booher, Carnation, Wash. – portion of northwest quarter of Sec. 26, T27N, R37E, including Lot 3, Western Pines subdivision, and 1997 manufactured home, $0.

Joseph F. and Kassia V. Guptill, Issaquah, Wash., to Dan C. and Joan D. Guptill (trustees, Guptill Living Trust), Electric City – portion of southwest quarter of Sec. 10, T28N, R31E, $0.

Donald and Patricia Lemmon, Ontario, Ore., to Cynthia Cross, Fruitland – portion of northwest quarter of Sec. 17, T24N, R35E (Wall Lake area), $35,000.

Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC, West Palm Beach, Fla., to U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Oklahoma City, Okla. – property at 42030 Fawn Lane North, Deer Meadows (Lot 41, Deer Meadows Tracts, Plat 2), $134,400.

Steven A. Hitchings, Des Moines, Wash., to Leif E. Forsythe, Airway Heights – property at 28401 Bachelor Prairie Road East, Creston (portion of Sec. 2, T26N, R35E), $52,500.

Richard Timothy Downing (also known as Richard T. Downing and R. Timothy Downing), Davenport, to Richard Timothy Downing, Davenport – portion of southwest quarter of Sec. 10 and portion of northwest quarter of Sec. 15, both in T27N, R37E, $0.

Carol J. Swedberg, Milwaukie, Ore., to Carol J. Swedberg and Karen Swedberg Broehl (co-trustees, Carol J. Swedberg Trust), Milwaukie, Ore. – south half of southwest quarter of Sec. 28, T27N, R34E, $0.

Connie L. Bennett, Spokane, to Julie and David Chambers, Deer Meadows – property at 41000 Sunday Bay North, Deer Meadows (Lot 28, Blk. 2, Deer Meadows Tracts Plat 3), $108,000.

Mary Lee Coleman (personal representative, estate of Howard Ray Coleman), Davenport, to Mary Lee Coleman (Davenport), Rita Lynn Lorah (Boise, Idaho), Daniel Raymond Coleman (Davenport) and Bonnie Lee Wolfe (Wilbur) – property at 43068 Coleman Road East (portion of northwest quarter of Sec. 29, T24N, R38E) and 2007 manufactured home, $0.


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